$ 0.027 -0.42%

Olive (OLE) Rank 881

Market Cap $27.36 M
Volume 24H 171570 OLE
Open 24H $0.027
Low/High $0.027 - $0.029
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OLE Token ecosystem is developed in such a way that constant demand for the OLE token will be generated and managed. Since the participants in the platform can support new artist directly or by buying artist merchandise only using Shining coin that is acquired using OLE tokens, the demand for the OLE is expected to grow exponentially as it’s used, as the number of agencies & artist increase we in turn expect the total number of users joining the community to grow, and strengthen the community.

Mkt.Cap $ 27.36 M Volume 24H 171,570.00OLE
Market share 0% Total Supply 10 BOLE
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.03
Low $ 0.03 High $ 0.03


Olivewood Overview

Further, the ground must be properly water permeable. One must give the olive tree water regularly this is a must. We (the Bergerie) found out that the biggest mistake that people make is that they think the olive tree hardly needs any water. After all, they come from warm and dry areas where little water is present, so water is essential.

Olive description

Olives, like many other kinds of produce such as potatoes and sour cherries, just aren’t something that you eat raw. Unprocessed, straight off the tree, they are bitter, very bitter, and the green ones even more so than ones which have fully ripened to black.

What month do olive trees fruit?

Olivewood is an exotic wood that is native to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. It has a sentimental and religious significance to several cultures and religions. The wood is hard and strong, and has fantastic working characteristics, making it a favorite for wood turning and carving.

The Beauty and Usefulness of Olive Trees

At filling stations, they are put in jars that are filled with an 8-11% saline solution. If the saline is flavored, herbs or other flavorings are also added to the brine. The jars are then capped and sealed for safety. Until recently, most olives available in American grocery stores were artificially cured, meaning that they were treated with lye to remove their bitterness.

Fruits for oil extraction are allowed to mature, but, for processing as food, immature fruits are picked or shaken off the tree. Hundreds of named varieties of both types of olives, table and oil, are grown in warm climates. In California, olives such as the Mission variety are grown almost exclusively for table use. In Europe, olives such as the Picual, Nevadillo, and Morcal are grown mostly for oil.

The fruit is a small drupe 1–2 cm long, thinner-fleshed and smaller in wild plants than in orchard cultivars. Later, olive growing spread to all the countries bordering the Mediterranean, and the tree is also planted as an ornamental in suitable climates.

They also could need to have weeds or nearby plants controlled so they don't compete with the olive for food and water. The soil around your olive tree must drain well.

Olive description


Olive description

When you repot the tree make sure that at least 3 to 4 inches space is between the clod and the new wall of the pot. Also add fertilizer tablets so that roots will get into the new spoil easier.

Olive description

Furthermore, some studies note that olives and olive oil may reduce blood pressure (28, 29). Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olives, is associated with improved heart health. It may regulate cholesterol levels and protect LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation (26, 27). Olives are rich in antioxidants, with health benefits ranging from fighting inflammation to reducing microorganism growth (23). Olives contain 11–15% fat, 74% percent of which is oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fatty acid.

Olives mature on the tree and can be harvested for green table olives when the fruit is immature or left on the tree to ripen. The ripe olives are also harvested for processing as food but are left on the trees still longer if they are to be used for oil. Six to eight months after the flowers bloomed, the fruit will reach its greatest weight; and 20-30% of that weight (excluding the pit) is oil. Inside each olive, the pit contains one or two seeds; botanists call this kind of fruit with a seed-bearing stone a drupe; plums and peaches are other drupes.

Legend has it that Zeus proposed a contest between Athena and Poseidon for the control of Athens. Poseidon smashed his three-pronged trident upon the hard rock of the Acropolis, which unleashed a spring. Whilst Athena, produced an Olive tree, with its silvery-green leaves and abundance of rich fruits. The Olive tree is one of the most beloved, sacred trees and its place is firmly rooted in Ancient Greek tradition and mythology.

To know which fertilizer olive trees need, send tissue samples from olive leaves to a laboratory for analysis. Samples should be taken in July, when nutrient levels are most stable.

Machine harvesting is a recent addition to the olive grower's arsenal. The machines were borrowed from the nut harvesters and are able to grasp the trunks of the trees and shake them. Each machine has a crew of six to nine men to operate the machine, shepherd the falling olives into the nets, and strike the branches to knock down the stub-born few by hand.

Olive description

Fertilizer for Olive Trees

  • Although they appreciate an annual top-dressing of fertiliser to keep them glowing with health!
  • Your olive tree will need at least 1 inch of water per week, and perhaps more when temperatures are at their highest.
  • Controlled release fertilizers give olive trees adequate fertilizer coverage for several months.
  • Imagine taking a stroll through the Italian countryside.
  • The flowers in most members of the family have four sepals, four petals, two stamens, and two fused carpels that form a single superior ovary.

Olive trees require little in terms of nutrition, as they have evolved over the centuries for poor, stony soils. Although they appreciate an annual top-dressing of fertiliser to keep them glowing with health! They are incredibly drought tolerant, and if allowed to grow naturally, may reach a height of 2 metres in 15 years.

Olive description

In spring, olive trees flower, producing small, white groups of blossoms with a feather-like appearance and containing ten calyx and two stamens. The flowers appear in clusters called racemes, growing out of the axils of the leaves. Very probably, the first olive trees were grown in Syria.[source?

Zeus had promised to give Attica to the god or goddess who made the most useful invention. Athena planted the original olive tree on a rocky hill that we know today as the Acropolis.

Can you use Miracle Grow on olive trees?

Olives produce 'suckers' – growth of small shoots from the base of the trunk and up the trunk. Feeding – Feed your olive trees with 'Miracle-Gro All Purpose Slow Release' plant food in spring.

The olives hanging off of them are ripe and plump, just waiting to be picked. So you reach up into an abundant bough, pluck off a ripe fruit, pop it into your mouth, and… well, let’s just say that you’ll be regretting that decision for a while. The olive trees on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem are reputed to be over 2000 years old, still relative newcomers considering the long domestication of the olive. We don't know the exact variety of the trees on the Mount.

It is among the oldest known cultivated trees in the world - being grown before the written language was invented. It was being grown on Crete by 3,000 BC and may have been the source of the wealth of the Minoan kingdom. The Phoenicians spread the olive to the Mediterranean shores of Africa and Southern Europe. Olives have been found in Egyptian tombs from 2,000 years BC.

Some manufacturers return it to their groves to fertilize the olive trees. Olives grow in subtropical climates in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Hundreds of varieties are grown; some produce only table olives, and others are cultivated for olive oil.

Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Provided with the appropriate growing conditions, this tree can survive in relative neglect for hundreds of years. While olive trees may live to be as old as 1,500 years, the average lifespan is 500 years.

Keep the centre of the crown lightly and remove vertical growing and crossing branches. The olive was native to Asia Minor and spread from Iran, Syria and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean basin 6,000 years ago.

How is an olive made?

Olives are very high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants. Studies show that they are good for the heart and may protect against osteoporosis and cancer. The healthy fats in olives are extracted to produce olive oil, one of the key components of the incredibly healthy Mediterranean diet.

Olive description

They’re associated with many health benefits, especially for heart health and cancer prevention. Olive trees thrive in well-draining, sandy soil.

Can you eat an olive off the tree?

Where in the world did the olive originate? The olive was native to Asia Minor and spread from Iran, Syria and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean basin 6,000 years ago. It is among the oldest known cultivated trees in the world - being grown before the written language was invented.

If your tree produces more leafy growth than expected and fewer fruits, reduce the amount of fertilizer provided. When eaten raw, olives are extremely bitter and, for all intents and purposes, completely inedible. In order to remove the oleuropein, the olives need to be cured by either packing them in salt or submerging them in a liquid solution of lye or brine. The useful and beautiful olive tree grows as a small tree or large shrub with oblong, pale, silvery-green leaves measuring 1 ½ to 4 inches (4 to 11 cm) in length.

Naturally cured olives are cured with either oil or brine and additives like wine vinegar for flavor. The olives themselves are the most important raw material. Depending on the curing method, pure water, caustic soda or lye, and coarse salt are used. Among the favorites are red pepper or a variety of Mediterranean herbs for black olives and lemon or hot green peppers or chilies for green olives. Olive branches, leaves, and wood gained sacred connotations in both Testaments of the Bible, like the dove's return to Noah's Ark with an olive leaf in its beak.

Olive description

Cultivation and oil production

Olive description

The vibrations of the machine shake down about 80% of the tree's burden, and knocking at the branches with staves yields another 10% percent. About 1,100-1,800 lb ( kg) of olives per day can be harvested in this manner.

Olive description

What does an olive tree look like?

The olive tree is WONDROUS. It provides a tasty fruit for consumption after it's cured. It gives us an incredibly healthful oil that can be used for cooking, skincare, lighting and spiritual purposes. And, it grows a powerful leaf that's used in medicinal teas and extracts.