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Inspiration dictionary definition

Since the English language is so complex, people may disagree about which words truly have opposite meanings. With the examples of antonyms listed below, we try to clear that up and offer some tactics for choosing the most appropriate word every time. A victim mentality can usually be traced back to one’s childhood, as a survival mechanism or as a learned behavior that we observed from our parents. The next step is to shift your thoughts from feeling like a victim to realizing that you are a survivor. It’s incredibly freeing when you realize you are no longer a victim of your life circumstances.

What is the meaning of aspire to inspire before we expire?

Synonyms of inspire bear up, buck up, buoy (up), cheer (up), chirk (up), embolden, encourage, hearten, inspirit, steel.

I’d go for – Inspire to Aspire. In this spirited place, we are open to be inspired.

Someone came into our life in some way, and we feel differently because of their message or actions. RIZZARR is the only social media platform in the world created by Millennials, for Millennials to share their thoughts to make an impact. Our mission is to gather the largest collection of Millennial voices from around the world to empower them and to positively transform their lives. RIZZARR stems from the Spanish word rizar, which means “to ripple.” We’re based on the idea of the ripple effect—how one person can use their life and passions to make an impact. The Olympics often inspire people to take up a sport, but they can also inspire patriotism.

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What does it mean to aspire to something?

Desire is a sense of longing or hoping for a person, object, or outcome. The same sense is expressed by emotions such as "craving". When a person desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item or person, and they want to take actions to obtain their goal.

She also completed International Business and Global Affairs Master’s studies in the International University of Monaco. You can aspire but not achieve without inspiration. However, you can aspire to achieve if you’re inspired. While, I agree that inspiration alone without self-efforts and action doesn’t help much. However, I’d differ a bit, I hope you don’t mind.

Inspiration coupled with aspiration takes you from feeling good to receiving inspired thought and right into powerful, directed action! Thank you for this great reminder. Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings.

What do you call a person who inspires you?

Inspiration is defined as, “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.” Aspiration is, “a hope or ambition of achieving something.” Stimulation versus ambition. Excitement versus action.

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Nearby Words

Without a solid inflow of inspiration, aspirations may become hollow or off-target. Without inspiring others, we become figurines, standing for many to see but no one to hear. We read a quote, and we experience a warm feeling inside, calling us to think and work in a better way. We hear someone speak, and we stand up in an ovation of a call to act differently. We read a book, and we close it while opening up a new chapter in our life.

Do You Need to Aspire to Inspire?

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Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into.

People who have a victim mentality believe that life happens to them rather than for them. As a result, they are quick to feel victimized when something doesn’t go as planned. One of the hardest things to deal with when you live with a victim mentality is feeling helpless. When bad things happen, it’s easy to feel like you have no control over the situation. Finding inspiration has never been a challenge for me.

  • Jon – great post, I agree that inspiration is so uplifting but without aspiring there is no action that takes place.
  • However, you can aspire to achieve if you’re inspired.
  • A victim mentality can usually be traced back to one’s childhood, as a survival mechanism or as a learned behavior that we observed from our parents.
  • RIZZARR stems from the Spanish word rizar, which means “to ripple.” We’re based on the idea of the ripple effect—how one person can use their life and passions to make an impact.
  • Inga is a University of Southern California graduate with a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship and minor in communication design.

What is an antonym for aspire?

To aspire is to rise up to a great plan, an abundant hope of fulfilling a worthwhile mission. To inspire is to convey a feeling of joining a higher cause, influencing soulful action. Simply defined, aspire is an individual effort while inspire brings others into the mix.

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Inga Stasiulionyte is an Olympian athlete and javelin thrower who competed at the at the Beijing Olympic Games during her 20-year career. Besides developing her career in sports, Inga simultaneously pursued a career in business, working with executives as a life coach. Inga’s dream is to provide access to everyone to the knowledge, tools and training that she received in sports that helped her win. She cooperated with a motivational writer to create Onbotraining.com, a motivational online coaching program that inspires people to reach their goals in life. Inga is a University of Southern California graduate with a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship and minor in communication design.

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Get even more translations for aspire »

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Like so much of the English language, “antonym” is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means opposite, while onym means name. Opposite name – that makes sense!

What is the difference between inspiration and aspiration?

Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings. Like so much of the English language, "antonym" is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means opposite, while onym means name.

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We also are committed to aspire to do great things in our life and in the way we lead. It energizes others, arousing them to do more and engage completely. When we add in the right mix of inspiration and aspiration, something magical happens. We have lofty goals; we have a meaningful mission.

aspire Sentence Examples

What we aspire to do stirs inspiration in others to join in. And, we are open to be inspired. It’s the fuel for our aspirations. Now, some would argue that one cannot aspire without some inspiration. Although there is some truth to this, there are people who have that inner drive and are comfortable pursuing large, meaningful goals without much inspiration coming in.

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The first step to breaking out of a victim mentality is understanding and accepting that you have one. Let’s look at four signs that you have a victim mentality and find ways how to break free from it. If you are like most people, then you have probably told yourself that things would be better if there were certain changes in your life or changes to yourself. You can make those positive changes yourself. Be proactive, and have a more positive outlook about yourself.

Word of the day

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I’m a pretty emotional person; it doesn’t take much to get my juices flowing. The etymology of aspire and inspire are very close. Jon – great post, I agree that inspiration is so uplifting but without aspiring there is no action that takes place.

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Who said aspire to inspire?

An inspiring person has two core beliefs. They believe in themselves and they believe in others. Behind those two beliefs is a lot of hard work. When they speak of their ambitions, it is with great passion, optimism and enthusiasm. When backed into a corner, the inspiring person will find a way out of the situation.