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Harmony: Name Meaning, Popularity, and Similar Names

Harmony consists of the notes or chords played along with the melody. For example, you can play a melody with different harmonies and it will sound different and elicit different feelings in the listener. Musically, harmony refers specifically to anything that accompanies the melody.

Harmony description

Other types of harmony are based upon the intervals of the chords used in that harmony. Most chords used in western music are based on “tertian” harmony, or chords built with the interval of thirds. In the chord C Major7, C-E is a major third; E-G is a minor third; and G to B is a major third. Other types of harmony consist of quartal harmony and quintal harmony.

Harmony description

What is social harmony in short?

Social Harmony is defined as a process of valuing, expressing, and promoting love, trust, admiration, peace, harmony, respect, generosity and equity upon other people in any particular society regardless of their national origin, weight, marital status, ethnicity, colour, gender, race, age and occupation etc.

Importance of Harmony in Life

Interval cycles create symmetrical harmonies, which have been extensively used by the composers Alban Berg, George Perle, Arnold Schoenberg, Béla Bartók, and Edgard Varèse's Density 21.5. Typically, in the classical common practice period a dissonant chord (chord with tension) "resolves" to a consonant chord. In simple words, that occurs when there is a balance between "tense" and "relaxed" moments. Harmony is a noun that describes an agreement, such as in feeling, sound, look, feel, or smell.

Harmony description

A tension is an additional chord member that creates a relatively dissonant interval in relation to the bass. Typically, in the classical common practice period a dissonant chord (chord with tension) “resolves” to a consonant chord. Harmonization usually sounds pleasant to the ear when there is a balance between the consonant and dissonant sounds.

The melody is the series of notes that makes up the main part of the music. You can think of the melody as the tune, or the recognizable main part of a song.

Harmony description

How can we live in harmony?

Importance of Harmony in Life. Harmony, Sadbhavana in Indian terms, occupies the most important place in man's life. It is complementary to the supreme human value of Ahimsa and symbolic of friendliness in toto, and, therefore, it remains as the nucleus in the Vedic-Hindu philosophy and way of life.

For typical spectral envelopes in the central range, the second roughest interval is the major second and minor seventh, followed by the tritone, the minor third (major sixth), the major third (minor sixth) and the perfect fourth (fifth). Harmony is based on consonance, a concept whose definition has changed various times during the history of Western music.[citation needed] In a psychological approach, consonance is a continuous variable. Consonance can vary across a wide range. A chord may sound consonant for various reasons.

Harmony description

The key to pleasant music may be that it pleases our neurons. A new model suggests that harmonious musical intervals trigger a rhythmically consistent firing pattern in certain auditory neurons, and that sweet sounds carry more information than harsh ones.

Harmony description

Carl Dahlhaus (1990) distinguishes between coordinate and subordinate harmony. Subordinate harmony is the hierarchical tonality or tonal harmony well known today. Coordinate harmony is the older Medieval and Renaissance tonalité ancienne, “The term is meant to signify that sonorities are linked one after the other without giving rise to the impression of a goal-directed development. A first chord forms a ‘progression’ with a second chord, and a second with a third.

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Harmony description

Close harmony and open harmony use close position and open position chords, respectively. It was not until the publication of Rameau’s “Traité de l’harmonie” (Treatise on Harmony) in 1722 that any text discussing musical practice made use of the term in the title, though that work is not the earliest record of theoretical discussion of the topic. The underlying principle behind these texts is that harmony sanctions harmoniousness (sounds that ‘please’) by conforming to certain pre-established compositional principles. The study of harmony involves chords and their construction and chord progressions and the principles of connection that govern them.

Harmony description
  • The roughness of two simultaneous harmonic complex tones depends on the amplitudes of the harmonics and the interval between the tones.
  • The minor triad is formed by playing the first, third and fifth notes of the minor scale.
  • In simple words, that occurs when there is a balance between “tense” and “relaxed” moments.
  • But the former chord progression is independent of the later one and vice versa.” Coordinate harmony follows direct (adjacent) relationships rather than indirect as in subordinate.

If the voices all sound wonderful together, we marvel at their harmony. The word “harmony" is often used generally to refer to things that fit or go well together. For example, peas and carrots in a stew fit together in perfect harmony.

Other types of harmony consist of quartal and quintal harmony. Unison is considered a harmonic interval, just like a fifth or a third.


The researchers took their analysis one step further, and calculated the amount of information each signal carries. In the terms of information theory, a random signal carries very little information; a signal with a discernable pattern carries more. So naturally, the consonant notes carry more information than dissonant ones. They then used this to calculate the information content of the pulse trains generated by consonant and dissonant tones. Another common harmony is the minor triad.

Harmony description

Harmony is the most emphasized and most highly developed element in Western music, and can be the subject of an entire course on music theory. This article is about musical harmony and harmonies. For other uses of the term, see Harmony (disambiguation).

It’s necessary for roommates to be able to live in harmony in a small space, or they’re in for a wake-up call. In music, harmony is a pleasing combination and progression of chords. If it makes you wince, it’s lacking harmony. Synonyms for harmony include accord, concord, cooperation, like-mindedness, and unanimity. Antonyms, on the other hand, range from clash and disagreement to discord.

What is harmony food?

In music, harmony is the use of simultaneous pitches (tones, notes), or chords. The study of harmony involves chords and their construction and chord progressions and the principles of connection that govern them.

But the former chord progression is independent of the later one and vice versa.” Coordinate harmony follows direct (adjacent) relationships rather than indirect as in subordinate. Interval cycles create symmetrical harmonies, which have been extensively used by the composers Alban Berg, George Perle, Arnold Schoenberg, Béla Bartók, and Edgard Varèse’s Density 21.5. Harmony is two or more notes played together at the same time. As soon as there is more than one pitch sounding at a time, you have harmony. Even if nobody is actually playing chords, or even if the notes are part of independent contrapuntal lines, you can hear the relationship of any notes that happen at the same time, and it is this relationship that makes the harmony.

Harmony in Blog Posts

In the newer triadic harmonic system, however, the tritone became permissible, as the standardization of functional dissonance made its use in dominant chords desirable. In the Western tradition, in music after the seventeenth century, harmony is manipulated using chords, which are combinations of pitch classes. Most chords in western music are based on "tertian" harmony, or chords built with the interval of thirds. In the chord C Major7, C–E is a major third; E–G is a minor third; and G to B is a major third.

Roughness happens when partials (frequency components) lie within a critical bandwidth, which is a measure of the ear's ability to separate different frequencies. Critical bandwidth lies between 2 and 3 semitones at high frequencies and becomes larger at lower frequencies. The roughness of two simultaneous harmonic complex tones depends on the amplitudes of the harmonics and the interval between the tones. The roughest interval in the chromatic scale is the minor second and its inversion the major seventh.

Why is harmony important in life?

A deep need we have is for alignment in our lives. When we perceive harmony, we experience an inner comfort and a sense of 'rightness'. A consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts. This highlights that harmony requires multiple elements.

The same melody can be played with the major triad and sound happy, while it would sound sad when played with the minor triad. In both cases, the melody is the same, but the harmony created by the accompanying chords changes the feeling of the music.

Harmony description

The word “harmony" comes from the Greek word that means “joint, agreement, concord." Chords — several notes played together — form the basis of many harmonies. Descriptions and definitions of harmony and harmonic practice may show bias towards European (or Western) musical traditions. In music, harmony is the use of simultaneous pitches (tones, notes), or chords.

Peace and Harmony as the Choice for Mankind(2012)

Harmony description

What’s unique about unison is that it is two identical notes being played or sung together. Most people only consider thirds and fifths and sevenths to be “harmony”. But, unison does count as harmony, and is very important in orchestration, especially. In Pop music, unison singing is usually called “doubling” which is what The Beatles used to do a lot in their early music. As a type of harmony, singing in unison or playing the same notes, often using different musical instruments, at the same time is commonly called monophonic harmonization.