$ 0.000 0.81%

HitChain (HIT) Rank 1810

Market Cap $638,976.000
Volume 24H 1865031643 HIT
Open 24H $0.000
Low/High $0.000 - $0.000
Compare to

Mkt.Cap $ 638,976.00 Volume 24H 1.87 BHIT
Market share 0% Total Supply 102.4 BHIT
Proof type PoW Open $ 0.000006
Low $ 0.000006 High $ 0.000006


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Usually, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum, USD, or a stablecoin is taken as intermediary currency to create any desirable synthetic cross currency pair. For example, the Monero (XMR)/0x (ZRX) pair can be traded by creating a synthetic currency pair from two separate currencies. In this scenario, BTC can be taken as an intermediary currency.

HitChain description HitChain description

Get HitChain's progress by adding it to your favourites and creating a free portfolio if you wish. Cryptocurrencies are traded in “base currency” and “quote currency” pairs (see the tooltips for base and quote currencies on this page). The pair thus created is known as a synthetic pair. A synthetic currency pair is created by trading two separate currency pairs in such a way as to effectively trade a third currency pair.

HitChain description
  • HitChain reached its highest price on 18 August, 2018, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 0.000807.
  • HitChain prices are currently experiencing a change of -0.28 %, check all cryptocurrency.
  • For example, the Monero (XMR)/0x (ZRX) pair can be traded by creating a synthetic currency pair from two separate currencies.
  • Over the past 24 hours 0.001 M US dollars HitChain has been traded on Crypto Exchanges.
  • In this scenario, BTC can be taken as an intermediary currency.
  • Get HitChain's progress by adding it to your favourites and creating a free portfolio if you wish.


HitChain description

To trade the Monero (XMR)/0x (ZRX) pair, the trader would simultaneously buy the XMR/ETH (buying ETH and selling XMR and buy the ETH/ZRX (buying ZRX and selling ETH). HitChain reached its highest price on 18 August, 2018, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 0.000807.

HitChain description

HitChain price chart

HitChain description

Today HitChain price in US dollars is currently 0.0001 USD, and if converted to Bitcoin is 0. A total of 0 coin's are currently circulating in the Market. HitChain prices are currently experiencing a change of -0.28 %, check all cryptocurrency. Over the past 24 hours 0.001 M US dollars HitChain has been traded on Crypto Exchanges.

HitChain description