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Ampleforth (AMPL) Rank 711

Market Cap $46.42 M
Volume 24H 33430 AMPL
Open 24H $1.072
Low/High $1.064 - $1.099
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Ampleforth is a digital-asset-protocol for smart commodity-money. The smart commodity money with a unique elastic supply protocol. AMPL supply expands and contracts in response to it’s price deviating from a 1 USD target. Deviations result in a supply change of AMPLs once every 24 hours, increasing or decreasing the number of tokens in each holder’s wallet pro-rata. Ampleforth is the only asset in the world with this elastic supply property, and therefore has counter-cyclical trading pressure and is uncorrelated with other digital assets such as Bitcoin.

Mkt.Cap $ 46.42 M Volume 24H 33,430.00AMPL
Market share 0% Total Supply 50 MAMPL
Proof type N/A Open $ 1.07
Low $ 1.06 High $ 1.10

O'Brien Timeline in 1984

He's a poet who works at the Ministry of Truth, which is the government ministry that churns out all the propaganda and rewrites history and fine art. He's a colleague of the novel's protagonist, Winston Smith, in the Records Department.

Winston is a quiet 39-year-old man living in Oceania in the year 1984. A Party member, Winston works at the Ministry of Truth correcting "errors" in past publications. Winston is also an amateur intellectual who nurses a secret hatred of the Party. To protect himself from discovery, Winston goes through the motions of outward orthodoxy, but relishes his internal world of dreams, memories and speculation about the past.

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How to say ROOM 101 in sign language?

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Winston's wife, who never appears directly in the book but is discussed at some length. In a conversation with Julia, Winston reveals he was once tempted to murder Katharine when they were separated from others on a nature walk. However, he did not, and he assumes Katharine still lives, although he has not seen her in years. A "friend" of Winston's and a philologist working on the Eleventh Edition of the Newspeak Dictionary.

Take the Book One: Chapters 4-6 Quick Quiz

They later met O’Brien who recruited them into the Brotherhood. However, during one of their secret meetings in the rented room, Julia and Winston were arrested. They were betrayed by Mr. Charrington who was actually an undercover member of the Thought Police and O’Brien who was a devoted Inner Party member.

Ampleforth, a poet whose crime was leaving the word “God” in a Rudyard Kipling translation, is tossed into the cell. He is soon dragged away to the dreaded Room 101, a place of mysterious and unspeakable horror. Winston shares his cell with a variety of fellow prisoners, including his flatulent neighbor Parsons, who was turned in by his own children for committing thoughtcrime. A former prominent Inner Party member who received the Order of Conspicuous Merit, Second Class. The subject of a "correction" Winston must make at the Ministry of Truth after Withers is vaporized.

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He does this because he is trying to control what Winston knows is true. O'Brien still isn't satisfied because he knows that Winston is only forcing himself to say "5" when really he believes its "4". He is trying to teach him to believe whatever the party says is true even though they go against common sense.

What is Facecrime?

Room 101 always contains a person's greatest fear, the one thing that is absolutely unbearable for them to endure. As O'Brien says, the specifics of this fear vary from person to person. The Party uses this fear to infiltrate a person's mind and completely break them down psychologically.

Winston feels that even if O'Brien is an enemy, it wouldn't matter because he knows O'Brien will understand him without explanation. He can be fatherly - and even tender - even while fanatically expressing his devotion to the Party by torturing Winston. A 26-year-old Party member who works in the Fiction Department of the Ministry of Truth. Julia also secretly despises the Party, but accepts its rule over her and therefore outwardly appears to be zealously devoted to the Party's causes.

What is Blackwhite?

vaporize. As the structure of the word suggests, vaporize means "turn into vapor." Sometimes this means just turning into gas, like when boiling water turns into steam and rises into the atmosphere. Other times, something more concentrated is left behind, like when maple sap is boiled down into syrup.

A large, burly man with a thick neck and a brutal face, an Inner Party member, he wears ominous if unfashionable black overalls. A prominent Inner Party member with whom Winston feels a strange bond.

by George Orwell

  • Winston rents the room above the shop from Mr. Charrington for his love affair with Julia.
  • He works as a clerk at the Records Department in the Ministry of Truth, and his job description entails rewriting historical documents to match the current Party affairs and paint Big Brother in a perfect light.
  • Upon his release, he is a shell of a man, yet also an ideal, loyal, and devoted Party member.
  • He does this because he is trying to control what Winston knows is true.

They are betrayed because they all allow Winston and Julia to rent a room in Charrington's shop where they carry out the physical aspects of their clandestine affair and they implicate themselves inextricably. When the iron voice behind the picture orders them to "remain exactly where you are. Make no movement until you are ordered" (230) they realize they have been betrayed. Betrayal also occurs later in the novel when Winston is interrogated in Room 101.

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This would be consistent with the way O'Brien plays all sorts of mind games with Winston in the next chapter. A few of the clearest examples follow, but these are by no means the only ones.

What is Facecrime?

Winston views O'Brien as a great leader who is opposed to the Party and believes him by following his gut. Winston seems to have an ambivalent relationship with O'Brien. He has a lot of respect for him, but he also despises him the same way he despises the Inner Party.

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Summary: Chapter III

Winston speculates that the Party rules the proles for their own good. O’Brien tortures him for this answer, saying that the Party’s only goal is absolute, endless, and limitless power. Winston argues that the Party cannot alter the stars or the universe; O’Brien answers that it could if it needed to because the only reality that matters is in the human mind, which the Party controls. O’Brien tells Winston that the Party has perfected the system practiced by the Inquisition, the Nazis, and the Soviets—it has learned how to eliminate its enemies without making martyrs of them. It converts them, and then ensures that, in the eyes of the people, they cease to exist.

Did Julia betray Winston?

He begins to love O'Brien, because O'Brien stops the pain; he even convinces himself that O'Brien isn't the source of the pain. O'Brien tells Winston that Winston's current outlook is insane, but that torture will cure him. O'Brien offers to answer his questions, and Winston asks about Julia.

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Since Comrade Withers was executed as an enemy of the Party, it is unacceptable to have a document on file praising him as a loyal Party member. After weeks of interrogation and torture, O’Brien tells Winston about the Party’s motives.

O'Brien and the State have been observing Winston for years through the viewscreens;

Winston thinks fleetingly of Julia, wonders if she is suffering more than he is, but he can only really concentrate on his own predicament. Winston has lunch with a man named Syme, an intelligent Party member who works on a revised dictionary of Newspeak, the official language of Oceania. Syme tells Winston that Newspeak aims to narrow the range of thought to render thoughtcrime impossible.

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Winston and Julia got involved in an affair, an act which the Party prohibited. The Party ideals advocated for hatred and banned promiscuity among its members. This means that they were doing something wrong and if caught they would be eliminated. They therefore sought to keep their involvement clandestine and Winston rented a room on top of a junk shop owned by Mr. Charrington, the individual who had previously sold him a diary. The two continue to meet in this room where they discussed very serious matters including their intention to join the Brotherhood, an outlaw group led by Goldstein, enemy of the people.

by George Orwell

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We do see that they kill Winston, even after he breaks -- perhaps they had no use for Winston, but O'Brien was more useful to them. The above is a quote from the end of 1984, with added emphasis. O'Brien posed as a member of the resistance to entrap Winston, who was trying to end the domination of the Party. There were only 12 other words in the English language that rhymed with rod and he felt that he had no other choice.

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