$ 0.002 6.71%

Nimiq (NIM) Rank 1029

Market Cap $16.75 M
Volume 24H 43327930 NIM
Open 24H $0.001
Low/High $0.001 - $0.002
Compare to

Mkt.Cap $ 16.75 M Volume 24H 43.33 MNIM
Market share 0% Total Supply 21 BNIM
Proof type PoW Open $ 0.0014
Low $ 0.0014 High $ 0.0015

Nimiq Terms

In this article, I will address the following:

Nimiq  description

Contributing ETH to the Smart Contract System and receiving ownership or control of NET carries no rights, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any voting, distribution, redemption, liquidation, proprietary, IP, financial or legal rights. NET is only the means to obtain NIM that allow usage and interaction with the Nimiq Network, if the network is successfully completed and deployed. You understand that NET confer only the right to receive NIM for usage and interaction on the Nimiq Network. You are not contributing ETH to create and receive NET for any other purposes, including, but not limited to, any investment, speculative or other financial purposes.

Nimiq  description

All statements regarding Company financial position, strategies, plans, and prospects and the future prospects of the industry which Company and Nimiq Network are in, are forward-looking statements. Neither Company, nor any other person represents, warrants and/or undertakes that the actual future results, performance or achievements of Company and Nimiq Network will be as discussed in those forward-looking statements.

Nimiq 1

The Nimiq satellites are a Canadian fleet of geostationary telecommunications satellites owned by Telesat and used by satellite television providers including Bell TV and EchoStar (Dish Network). 'Nimiq' is an Inuit word used for an object or a force which binds things together. A contest in 1998 was held to choose the name of these satellites.

Can I use a Bell satellite dish with Shaw?

If you have satellite TV service but want to connect multiple receiver boxes to one satellite dish, you can solve this problem with a satellite splitter. Make sure you have a satellite-grade splitter. Many of the common splitters designed for cable TV and other formats will not work in splitting a satellite TV signal.

There is also an account number that can be used for identification, like an IBAN number at a bank. The announcement concludes with the token specification and block reward schedule, with 525mn NIM allocated to the Nimiq Foundation and 420mn NIM to the Nimiq Charity. Nimiq is a browser-first payment protocol and Ecosystem. At its core, the project users to mine using CPU, GPU and even directly from the browser (as an educational tool and example for Nimiq’s usability), which makes it suitable for adoption. Additionally, the core clients are implemented in Rust and JavaScript, making the platform more appealing to developers by using two of the fastest growing and more heavily used programming languages.

Nimiq  description

All this team does is put their heads down and deliver on features. With a group like this, I am profoundly excited for the future of Nimiq and have no doubts they will continue to achieve incredible things. Hosted by team member Marvin, Nimpool aims to be a non-profit. All proceeds are to go towards the Nimiq foundation (to support development and community growth). The site features a dashboard for monitoring your miners and there are servers located in NA, Europe and Asia.

How do I check my TV antenna signal strength?

Certainly, the launch of Orby TV, a new satellite TV startup co-founded by former Starz chief financial officer Michael Thornton and ex Disney executive Tres Izzard, seems counter-intuitive, coming in a year in which the major U.S. satellite TV incumbents, DirecTV and Dish Network, are on pace to shed another 1.5

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How do I set my satellite dish?

ExpressVu's current satellite is located 107.30 West Longitude.

The project released its mainnet to the public on 14 April 2018. Since then, the community is developing various applications, some of which could be seen on the website. The current consensus algorithm is inspired by Bitcoin, with data structures chosen to enable fast syncing in browsers.

The whole bank thing and agora trade, none of that means anything at the moment because there isn’t a working product. Agora for example is listed under exchanges you can buy nim on but the last few times I’ve checked nim is nowhere to be found. These types of things make Nimiq look like its being hyped and not based on it’s actual accomplishments to date. Spreading the word about Nimiq is really important and I think that I have a lot of expierence in doing that.

Nimiq  description

525’000 NIM for a Nimiq long-term endowment foundation vesting ratably over 10 years in 6 month increments at the end of each increment after the launch of Mainnet. The Company is incorporated in Tortola, BVI. Company has the primary objective to administer the development of Nimiq Network. You acknowledge and agree that there are risks associated with transferring ETH to the Smart Contract System to create NET, receiving and holding NET, and exchanging NET to NIM and using and transacting with NIM on the Nimiq Network as described herein.

It is also 15x greater than the average across all industries and 27x greater than that of the Media industry. Looking at the rich-list, I found that there are currently 26,629 active Nimiq addresses, which is actually the 3rd-highest of any coin previously reported on, beaten only by BitShares and Stratis, both of are several magnitudes larger than Nimiq.

Nimiq  description

How Much Does a bell receiver cost?

Align the satellite antenna by by loosening the adjustment screws on the dish and adjusting the antenna dish, moving it left to right, and up and down until the satellite strength increases on the satellite meter.

  • In 2009 Telesat announced plans to build and launch its 19th satellite, Nimiq 5.
  • Further, the Nimiq team has posted the operating costs of running the project, amounting to about USD 210,000 per month, excluding one-time costs or such associated with travel or extra expenses.
  • The nano-mode Pool Miner requires a Nimiq node of any kind, a nano-node is sufficient.

Signal Message Flags

Nimiq  description

It is relatively concise and largely jargon-free (though some sections are developer-focused), and begins with an Executive Summary, describing Nimiq as “designed to be a cryptocurrency used by the masses”. We learn about the web-native blockchain, built from scratch in Javascript, with one of the key features being the ability for any individual with a browser to join the payment network with no requirement for installing software. Nimiq plans to switch from PoW to PoS and has been researching a potential consensus Algorithm “Albatross” since the end of 2018.

NET was converted to NIM, the currency that is based on the Nimiq blockchain and network, on March 31st of 2018. Nimiq is a blockchain project that aims for simplicity and mass adaption, by having compact blockchain data and implementing off-chain transactions. It's a browser-based blockchain with the protocol written in Javascript and is fueled by the NIM as a currency token aimed to be used on a daily basis. Nimiq is a blockchain project, NIM is its cryptocurrency, designed for ease-of-use. Sending, receiving and storing NIM is as easy as using Facebook.

Nimiq  description

As an open source project, Nimiq is interested in attracting developers to build on it. Especially Javascript developers, as the largest group of developers, can profit from the accessibility of the browser-first blockchain are currently considered the most important target audience. To this end, Nimiq has created the Nimiq Developer center with a growing number of comprehensive documentation and tutorials. Nimiq Network is a decentralized, open source, browser based, blockchain protocol.

Network Agent

Nimiq  description

As an onboarding feature, the project allows browsers to mine, which makes it easier for first-time users who want to test it. While the current Core implementation is written in Javascript, a Rust implementation has been in development since mid-2018 and has recently been released as a beta, making the platform appealing to a large audience of developers. Other advantages are the free-to-use wallet and the absence of a requirement for third-party node transactions. Nimiq is a frictionless peer-to-peer payment protocol for the World Wide Web. Their ultimate goal is to build the first complete, censorship-resistant and easy-to-use crypto payment system for the web.

You will need to compile your own miner and alter your command line or config file to connect. Run by long time community member Brad (super helpful guy who is currently working on NimiqPay, a plug-in for paying with NIM). To connect you will need to compile Nimiq miner manually or by script file. You will then be able to connect by modifying your run command or config file. Given the nature of Nimiq, a decentralized structure has massive value.

In fact, it is one of the most active Telegram groups I’ve found whilst writing these reports, particularly for the size of the project. Trading and Price was the most active channel due to the recent decline in price, with many concerned that deadlines are not being met and that the token has such high inflation, which is not met with rising demand. The community consensus is that the team are working well towards improving user experience but is not quite hitting the mark yet. There was also a little activity in Suggestions and Ideas, where some community members proposed collaborations with growing projects in the space to develop connections and promote positive associations. The Announcements channel is barely used, with no updates since April, where they announced that they acquired a 9.9% stake in a German Bank, WEG. Nimiq Newsis a bot-led channel containing tweet updates.

Nimiq  description

What is the name of the bell satellite?

The Nimiq satellites are a Canadian fleet of geostationary telecommunications satellites owned by Telesat and used by satellite television providers including Bell TV and EchoStar (Dish Network). 'Nimiq' is an Inuit word used for an object or a force which binds things together.

The roadmap can be found on Trello and is community-managed, but is somewhat difficult to find. It also doesn’t seem to be up-to-date, and I believe a website-native roadmap would be more helpful for potential new users or investors. Further, it will allow the community to objectively measure the punctuality and progress of the team, which has come up a few times as a concern for some within the Nimiq community. Nimiq has a relatively small Twitter audience of 9,763 (though this is larger than some projects of greater Network Value from previous reports), which places it around the middle of the table. However, it has fairly decent engagement, with its average engagement rate at 0.73%.

Where should I point my satellite dish?

Multiple Accounts Contact Dish Network at 800-344-Dish (3474). If you want to have Dish Network service at more than one location simultaneously, you will need to set up a separate account for each residence.

Nimiq  description

Important Info contains relevant links and resources for newbies, including tutorials and guides. There is nothing to be found in Community News since early June, and before that there were a couple of updates in May linking to blog posts concerning development and third-party reviews. As for the activity of the largest holders over the past 30 days, 11 of the top 20 addresses have been inactive, whilst 8 have cumulatively added 127.6mn NIM to their holdings (two of these addresses are HitBTC and Hotbit hot wallets and account for 21.8mn of the total). Overall, despite the declining price, it does seem as though the largest holders are not distributing, but rather adding to their positions. Regarding distribution of supply itself, I found that the top 10 addresses own 36.32% of the total supply; the top 20 own 42.38%; and the top 100 own 64.26%.

The server only describes the values to be used as a miner address and in the extraData field of a block. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Run by Christian, who created the Nimiq block explorer site NimiqChain.