$ 0.134 6.63%

BitCrystals (BCY) Rank 2223

Market Cap $0.000
Volume 24H 0 BCY
Open 24H $0.126
Low/High $0.125 - $0.135
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BitCrystals is the official Spells of Genesis (SoG) crypto currency. SoG is upcoming mobile game with a storyline based on bitcoin. BCY is a tradable Counterparty asset that will allow gamers to have ownership of their game items in and outisde the game database. 

70,000,000 BitCrystals were distributed during the sale and pre-sale periods in exchange for 974 btc that will be used for SoG game development.

The BitCrystals Token Sale started on August 4th, it ended on September 3rd, 2015

Mkt.Cap $ 0.00000000 Volume 24H 0.00000000BCY
Market share 0% Total Supply 100 MBCY
Proof type Open $ 0.13
Low $ 0.13 High $ 0.13