$ 0.000 -5.27%

Kin (KIN) Rank 776

Market Cap $38.52 M
Volume 24H 1154730393 KIN
Open 24H $0.000
Low/High $0.000 - $0.000
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Kin is a decentralized ecosystem composed of a group of digital services launched by Kik. The Kin token is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that is to be used for daily online activites such as instant messaging, social media, tipping and payments within the Kin Ecosystem . The Kin token will will also serve as the basis of interchangeability with other digital services.

Mkt.Cap $ 38.52 M Volume 24H 1.15 BKIN
Market share 0% Total Supply 2.15 BKIN
Proof type Open $ 0.000014
Low $ 0.000013 High $ 0.000015

What are the different types of kinship?

In these societies an individual affiliates for some purposes with a group of patrilineal kinsmen and for other purposes with a group of matrilineal kinsmen. The most widely known case of double descent is the Afikpo of Imo state in Nigeria. Although patrilineage is considered an important method of organization, the Afikpo considers matrilineal ties to be more important.

Family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence/shared consumption (see Nurture kinship). In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children.

Kin description

When more than one relation is designated by a single term, will it not cause some difficulty? Some arrangement or the other is therefore made regarding designations of this type, so that a specified person may be separated from the group. For example, in Hindu society, the name of the person is also added for a distinction among relations of different types as Kailash mama, Ramu chacha, etc. If the person designated is present, mere looking at him serves the purpose.

Kin description

If there are no living parents but the person who has died has living siblings, the business of settling the estate falls to them. In Scottish intestacy law, siblings and parents have equal rights to administer an estate when someone dies.

Kin description

Words nearby kin

For example, the term ‘Aja’ is used for mother, for father’s brother’s wife and for mother’s sister among Naga people of Assam. In the same way, father, father’s brothers, and sister’s husband are all called ‘Apu’. In comparison to classificatory kinship terms, descriptive kinship terms are those which describe the speaker’s exact relation with the person addressed.

In biology, "kinship" typically refers to the degree of genetic relatedness or coefficient of relationship between individual members of a species (e.g. as in kin selection theory). It may also be used in this specific sense when applied to human relationships, in which case its meaning is closer to consanguinity or genealogy.

What does my kin mean?

kin. Some say kin, others say "family" or "relatives." Call them what you will, but you're stuck with those people related to you by blood or marriage. When someone refers to their kith and kin, she means her friends and family. Your "next of kin" is your closest family member: spouse, child, parent, or sibling.

Kin description

However, relatives by marriage are never considered next of kin. The issue of children poses special problems for family law.

How do you use the word diction in a sentence?

Kinship Diagrams. Anthropologists draw kinship diagrams to illustrate relationships. Kinship diagrams allow cultural anthropologists to quickly sketch out relationships between people during the interview process. Other kinship symbols indicate relationships. Some anthropologists develop their own kinship symbols.


Finally, on the social side, the family may serve to promote order and stability within society as a whole. Laws about who inherits an estate if there is no surviving spouse or children vary among states, and it's important for you to learn the laws of your state. Typically, the decedent's grandchildren or parents are next to inherit.

What is Godkin?

Kinnie (Maltese pronunciation: [kinːiː]) is a Maltese bittersweet carbonated soft drink brewed from bitter oranges and extracts of wormwood. Kinnie is brown in colour, and is drunk straight or mixed with alcohol.

NEXT OF KIN. This term is used to signify the relations of a party who has died intestate. This degree of relationship is usually indistinguishable from the relationship to a random individual within the same population (tribe, country, ethnic group). The symbols applied here to express kinship are used more generally in algebraic logic to develop a calculus of relations with sets other than human beings. However, this is the position that Schneider, Sahlins and other anthropologists explicitly reject. Like Schneider, other anthropologists of kinship have largely rejected sociobiological accounts of human social patterns as being both reductionistic and also empirically incompatible with ethnographic data on human kinship.

  • One of the foundational works in the anthropological study of kinship was Morgan's Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family (1871).
  • It is important to note that the terms "genitor" or "genetrix" do not necessarily imply actual biological relationships based on consanguinity, but rather refer to the socially held belief that the individual is physically related to the child, derived from culturally held ideas about how biology works.
  • Some say kin, others say "family" or "relatives." Call them what you will, but you’re stuck with those people related to you by blood or marriage.

The UK government provides a useful online tool for working out who the next of kin is, and what they might inherit, here. If the person who has died was unmarried and had no children, it may fall to their parents to administer the estate. If the person who has died was married or in a civil partnership, their spouse or civil partner would be considered their next of kin, even if they were no longer living as a couple.

United Kingdom

In the case of single-parent homes, the law will frequently provide some form of support. Legislation on child labour and child abuse also asserts society’s responsibility for a child’s best interests. When a decedent leaves a will, a decedent's relatives have "standing" -- meaning the legal right -- to contest a will if they would have inherited from the estate if the deceased had died intestate.

Kin description

Other Heirs and Next of Kin

Exactly how the estate is divided varies among states, but a person's spouse and children always inherit the estate. For example, Michigan gives a surviving spouse the first $150,000 of an estate and divides the balance among the spouse and children. Florida, by contrast, gives the spouse the first $60,000 and divides the balance. If the decedent or surviving spouse has children with another person, adjustments are made to the divisions. A surviving spouse typically inherits everything if there are no children.

Kin description

Malinowski (1922, Argonauts of the Western Pacific) described patterns of events with concrete individuals as participants stressing the relative stability of institutions and communities, but without insisting on abstract systems or models of kinship. Gluckman (1955, The judicial process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia) balanced the emphasis on stability of institutions against processes of change and conflict, inferred through detailed analysis of instances of social interaction to infer rules and assumptions. John Barnes, Victor Turner, and others, affiliated with Gluckman's Manchester school of anthropology, described patterns of actual network relations in communities and fluid situations in urban or migratory context, as with the work of J. Yet, all these approaches clung to a view of stable functionalism, with kinship as one of the central stable institutions.

Kin description

In a society which reckons descent bilaterally (bilineal), descent is reckoned through both father and mother, without unilineal descent groups. Societies with the Eskimo kinship system, like the Inuit, Yupik, and most Western societies, are typically bilateral. The egocentric kindred group is also typical of bilateral societies. Double descent refers to societies in which both the patrilineal and matrilineal descent group are recognized.

Kin description

What is kinning?

4y. Otherkin is a weird concept that has a bit of popularity on Tumblr. The idea behind it is that the people who claim to be, say "wolfkin", "dragonkin" or whatever possess the souls of whichever animal (or even fictional character or god) and reside within human bodies.

Spouses and Children

Many fictionkin rely on the Multiverse Theory, believing that fictional characters and species from stories here exist in other universes. However, others do take a very non-spiritual approach, and consider their identity to be purely psychology based, and believe that being who or what they are is not past life or alternate universe related.

arranged marriage that once flourished in eastern Europe and Asia). The emancipation of women in the 19th and 20th centuries changed marriage dramatically, particularly in connection with property and economic status. By the mid-20th century, most Western countries had enacted legislation establishing equality between spouses. Similarly changed is the concept of economic maintenance, which traditionally fell on the shoulders of the husband.

Holland points out that the biological theory (see inclusive fitness) only specifies that a statistical relationship between social behaviors and genealogical relatedness is a criterion for the evolution of social behaviors. The theory's originator, W.D.Hamilton considered that organisms' social behaviours were likely to be mediated by general conditions that typically correlate with genetic relatedness, but are not likely to be mediated by genetic relatedness per se[50] (see Human inclusive fitness and Kin recognition). Holland reviews fieldwork from social mammals and primates to show that social bonding and cooperation in these species is indeed mediated through processes of shared living context, familiarity and attachments, not by genetic relatedness per se. Independently from anthropology, biologists studying organisms' social behaviours and relationships have been interested to understand under what conditions significant social behaviors can evolve to become a typical feature of a species (see inclusive fitness theory).