$ 0.000 6.61%

EduCoin (EDU) Rank 2076

Market Cap $5,433.000
Volume 24H 0 EDU
Open 24H $0.000
Low/High $0.000 - $0.000
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Mkt.Cap $ 5,433.00 Volume 24H 0.00000000EDU
Market share 0% Total Supply 15 BEDU
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.00000034
Low $ 0.00000034 High $ 0.00000036


Public blockchains and permissioned distributed ledgers could be applied successfully in many ways to education and learning. They offer several advantages over the traditional distributed database management systems (DDBMSs) that have been the backbone of earlier educational technology infrastructures.

EduCoin description

The only way anyone can use the platform will be by utilizing EduCoins creating real use of the token. EduCoin is a decentralized education platform built on blockchain and smart contract technologies for online education content sharing and service. EduCoin is focused on facilitating the utilization and provision of education services, sharing of education research and development, and the monitoring and assessment of teaching quality to solve the problem of information asymmetry and fairness in education. CryptoStatZ shows the most accurate live prices, charts and market rates from trusted top crypto exchanges globally.

Educoin (EDU) Circulating 0

Assuming miners continue to earn bitcoins as a reward for successfully adding a block, a pool of rational miners should be willing to spend almost a bitcoin of processing energy to make a bitcoin. As the price of a bitcoin rises — in 2009, it traded at $27, while in December 2017, it topped $19,000 — overall energy consumption will continue to increase.

EduCoin description

If, say, a public blockchain credential claims that Bob got a badge from Alice, it means that anyone can now be confident that Bob did indeed get a specific badge (at a specific time) from Alice. However, this immutable authenticity says nothing about the value or real competencies that Bob gained; the badge might be as valuable as an MIT credential or as worthless as a degree-mill diploma.

Open Badges: A Transformative Step?

EduCoin description

Those who also have substantial investments in education technology include Union Square Ventures, Khosla Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, and Andreessen Horowitz. New blocks are created by a process called “mining,” which validates new transactions and adds them to the chain. In Bitcoin, a new block is mined every 10 minutes (that rate is different for different cryptocurrencies’ blockchains). The miner (the machine) that mines the new block is rewarded financially – in the case of Bitcoin, the miner receives Bitcoin (currently 25 per block, but that figure will halve later this year), as well as a cut of the transaction fees for all transactions on the block.

This dynamic ecosystem of permissioned ledgers, providers, and recipients could disrupt the traditional organization of education, but it is probably too soon to declare a revolution in learning. Such evolutionary uses of ledgers in education, at least in the near future, are likely to be more common than revolutionary ones. As the above discussion shows, applying bitcoin's public blockchain to education entails significant limitations.

EduCoin description

Although they have already shown promise in managing educational records, permissioned distributed ledgers have their own limitations. Thus, before they can be used successfully on a large scale, several challenges must be addressed. In a permissioned system, credential issuers are vetted by members, so they are guaranteed to meet the community's formal or informal accrediting standards; this addresses the blockchain issues with quality in relation to off-chain asset management.

EduCoin description

Today EduCoin price in US dollars is currently 0.0001 USD, and if converted to Bitcoin is 0. EduCoin prices are currently experiencing a change of 5.64 %, check all cryptocurrency.

EduCoin description

A cryptocurrency runs on a blockchain, which is a shared ledger or document duplicated several times across a network of computers. The updated document is distributed and made available to all holders of the cryptocurrency. Or maybe we are layering one technology (and its correspondent ideology) onto another technology (and its correspondent ideology) and expecting (or hoping) institutions be disrupted.

  • In a permissioned system, credential issuers are vetted by members, so they are guaranteed to meet the community's formal or informal accrediting standards; this addresses the blockchain issues with quality in relation to off-chain asset management.
  • Several possibilities arise based on ideas from blockchains that provide trustworthy intellectual property records.
  • Blockcerts certificates are already compliant with Open Badge standards.13 Second, it provides the kind of information that should be added to credential records to articulate their quality and trustworthiness.
  • In addition it is also possible to identify those technologies, which may be common to a number of potential future science missions.

Health Education, Advocacy and Community Mobilisation Module: 11. Counselling and Group Work in Health Education

EduCoin description

Over the past 24 hours 0.000 M US dollars EduCoin has been traded on Crypto Exchanges. Get EduCoin's progress by adding it to your favourites and creating a free portfolio if you wish.

EduCoin description

The internet era has generated a requirement for low cost, anonymous and rapidly verifiable transactions to be used for online barter, and fast settling money have emerged as a consequence. For the most part, e-money has fulfilled this role, but the last few years have seen two new types of money emerge. Centralised virtual currencies, usually for the purpose of transacting in social and gaming economies, and crypto-currencies, which aim to eliminate the need for financial intermediaries by offering direct peer-to-peer online payments. We describe the historical context which led to the development of these currencies and some modern and recent trends in their uptake, in terms of both usage in the real economy and as investment products.

Potentials for linking informal or non-formal learning to formal learning have become salient. However, the means to assess and visualize one’s own lifewide and lifelong learning paths organizing all those learning resources are rarely discussed.

Blockchain technology back in 2009 was mainly used for finance use cases due to the cryptocurrency support of the Bitcoin and the Ethereum networks. Nowadays with the emergence of business oriented distributed ledger frameworks we can find blockchain (BC) in almost every aspect of our everyday real-life transactions.

For the last few years, blockchain and Bitcoin have been hailed as “the next big thing,” and there have been plenty of predictions about a coming boom in funding for the sector. The Bitcoin news site CoinDesk has compiled a database of investments in Bitcoin- and blockchain-related startups, and from that (in mid 2015) it created a list of the ten most influential venture capital firms in the industry.

EduCoin description

Crypto Airdrops coin prices

Bitcoin really took off in 2013, as more websites started accepting the currency, as investors started funding more Bitcoin-related startups (more on investment in a section below), and as the price surged, hitting a record high of $1108 per Bitcoin in November of that year. The Department of Homeland Security shut down the Bitcoin exchange (formerly a Magic the Gathering exchange) Mt. Gox in 2013, which was at the time handling almost 70% of Bitcoin transactions. Mt. Gox declared bankruptcy the following year, amidst reports that some 744,000 bitcoins had been stolen from the site. Admittedly, I haven’t bothered to learn much about blockchain or Bitcoin either, despite the last few years of zealous headlines in various tech publications. I haven’t included either in any of the “Top Ed-Tech Trends” series I’ve written.

EduCoin description

Education and the Blockchain

EduCoin description

Other educators want to use blockchains to promote the use of badges, which are much smaller-scoped credentials. Other badges might recognize achievements, such as being a student tutor, that formal credentials rarely record. The public blockchain may be ideally suited to currency, but when it is applied to other areas, its benefits are offset by several limitations.

The administrative departments should be able to handle grading, admissions, enrolments and recognition of certificates securely and quickly. Course managers should not only have faith in e-learning but also in e-assessment. And finally, learners should be able to access course material from anywhere and take exams outside the institutes where they are enrolled. Immutability to changes made retroactively seem to make Blockchain systems the perfect technology to secure data and in combination with digital signatures for identity verification, Blockchain could become the key to digital transformation in education.