$ 0.014 0.09%

Morpheus Infrastructure Token (MITX) Rank 1083

Market Cap $13.89 M
Volume 24H 168599 MITX
Open 24H $0.014
Low/High $0.013 - $0.015
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Mkt.Cap $ 13.89 M Volume 24H 168,599.00MITX
Market share 0% Total Supply 1000 MMITX
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.01
Low $ 0.01 High $ 0.01

Morpheus Infrastructure Token price

While token circulation within the platform is imperative, ensuring adequate usage of the token outside the platform will also greatly enhance the utility of MITx. Avid supporters of Morpheus Labs, be they developers, marketing experts or community managers can set up a ‘node’ tasked with hosting meetups, drumming up support and engaging with other blockchain enthusiasts on behalf of Morpheus Labs. Our development platform will be exclusively powered by MITx tokens. As mentioned previously, we recognize that rather than force customers to purchase MITx of the open-markets, as such Morpheus Labs will convert FIAT payments into MITx by purchasing tokens from the current circulating supply on the market. Morpheus Labs is building a robust ecosystem of services and applications to help global businesses, of all shapes and sizes, embrace the blockchain.

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It will be hosted in a leading cloud environment, such as AWS, from Phase 2 onwards. Our idea and our founder has been accepted into SGInnovate, Singapore Government’s hand-picked start-up group. Staffed by the most skilled engineers and award-winning team, SGInnovate has extensive experience in implementing large scale and complex platform applications. Join our mailing list to get regular Blockchain and Cryptocurrency updates. Real-time and manually curated cryptocurrency data brought to you by CoinMarketCap, CryptoCompare, IntoTheBlock and CryptoSlate.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

The company is led by Chuang Pei-Han, Branson Lee, Dorel D. Burcea and Bruce Lu Yang. Chuang Pei-Han is a serial entrepreneur, with seven years of experience in banking. He has a proven track record of building and growing businesses. Branson Lee, is a former member of the Singapore Fintech Association, with over 13 years experience in business development and channel partnership. He worked at Linkedin and is also an active public speaker for blockchain and Fintech events.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

At the heart of our solution is our native MITx token, the fuel that powers the Morpheus Labs ecosystem. We have outlined below the basic design goals of our token ecosystem. At Steemit our top priority is making Steem the easiest, lowest cost, and most powerful blockchain protocol in the world for powering applications, because we believe this is key to onboarding the masses to the blockchain.

That’s why we are so excited to be working with Morpheus Labs to make Steem one of their Blockchain-Platform-as-a-Service (BPaas), making it easier than ever to power applications with blockchain technology. We look forward to Morpheus Labs bringing even more great entrepreneurs and developers into the Steem ecosystem by making it easier than ever to quickly integrate blockchain technology into web applications. Simplifies and expedites blockchain application development, gives you the flexibility to choose between available programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. Morpheus Labs will fill this void by building a revolutionary platform that focuses on quick go-to-market strategies, and user friendliness.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

Token Morpheus Infrastructure Token

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

It uses Zcash (ZEC)-based technology and has confidential tokens for cryptographically hidden amounts. You are about to leave CryptoSlate in order to visit a cryptocurrency or ICO website. This link is provided solely for informational purposes and is not an endorsement in any way. We recommend that you exercise extreme caution and consult a registered investment advisor before taking any action.

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The Roadmap Featured on the Morpheus Labs Website Shows Both a “Business” And a “Technical” Tab. Very Obvious That the Team Has a Clear Vision and Milestone Set They Plan to Follow. Morpheus Labs is working in a space filled with competition but considering the team, partnerships and achievements so far, I see a very good chance for the project to stand out from the rest and become one of the leaders in their space. As we discussed under the roadmap section of this report, the information presented on the project’s website is vague and doesn’t really go into detail about the technology or what separates Morpheus Labs from its competitors.

Several trading options are present, including spot and OTC markets. The platform's interface is very intuitive and easy to navigate. By integrating with the infrastructure platform tools of Morpheus Labs, that allow for fast and smooth deployments of DApps, makes TomoChain more easily accessible to traditional enterprises, startups, and developers. With Morpheus Labs, we can expand our reach to more enterprises with NULS’s technology that focuses on reducing the technical barriers for them to build real-world business application cases.

  • Morpheus Labs is building a robust ecosystem of services and applications to help global businesses, of all shapes and sizes, embrace the blockchain.
  • As mentioned previously, we recognize that rather than force customers to purchase MITx of the open-markets, as such Morpheus Labs will convert FIAT payments into MITx by purchasing tokens from the current circulating supply on the market.
  • Our blockchain providers are vital to the success of Morpheus Labs.
  • Platform subscription, distributorship licensing and token swaps with other digital currencies or tokens are the primary use cases for the MITx token.
  • It will empower them to test-drive blockchain applications and experiment with the technology at a fraction of the cost and time.
Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

The design of MITx is centered around the access/work token model. We are advised by a seasoned advisory team consisting of industry veterans, prominent angel investors with over 125 years’ experience in legal, IP, IT, finance, investment and technology. We believe that blockchain technology has the power to change lives for the better and we are building a platform for inclusion.

Bruce Lu Yang has more than 20 years experience in software development and technology innovation. He has worked with IBM, as a technical leader, focusing on cloud application development and technology innovation in various industries. Throughout his professional career, he has successfully delivered more than 20 projects. Table on Staking Mechanism DistributorsAs explained in the previous sections, Morpheus Labs will commission our Treasury Partners to buy MITx on behalf of our customers, in exchange for fiat.

However, in the current blockchain state of affairs, proper infrastructure is sorely lacking. Morpheus Labs Simplifies and expedites blockchain application development, gives you the flexibility to choose between available programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. Blockfyre is an online platform that offers insights and services to provide Investors with a gateway to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

We would like to work with Morpheus Labs to build next-generation scalable DApps that could serve massive users. With a credible partner like Morpheus Labs to work alongside and shape the blockchain landscape. Personally, I believe that the Morpheus Labs platform’s one-stop development tool is a time-saving feature and will definitely ease the developers’ load on project development and deployment.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

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Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

The product council will be a closed group of community members comprising of developers and non-developers, tasked with assisting and engaging with the Morpheus Labs development team as new updates are released. They will be tasked with assisting in the debugging process, providing feedback and suggestions on new features. Top developers may also be part of the DApp listing approval process on the AppLibrary, depending on their skillset. MITx tokens will also be used as ‘gas payments’ for the underlying protocol. This feature is in development and will be applied to blockchains that feature ‘gas’ as a transfer mechanism.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

Our team is committed to providing unbiased News & Reports related to various Cryptocurrencies, Decentralized Apps, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Blockchain technology. Their Blockchain as a service platform (BPaaS) will allow companies to build, test and manage applications using different Blockchain protocols to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency, in a fail-safe environment. It will also support distributed hosting for Blockchain network nodes and off-chain applications. The team will assist companies with the design of turn-key solutions, while their platform provides the flexibility to choose between available programming languages and Blockchain runtimes to better suit the needs of their clients. Morpheus Labs provides a inclusive set of blockchain services that is designed to support businesses in the growth of their businesses.

Morpheus Labs MITX

It’s great to see a roadmap split up like this, but it certainly lacks detail and doesn’t go any further than Q4 of 2018. This should be updated soon because at first glance it seems like the team doesn’t make any progress. If investors are willing to dig a bit deeper though, they will find a very compelling and continuously updated blog feed on medium, which highlights milestones and achievements.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description

Token Statistics, Project Overviews and an Unbiased Analysis of the Pros and Cons of Each Project Are Available for Each Asset. Without Jumping into the Whitepaper, the Information Presented on the Morpheus Labs Website Is Pretty Vague and Doesn’t Really Describe a Technology/Project That Is Different from It’s Competitors. If You Read the Whitepaper, You Will Realise Morpheus Labs DOES Indeed Have Aspects That Set It Apart from Competitors, Perhaps This Could Be Better Reflected on the Website. A Subscription Based Model Will Provide Companies with an Incentive to Use the Platform Rather than Paying on a per Project/Service Basis.

Morpheus Infrastructure Token description