$ 0.484 1.30%
MonaCoin (MONA) Rank 686
Monacoin is a peer-to-peer payment network and digital currency based on an open source protocol.
- scrypt
- 1.5 minute block targets
- subsidy halves in 1051k blocks (~3 years)
- 105,120,000 total coins
- 50 coins per block
- DigiShield difficulty algorithm
Mkt.Cap | $ 50.85 M | Volume 24H | 13,503.00MONA |
Market share | 0% | Total Supply | 105.12 MMONA |
Proof type | PoW | Open | $ 0.48 |
Low | $ 0.48 | High | $ 0.49 |
MonaCoin Price Prediction for Tomorrow, Week, Month, Year, 2020 & 2023
One example is the Coinzark, which have delisted Monacoin a few days ago. To allow users to exchange Monacoin to Dogecoin, i have setup a Discord server. Volume from exchanges is considered untrusted if the exchange has little reputation and no License but reports suspiciously high trading volume in particular coins. The consensus on which the MonaCoin network is run is called Proof of Work, while the underlying algorithm is called Scrypt. You are about to leave CryptoSlate in order to visit a cryptocurrency or ICO website.

The currency can be stored in and exchanged through Monappy. This is an online platform where MonaCoin holders can exchange coins for digital assets, such as coupons, electronics, and other items.
Market share

It also adjusts the mining difficulty every block using the Dark Gravity Wave v3 algorithm. MonaCoin today, June 05, 2018, ranks 74th in the Coinmarketcap ranking. Adoption and use of cryptocurrencies has been much easier in Japan from a regulatory standpoint, with cryptocurrency considered a legal method of payment. Japan has a relatively high number of “smart” automatic teller machines (ATMs) capable of handing cryptocurrency trading.
Based on the historical price input data the system predicts the price of MonaCoin (MONA) for various period of the future. You can checkout the MonaCoin (MONA) price forecast for various period of the future like tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, after 5 years.

Speculation as to why MonaCoin was created often focuses on a cultural desire in Japan to create a national version of well-known products. Despite its strong association with Japan, MonaCoin is not designed to be a national cryptocurrency, such as Iceland’s Auroracoin.

MonaCoin Team

Reported Volume calculates volume from all exchanges with market pairs, but due to factors such as wash trading, it is considered an unreliable metric. Watanabe” is credited with the creation of Monacoin, which appears to be an homage to Satoshi Nakamoto. Watanabe is one of the most common Japanese surnames and has its roots in the ferrymen’s guild of medieval times. capable of mining MONA, VERT, and other Lyra2REv2 cryptos. It’ll be interesting to see how the ASIC resistance movement evolves throughout 2019.

group MonaCoin Community Analysis
- Market Overview Watch updated crypto prices, market caps, volumes.
- The consensus on which the MonaCoin network is run is called Proof of Work, while the underlying algorithm is called Scrypt.
- Trading and investing in digital assets is highly speculative and comes with many risks.
- This is a major arms race in crypto that’s unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.
- MonaCoin is currently at the #50 place in front of Theta Token (THETA).
Besides Bitcoin, Monacoin is accepted in some stores in Japan. Monacoin is a pure cryptocurrency meant to be used strictly as digital cash. It launched January 1, 2014, alongside a Bitcoin Forum post that’s a great place to keep up with updates throughout the project’s lifetime.

The algorithm that powers the cryptocurrency is called Lyra2RE(v2), and the currency itself is a fork from Litecoin. New coins are issued as payment for mining activities, which allow the ownerships of tokens to be recorded into the MonaCoin blockchain. In order to overtake the predecessor Insight Chain (INB), the price would have to rise to 1,661 € (+3,14 %). For MonaCoin to become the number one global cryptocurrency and defeat Bitcoin (BTC), a minimum price of at least 2.407,515 € (+149.366,69 %) is necessary.

Monacoin also readjusts its difficulty every block, another similarity it shares with Vertcoin. To accomplish this, Monacoin employs the Dark Gravity Wave v3 algorithm.
Convert between MONA and USD with the live MonaCoin prices, aggregated from all big exchanges that trade MonaCoin. Like its predecessors, the coin was created purely to serve as P2P electronic cash, a decentralized digital currency aimed at Japanese citizens. Monacoin was created by an unknown party, but its development keeps up with the rest of the blockchain industry, implementing Segwit and Lightning. Block processing times for Monacoin are 1.5 minutes, and reward halving occurs approximately every three years. Mining difficulty is adjusted every block, and it’s still possible (although not easy) to mine with a CPU or GPU.

crypto-bridge.org — decentralized multi-currency exchange, working without trading commissions, with small trading volumes with Monacoin. In 2014 at Coindesk, MonaCoin received the name "cat meme cryptocurrency" for using as a logo the image of the cat. MonaCoin Foundation, a group of enthusiasts not related to developers, is responsible for the marketing component of the project. MonaCoin bills itself as the first Japanese cryptocurrency, and is predominately used in Japan.
Watanabe,” who – like bitcoin’s Satoshi Nakamoto– has never been incontrovertibly identified. Simply put, Monacoin operates purely as a digital currency.
Welcome to CryptoSummary.co where you can find the quickest info about the crypto market overall. Easily see the coins which have hype and read the news affecting the market.
The idea of MonaCoin was conceived from a Japan-based bulletin board called 2-Channel (2?????) by a user who goes by the handle of 'Mr Watanabe'. At the moment 63.703.750 of 105.120.000 MonaCoin are available, that means 60,60 % of all units are in circulation.

The technical analysis using the algorithm says that the price of MonaCoin (MONA) will not decrease or fall or drop in long term. Seeing today's moment the algorithm says that the price of MonaCoin (MONA) tomorrow will be around $1.1010. Monacoin is a Japanese blockchain, that aims to create a decentralized and global gaming, application and supply market. Real-time and manually curated cryptocurrency data brought to you by CoinMarketCap, CryptoCompare, IntoTheBlock and CryptoSlate.

Before using the official thick wallet, users will need to fully download the MONA blockchain, which will take at least 2 hours depending on the connection speed and the Internet. Choosing MonaCoin pools, users need to get acquainted with the conditions of distribution of the award, the frequency of payments and the size of commissions.