$ 0.090 2.53%

Bluzelle (BLZ) Rank 725

Market Cap $45.01 M
Volume 24H 45519496 BLZ
Open 24H $0.088
Low/High $0.085 - $0.091
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Mkt.Cap $ 45.01 M Volume 24H 45.52 MBLZ
Market share 0% Total Supply 500 MBLZ
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.09
Low $ 0.08 High $ 0.09

Bluzelle — ICO Review

This option is primarily used for administrative database operations, such as creating a database. Call setUUID(string, uuid) before making any DB calls - this configures which distinct database you connect to. Your UUID should conform to UUIDv4, such as that found here. Bluzelle uses #blockchain and #EdgeComputing for greater performance and security. Because at the moment the use of the platform is too complicated for “common” end users.

Fails when a response is not received from the connection or internal error. The reason for having two tokens is that Ethereum and its ERC-20 tokens are too slow and expensive for real-time database accounting. The BNT internal native token exists to enable high-speed, zero-cost, and real-time database accounting, while the BLZ allows customers to easily obtain access to the Bluzelle service. Fails when a response is not received from the connection or invalid value. Many decentralized file storage blockchain solutions have come to the market.

What is Universal Protocol? An Alliance to Connect Digital Assets

Bluzelle description

The underlying infrastructure of Bluzelle runs its own blockchain and BNT tokens. Fails when a response is not received or the key does not exist in the database. Fails when a response is not received from the connection or key not in database. Fails when a response is not recieved or the key does not exist in the database.

dApp developers are supposed to be the primary target, but this is probably due to their knowledge about cryptocurrencies. Bluzelle has a very good business case and fills a niche in distributed database computing services. The service is meant to be used in conjunction with other decentralized cloud offerings such as decentralized file hosting for building reliable and scalable dApps that are affordable and secure. The Bluzelle team has set out an extensive roadmap that will roll out over the next two years.

Lastly, data streaming networks connected to Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart cars also require databases. These devices collect immense amounts of data which need to be stored and managed. They provide this to the network at a cost but also get information from the network for which they have to pay using BLZ tokens. The Ethereum blockchain, as it stands, is too slow and expensive to use for real-time database reading and writing operations so the BNT token takes care of this process at zero extra cost. It creates a parallel blockchain to the main Ethereum network that ensures a high performance.

Etherscan Dapp Page enables an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for you to interact with the Smart Contract on the Ethereum Blockchain. The owner is the public key of the user that created the database. The writers array lists the public keys of users that are allowed to make changes to the database. (Optional) When set to true, also logs JSON-ified versions of the database messages.

Bluzelle description

If you want to act on the result of your database operations (and presumably you do, at least for reads), then override some or all of the callback methods. Bluzelle uses UUID's to identify distinct databases on a single swarm.

Every one of these will require massive amounts of data to be sent and received. Bluzelle provides a platform for enterprise-grade database solutions at a price that regular dApp developers can afford. It also provides reliability as the network nodes are spread across the globe and there can be no single point of failure. The database structure is easily scalable so that dApps can grow with the amount of information that is collected.

Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, NEO, Kyber, and other top cryptocurrencies, altcoins and ICOs in the blockchain and crypto assets community are discussed in depth. But the question arises if a token is strictly necessary.

Bluzelle Networks develops a decentralized, blockchain-based database platform that distributes data across many nodes, instead of storing all information in a centralized cloud system. It enables renting individuals' computer storage space to earn tokens while dApp developers use tokens to have their dApp's data stored and managed.

Bluzelle description

Database Functions

Bluzelle description

There is a small transaction fee on the conversion of the BLZ token to the internal BNT token. This is automatically subtracted from the transaction and sent to an Ethereum wallet owned by Bluzelle. This means that the network consists of groups of computers that collaborate to manage and store data. These nodes are independent players and can join or leave the network as they wish. The project solves a pain point encountered by many dApps and we believe the team has the capability to execute the project’s vision.

Fails when a response is not received from the connection or the key is not in the database. Consumers are the developers who use the database services for their dApps and have to buy and spend tokens. There is protection built into the blockchain in the form of Ethereum smart contracts where a consumer will get a refund of tokens if, for example the provider did not meet the agreed service levels. A producer is anyone who rents out their computer resources on the Bluzelle network and earns BLZ tokens.

If Bluzelle is successful in capturing a meaningful market share, the potential is substantial. Bluzelle’s main competitor is BigchainDB but BigchainDB is more focused on enterprises while Bluzelle is focusing on dApps. We believe Bluzelle will be providing services to many dApps going forward, giving the project constant stream of news flow which is important in the crypto market. Bluzelle database knows exactly what is being asked for and only responds with the needed data, making accessing and changing data more efficient.

Their short term goals include building a Bluzelle Developer Community centered around developers. Developers are easy to reach online and are an ideal target market for emerging solutions. The aim is to tap into their passion for technology and to get them to build exciting products that function on the Bluzelle ecosystem. This will also help with feedback to create a solid product for the future consumers of Bluzelle.

  • Consumers are the developers who use the database services for their dApps and have to buy and spend tokens.
  • The service is meant to be used in conjunction with other decentralized cloud offerings such as decentralized file hosting for building reliable and scalable dApps that are affordable and secure.
  • These nodes are independent players and can join or leave the network as they wish.
  • Bluzelle is actually a meta-swarm meaning it has multiple swarms or networks within the main network.
Bluzelle description

It is secure as the risk of hacker exploits are minimal and the data is spread across many different devices. Returns a promise resolving to a boolean signifying whether the database exists. (Optional) When set to true, establishes a connection with every remote swarm rather than selecting one based upon uuid.

Bluzelle description

Once you have BLZ tokens, you can exchange them on the Bluzelle network for BNT tokens. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be over 20 billion connect devices to the internet.

Bluzelle followed

Bluzelle description

Fails when a response is not received or the database does not exist. Fails when a response is not received from the connection, the key does not exist, or invalid value. Fails when a response is not received from the connection, the key doesn't exist, or invalid value. Fails when a response is not received from the connection, the key already exists, or invalid value.

Bluzelle description

We recommend using Version 4 of the universally unique identifier. The Bluzelle JavaScript library works with promises to model asynchronous behavior. Ensure that dependent calls to the Bluzelle database are within .then() calls as in the sample application to the right.

A shard can be seen as a single chunk or a small piece of data. This works like downloading a web torrent where data is requested in parallel from the nearest swarm or seed. The little chunks of data are then collected in an efficient manner which in turn translates to high performance. In this way Bluzelle has to deal with consensus differently than other blockchains.

What are the BLZ and BNT Tokens?

A promise resolving to a boolean value, true of false, representing whether or not the key is in the database. The aim is to get Bluzelle integrated into cloud products that developers use so that they can easily find and implement it. The idea is that when developers deploy their dApps using a cloud hosting service they can easily select Bluzelle’s decentralized database without additional knowledge of how to set it up.

To date no company has set out to create a solution for the decentralized database problem. As the use of decentralized applications or dApps grows on the Ethereum ecosystem the need for an appropriate decentralized database provider is long overdue. Bluzelle positions itself as a marketplace for data storage and management in the sharing economy.

Bluzelle description

It caters to software developers and enterprise software architects. Bluzelle Networks was formerly known as Bluestreet Finance and changed its name in July, 2015. Fails when a response is not received from the connection, expiry does not exist, or internal error.

Elaborately, BLZ tokens first have to be bought on Exchanges and then sent to the Bluzelle Gateway Smart Contract to finally use BNT tokens on the platform itself. BNT is an internal token required on the Bluzelle blockchain. Tokens are automatically converted from BLZ to BNT on the Bluzelle Token Gateway to create a seamless experience for users. There is no need for a network-wide agreement as in other blockchain technologies where the entire blockchain needs to be synchronized.


Also, integrating Bluzelle with the most popular programming IDEs will target native app developers. Built-in tools for operating systems and popular browsers are also planned so that developers can easily access and store table data. Prediction markets that require fast access to reliable data to attract new customers and provide a trustworthy service. This requires a massive amount of data to make informed decisions. Historical data can be used to help people make better predictions based on fact and not only speculation.

We believe that a decentralized database management solution is needed in the majority of dApps, so Bluzelle has great potential if dApps become widely used. Decentralized database management is a big market and has many use cases.