$ 0.129 1.82%

Origin Protocol (OGN) Rank 423

Market Cap $128.8 M
Volume 24H 22771107 OGN
Open 24H $0.127
Low/High $0.125 - $0.131
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Mkt.Cap $ 128.8 M Volume 24H 22.77 MOGN
Market share 0% Total Supply 1000 MOGN
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.13
Low $ 0.13 High $ 0.13

Transmission Control Protocol

Blox and Origin Protocol Collaborate to Introduce Crypto Finance Tools for Decentralized Marketplace Businesses

A cache MUST NOT return a partial response using a status code of 200 (OK). In other words, the set of end-to-end headers received in the incoming response overrides all corresponding end-to-end headers stored with the cache entry (except for stored Warning headers with warn-code 1xx, which are deleted even if not overridden). When a cache makes a validating request to a server, and the server provides a 304 (Not Modified) response or a 206 (Partial Content) response, the cache then constructs a response to send to the requesting client. The purpose of an HTTP cache is to store information received in response to requests for use in responding to future requests. In many cases, a cache simply returns the appropriate parts of a response to the requester.

However, only a strong validator is usable for a sub-range retrieval, since otherwise the client might end up with an internally inconsistent entity. Entity tags are normally "strong validators," but the protocol provides a mechanism to tag an entity tag as "weak." One can think of a strong validator as one that changes whenever the bits of an entity changes, while a weak value changes whenever the meaning of an entity changes. Alternatively, one can think of a strong validator as part of an identifier for a specific entity, while a weak validator is part of an identifier for a set of semantically equivalent entities. In HTTP/1.1, a conditional request looks exactly the same as a normal request for the same resource, except that it carries a special header (which includes the validator) that implicitly turns the method (usually, GET) into a conditional. Neither the entity tag nor the expiration value can impose an ordering on responses, since it is possible that a later response intentionally carries an earlier expiration time.

HTTP Servers MAY use the Origin header to "defend themselves against CSRF attacks." Such servers are known as "participating servers" in this section. Whenever a user agent issues an HTTP request from a "privacy-sensitive" context, the user agent MUST send the value "null" in the Origin header. The Origin request header indicates where a fetch originates from.

Origin Protocol description

The TCP receiver sends a D-ACK to indicate that no segments were lost, and the TCP sender can then reinstate the higher transmission-rate. Strictly speaking, the MSS is not "negotiated" between the originator and the receiver, because that would imply that both originator and receiver will negotiate and agree upon a single, unified MSS that applies to all communication in both directions of the connection. In addition, senders employ a retransmission timeout (RTO) that is based on the estimated round-trip time (or RTT) between the sender and receiver, as well as the variance in this round trip time. For example, senders must be careful when calculating RTT samples for retransmitted packets; typically they use Karn's Algorithm or TCP timestamps (see RFC 1323). These individual RTT samples are then averaged over time to create a Smoothed Round Trip Time (SRTT) using Jacobson's algorithm.

Origin Protocol description

Recently Updated Profiles at Origin Protocol Inc

Origin Protocol description

Token holders will be able to influence the direction of software development and business policies on the Origin Platform. Tokens may also be used to incentivize various forms of participation from the Platform’s ecosystem participants. Tokens may be used to reward users, developers, marketplace operators, and/or other participants to perform actions and services that are beneficial to the health and growth of the Platform.

Origin Protocol description

This allows a TCP application to be sure the remote application has read all the data the former sent—waiting the FIN from the remote side, when it actively closes the connection. But the remote TCP stack cannot distinguish between a Connection Aborting RST and Data Loss RST. Both cause the remote stack to lose all the data received.

Origin Protocol description

We use the term "date_value" to denote the value of the Date header, in a form appropriate for arithmetic operations. A client's request MAY specify the maximum age it is willing to accept of an unvalidated response; specifying a value of zero forces the cache(s) to revalidate all responses.

A client can usually detect that such a response was taken from a cache by comparing the Date header to the current time. This method relies on the fact that if two different responses were sent by the origin server during the same second, but both had the same Last-Modified time, then at least one of those responses would have a Date value equal to its Last-Modified time. The arbitrary 60- second limit guards against the possibility that the Date and Last- Modified values are generated from different clocks, or at somewhat different times during the preparation of the response.

Words nearby protocol

Oral history interview with Robert E. Kahn, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Focuses on Kahn's role in the development of computer networking from 1967 through the early 1980s. Beginning with his work at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), Kahn discusses his involvement as the ARPANET proposal was being written, his decision to become active in its implementation, and his role in the public demonstration of the ARPANET. Generally, where TCP is unsuitable, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used. TCP and UDP use port numbers to identify sending and receiving application end-points on a host, often called Internet sockets.

  • A list of the 8 required specifications and over 20 strongly encouraged enhancements is available in RFC 7414.
  • While IP handles actual delivery of the data, TCP keeps track of segments - the individual units of data transmission that a message is divided into for efficient routing through the network.
  • Tokens may be used to reward users, developers, marketplace operators, and/or other participants to perform actions and services that are beneficial to the health and growth of the Platform.
Origin Protocol description

Connection establishment

Origin Protocol description

In particular history mechanisms SHOULD NOT try to show a semantically transparent view of the current state of a resource. Rather, a history mechanism is meant to show exactly what the user saw at the time when the resource was retrieved. If a new cacheable (see sections 14.9.2, 13.2.5, 13.2.6 and 13.8) response is received from a resource while any existing responses for the same resource are cached, the cache SHOULD use the new response to reply to the current request. It MAY insert it into cache storage and MAY, if it meets all other requirements, use it to respond to any future requests that would previously have caused the old response to be returned.

Origin Protocol description

Scientific definitions for protocol

A TCP sender can interpret an out-of-order segment delivery as a lost segment. If it does so, the TCP sender will retransmit the segment previous to the out-of-order packet and slow its data delivery rate for that connection. The duplicate-SACK option, an extension to the SACK option that was defined in May 2000 in RFC 2883, solves this problem.

Origin Protocol description

MAY send a weak entity tag instead of a strong entity tag, if performance considerations support the use of weak entity tags, or if it is unfeasible to send a strong entity tag. SHOULD send a Last-Modified value if it is feasible to send one, unless the risk of a breakdown in semantic transparency that could result from using this date in an If-Modified-Since header would lead to serious problems. In other words, the preferred behavior for an HTTP/1.1 origin server is to send both a strong entity tag and a Last-Modified value.

Origin Protocol description

Historical origin

An identity system is crucial in a marketplace as it helps parties trust each other and mitigates the risk of bad actors running scams on the platform. Origin has recently launched Origin ID v2 which comes with a number of improvements, of which you can read more in this article.

Origin Protocol description

This duplicate acknowledgement is used as a signal for packet loss. That is, if the sender receives three duplicate acknowledgements, it retransmits the last unacknowledged packet. A threshold of three is used because the network may reorder segments causing duplicate acknowledgements. This threshold has been demonstrated to avoid spurious retransmissions due to reordering.[19] Sometimes selective acknowledgements (SACKs) are used to provide explicit feedback about the segments that have been received. This greatly improves TCP's ability to retransmit the right segments.

If the status code is 206 (Partial Content) and the ETag or Last-Modified headers match exactly, the cache MAY combine the contents stored in the cache entry with the new contents received in the response and use the result as the entity-body of this outgoing response, (see 13.5.4). The principle behind entity tags is that only the service author knows the semantics of a resource well enough to select an appropriate cache validation mechanism, and the specification of any validator comparison function more complex than byte-equality would open up a can of worms. Thus, comparisons of any other headers (except Last-Modified, for compatibility with HTTP/1.0) are never used for purposes of validating a cache entry. - SHOULD send an entity tag validator unless it is not feasible to generate one.