$ 0.315 1.98%

aelf (ELF) Rank 274

Market Cap $277.11 M
Volume 24H 3721228 ELF
Open 24H $0.309
Low/High $0.306 - $0.316
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Mkt.Cap $ 277.11 M Volume 24H 3.72 MELF
Market share 0% Total Supply 1000 MELF
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.31
Low $ 0.31 High $ 0.32


An important aspect of dealing with counterproductive behavior is identifying where it might be coming from. There are many reasons why a person might act in a way that proves damaging to his or her own well-being. Some individuals, of course, spend much of their lives struggling with powerful cravings for food, drink, gambling, or other temptations that come at a painful cost to their health or relationships. A familiar feature of ancient Greek philosophy and culture is the Delphic maxim “Know Thyself”.

But what is it that one knows if one knows oneself? In Sophocles’ Oedipus, Oedipus knows a number of things about himself, for example that he was prophesied to kill Laius.

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The word elf is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant 'white being'. Reconstructing the early concept of an elf depends largely on texts, written by Christians, in Old and Middle English, medieval German, and Old Norse.

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Still, beliefs in elves persisted in the early modern period, particularly in Scotland and Scandinavia, where elves were thought of as magically powerful people living, usually invisibly, alongside everyday human communities. They continued to be associated with causing illnesses and with sexual threats. For example, a number of early modern ballads in the British Isles and Scandinavia, originating in the medieval period, describe elves attempting to seduce or abduct human characters.


The "Christmas elves" of contemporary popular culture are a relatively recent tradition, popularized during the late nineteenth-century in the United States. Elves entered the twentieth-century high fantasy genre in the wake of works published by authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien; these re-popularised the idea of elves as human-sized and humanlike beings. Elves remain a prominent feature of fantasy books and games nowadays.

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The event will run for almost 2 weeks, concluding on Tuesday, Nov 5th. This bounty program will revolve around the aelf Enterprise 0.8.0 Beta platform and test tokens. Users can expect to receive between 288–18,888 ELF per bug reported which equates to approximately $1,500 USD (At time of press). A Dictionary of English Surnames. Orang bunian are supernatural beings in Malaysian, Bruneian and Indonesian folklore,[162] invisible to most humans except those with spiritual sight.

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  • While the term is often translated as "elves", it literally translates to "hidden people" or "whistling people".
  • These associate elves variously with the gods of Norse mythology, with causing illness, with magic, and with beauty and seduction.
  • Still, it is possible to overcome almost any form of self-sabotage.
  • Still, beliefs in elves persisted in the early modern period, particularly in Scotland and Scandinavia, where elves were thought of as magically powerful people living, usually invisibly, alongside everyday human communities.
  • Their appearance is nearly identical to humans dressed in an ancient Southeast Asian style.

While the term is often translated as "elves", it literally translates to "hidden people" or "whistling people". Their appearance is nearly identical to humans dressed in an ancient Southeast Asian style. Beliefs in humanlike supernatural beings are widespread in human cultures, and many such beings may be referred to as elves in English. Even in the twenty-first century, fantasy stories about elves have been argued both to reflect and to shape their audiences' understanding of the real world,[5][6] and traditions about Santa Claus and his elves relate to Christmas. From this Romanticist elite culture came the elves of popular culture that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

However, from the early modern period onwards, elves started to be prominent in the literature and art of educated elites. These literary elves were imagined as small, impish beings, with William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream being a key development of this idea. In the eighteenth century, German Romanticist writers were influenced by this notion of the elf, and reimported the English word elf into the German language.

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But although he knew this about himself, it is only later in the play that he comes to know that it is he himself of whom it is true. That is, he moves from thinking that the son of Laius and Jocasta was prophesied to kill Laius, to thinking that he himself was so prophesied. It is only this latter knowledge that we would call an expression of self-consciousness and that, we may presume, is the object of the Delphic maxim. During the course of the drama Oedipus comes to know himself, with tragic consequences. But just what this self-consciousness amounts to, and how it might be connected to other aspects of the mind, most notably consciousness itself, is less clear.

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1. Self-Consciousness in the History of Philosophy

Aelf also has a rewards system – Candy. With the Candy rewards system, you earn points, convertible for ELF, by accomplishing simple, daily tasks. Tasks include liking and replying to aelf tweets, inviting people to the Telegram channel, and other promotional activities. You can sign-up for the Candy program here.

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It has, perhaps unsurprisingly, been the topic of considerable discussion since the Greeks. During the early modern period self-consciousness became central to a number of philosophical issues and, with Kant and the post-Kantians, came to be seen as one of the most important topics in epistemology and the philosophy of mind. People aren't always aware that they are sabotaging themselves, and connecting a behavior to self-defeating consequences is no guarantee that a person will disengage from it. Still, it is possible to overcome almost any form of self-sabotage.

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Examples from the Web for elf

These associate elves variously with the gods of Norse mythology, with causing illness, with magic, and with beauty and seduction. With urbanisation and industrialisation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, beliefs in elves declined rapidly (though Iceland has some claim to continued popular belief in elves).

Behavioral therapies can aid in interrupting ingrained patterns of thought and action while strengthening deliberation and self-regulation. Motivational therapies can also help reconnect people with their goals and values. On Oct 24th, 2019 aelf’s biggest bug bounty will launch with a large reward pool.