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Fission & Fusion

Fusion description

Until there is something that can sustain the high temperatures, no future for the energy source is for seeable. By far, the biggest advantage of this form of power is that it is cheap. Only costing around 3 cents per kilowatt hour, nuclear fusion energy is one of the cheapest that we have discovered. All of the components needed to create energy using nuclear fusion can be found or made. This means that you can supply a truly unlimited and sustainable energy supply using no other energy sources in the process.

So, breaking large atoms gives energy (nuclear fission) and combining small atoms also gives energy (nuclear fusion). Bombardment by fusion neutrons knocks atoms out of their structural positions while making them radioactive and weakening the structure, which must be replaced periodically. This results in huge masses of highly radioactive material that must eventually be transported offsite for burial.

What can you do with all of this energy you get from the change in mass? Yes, that's usually what these reactors do—they make steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity.

Once in the liquid phase, the molten zinc and copper are poured into a mold, and cast into long bars. In the casting process, the molten metal transforms from the liquid phase to the solid phase, becoming a solid bar. The long bars are flattened by heavy machinery and stamped into thousands of coins.

Why Is Fusion Better Than Fission?

Fusion description

The facility is used for basic science, fusion energy research, and nuclear weapons testing. Nuclear fusion may be either an endothermic or exothermic process, depending on the mass of the initial elements. The most common definition, used in physical science, refers to nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the combination of two or more atomic nuclei to form one or more different nuclei.

Fusion description

Nuclear Chemistry

Fusion description

The above example looked at mass changes when you break something apart. This can also happen when you combine hydrogen and deuterium (which is just hydrogen with an extra neutron). When combining low mass elements, the product has less mass than the starting stuff and you also get energy.

Fusion description

Why do lighter elements undergo fusion?

Sea ice melts during the summer when solar radiation heats the ice surface. Water that is under the ice and that has a temperature above the freezing point causes the bottom surface of the ice to melt. Warm surface waters cause the edges of the ice to melt, particularly in leads and polynyas.

But the other drawbacks remain—and reactors requiring only deuterium fueling will have greatly enhanced nuclear weapons proliferation potential. Multiple recurring expenses include the replacement of radiation-damaged and plasma-eroded components in magnetic confinement fusion, and the fabrication of millions of fuel capsules for each inertial confinement fusion reactor annually. And any type of nuclear plant must allocate funding for end-of-life decommissioning as well as the periodic disposal of radioactive wastes.

The neutrons produced by the fusion reaction will irradiate the lithium, “breeding” tritium. In fact, an approximately equal mixture of deuterium and tritium may be the only feasible fusion fuel for the foreseeable future. While deuterium is readily available in ordinary water, tritium scarcely exists in nature, because this isotope is radioactive with a half-life of only 12.3 years. The main source of tritium is fission nuclear reactors.

What are some examples of melting?

Fusion occurs when atoms are heated to very high temperatures, causing them to collide at high velocity and fuse together. When two light nuclei collide to form a heavier nucleus the process releases a large amount of energy. The most practical fusion reaction uses isotopes of hydrogen named “deuterium” and “tritium”.

How Nuclear Fusion Reactors Work

  • This article focuses on the physics of the fusion reaction and on the principles of achieving sustained energy-producing fusion reactions.
  • This newer approach was thus named ”inertial confinement”.
  • Nuclear fission releases heat energy by splitting atoms.
  • This means that you have to have super high atomic energies to get these things to have nuclear fusion.
  • Several isotopes of uranium undergo induced fission.

What is a hydrogen bomb made of?

The energy harnessed in nuclei is released in nuclear reactions. Fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus into lighter nuclei and fusion is the combining of nuclei to form a bigger and heavier nucleus. The consequence of fission or fusion is the absorption or release of energy.

Fusion description

Instead of shooting a neutron at an atom to start the process, you have to get two positively charged nuclei close enough together to get them to fuse. Without the electrons, atoms have a positive charge and repel. This means that you have to have super high atomic energies to get these things to have nuclear fusion. This is why fusion is difficult and fission is relatively simple (but still actually difficult).

Nuclear Fission Versus Nuclear Fusion

How do we get energy from fusion?

Another reason for the release of radioactive materials was that the Chernobyl reactor operated very differently than other power plants. Nearly all plants operate on the principle called a “self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction,” where neutrons bombard or hit atoms in the fuel, causing fission.

Fusion description

Fission is used in nuclear power reactors since it can be controlled, while fusion is not utilized to produce power since the reaction is not easily controlled and is expensive to create the needed conditions for a fusion reaction. Research continues into ways to better harness the power of fusion, but research is in experimental stages.

Fusion description

These pro-fusion advocates also say that fusion reactors would be incapable of generating the dangerous runaway chain reactions that lead to a meltdown—all drawbacks to the current fission schemes in nuclear power plants. Another major error was in focusing nearly all research on deuterium-tritium fuel (DT). DT fuel undergoes fusion reactions at a lower temperature than any other fuel, but has serious drawbacks. It releases almost all its energy in the form of neutrons, which can only be turned into energy through the same expensive process of heating water to create steam, driving a turbine, that has been in use for over a century.

The history of fusion research is therefore the opposite of fission research. With fission, the reactor came first, and then the bomb was built. With fusion, the bomb was built long before any progress was made toward the construction of a controlled fusion reactor.

Fusion description

The process of melting is also referred to as fusion. The heat added to melt ice into a liquid is called the latent heat of fusion. By the end of the 1960’s many different fusion devices existed and no one knew which approach would actually lead to practical fusion power. But in the mid-1970’s administrators in the United States decided to focus all magnetic confinement work on a single device, the tokamak, which had been invented in the Soviet Union.

They are also useless without a subsidiary industry to collect the fuel, process it, and ship the 239Pu to new reactors. Several isotopes of uranium undergo induced fission. But the only naturally occurring isotope in which we can induce fission with thermal neutrons is 235U, which is present at an abundance of only 0.72%. The induced fission of this isotope releases an average of 200 MeV per atom, or 80 million kilojoules per gram of235U.

OK, that isn't crazy since all the protons and neutrons are accounted for. If you find the mass of the original uranium and the mass of all the pieces, you will find that you are missing some mass. The stuff before has a greater mass than the stuff after. It's like spitting 2 million dollars and ending up 2 dollars short.

Fusion description

Energy is absorbed or released by the process and the resulting nucleus is lighter than the combined masses of the two original nuclei added together. The reverse reaction, in which a heavy nucleus splits into lighter nuclei, is called nuclear fission. The first artificial nuclear reactor was built by Enrico Fermi and co-workers beneath the University of Chicago's football stadium and brought on line on December 2, 1942.

Fusion description

The change in your wallet, the glass vase on your fireplace mantel, and the plastic soda bottle from the vending machine all went through a heat of fusion manufacturing process. Determining the heat of fusion is fairly straightforward. When a solid undergoes melting or freezing, the temperature stays at a constant rate until the entire phase change is complete.