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Reindeer (RDT) Rank 1099

Market Cap $13 M
Volume 24H 124419 RDT
Open 24H $0.026
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Mkt.Cap $ 13 M Volume 24H 124,419.00RDT
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What a Reindeer Looks Like Without His Antlers

Tundra males, aggregated with thousands of females for the fall migration, assess other males’ antler size visually and thus generally avoid serious fights. Forest reindeer, on the other hand, defend discrete harems and fight harder. In both varieties a single calf is born in May or June after a gestation of seven and a half months. The calf grows rapidly on its mother’s milk, which is richer than that of any other ungulate. After one month it can eat fresh plant growth, and by three months it can survive if the mother dies, but normally weaning takes place at five to six months.

What year was Santa Claus born?

Reindeer and caribou share the same genus, Rangifer, and species name, tarandus. Domestication is the biggest difference between reindeer and caribou. Reindeer are a semidomesticated subspecies of Rangifer, and there are many subspecies of both reindeer and caribou in Alaska.

Reindeer description

Warmer summers also mean more insect activity. Reindeer that are harassed by insects may not be able to forage enough to put on the weight they need to last through winter.

Before they make their big journey on Christmas Eve, O’Connell explains, the reindeer would be filled up with hay which apparently has all the nutrients they need to be able to fly around the world. For example, male and female cattle (including the many wild versions such as the African Cape Buffalo) and wildebeest (a kind of antelope) have horns, while in most other bovids only the males have horns. Both male and female caribou (a kind of deer) grow antlers each year, while in most other deer only the males do so.

Reindeer description

Prof Lincoln came up with the discovery while looking into how female reindeer grow and cast their antlers each year. Females cast their antlers in spring, growing them back in time for winter when they need their antlers to compete with other females over holes they dig in the snow to reach lichens and to provide food for their offspring. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer is actually female, scientists have said. The Arctic is changing, and as temperatures rise, white-tailed deer move into areas occupied by reindeer. These deer carry a worm parasite that is fatal to moose and reindeer populations.

In North America it is also called caribou. There are about reindeer subspecies.


According to experts, Reynolds' tweet is likely accurate - because male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of the mating season in early December, while females sport their thinner antlers throughout the winter. The Siberian government has proposed a cull of 250,000 reindeer before Christmas this year. Officials insist that these killings are being done to reduce animal overpopulation. They worry there are too many animals without enough access to food and that the density of the animals could potentially spread disease.

Archived from the original on 1 May 2009. Reindeer Archived 4 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Prentice Hall. Archived from the original on 10 May 2016. Reindeer use UV light to survive in the wild Archived 29 November 2011 at the Wayback Machine.

More young people are getting ACL injuries than ever before. But surgery isn’t always the solution.

They originally lived in the northern hemisphere,[2] and now are native to Europe, Asia, North America and South America. Humans introduced deer to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The reindeer was domesticated about 3 thousand years ago.

Reindeer description

Where can I see reindeer?

“Female deer can grow antlers if they have higher-than-normal testosterone levels,” said Flinn. “In most cases, does' testosterone levels are too low for full antler development. They usually are small and poorly formed, and they aren't completely hardened.

Some people even ride Siberian reindeer, which are larger than other subspecies. For the Sami people, native to Scandinavia, reindeer herding is a major part of the heritage and economy.

Why Rudolph’s nose is red: observational study

Banfield, Alexander William Francis (1961). "A Revision of the Reindeer and Caribou, Genus Rangifer".

Reindeer description

They, along with other indigenous people in the Arctic and subarctic, raise reindeer primarily for meat, which they eat and sell. Most Christmas decorations depict reindeer in a similar vein, but these portrayals are closer to an amalgamation of other deer species than they are to an actual reindeer.

Reindeer description

Their home ranges tend be as big as 190 square miles (500 square km), according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Reindeer are also called caribou, depending on their location.

‘Tis the season for reindeer to occupy people’s minds — and decorate their sweaters. But these charismatic cervines are more than holiday icons; they are culturally important yet bizarre arctic animals. Here are a few surprising facts about the peculiar creature that is the reindeer. The last remaining European herds of the genetic wild reindeer are found in central Norway.

  • (They may also benefit from competition with members of their own species for grazing spots.) This would explain caribou and wildebeest nicely, as they both live in very open country, as well as a lot of other species.
  • Reindeers become mature at 4 to 6 years old and live 15 to 18 years.
  • This means that Santa Claus' reindeer must have all been female, since they are depicted as having horns on December 24.

Benjamin Hanby — who was born in Rushville, lived in Westerville and went to Otterbein University — composed “Up on the House Top” in 1864. According to its Wikipedia entry, the song is “considered the first Yuletide song focused primarily on Santa Claus” — and his four-footed, foot-clicking helpers.

Reindeer description

Male reindeer, called bulls, grow their antlers each year from bony stubs on their heads called pedicles. The antlers are made of bone covered by a furry skin, called velvet, that has blood vessels that provide oxygen to the growing bone. Oats, apples and even parsnips were among the most likely Christmas snacks to be brought back to the sleigh for Dasher, Dancer and the rest of Santa’s reindeer to eat. Santa and his reindeer are set to eat 3,063 tonnes of carrots alone.

Reindeer description

Reindeer have specialised counter-current vascular heat exchange in their nasal passages. Temperature gradient along the nasal mucosa is under physiological control.

Reindeer description

Reindeer are thought to have first been domesticated by Arctic peoples at least 3,000 years ago (and perhaps as long as 7,000 years ago) in northern Eurasia (Lapland) and still remain the only deer species to be widely domesticated. They are used as beasts of burden and farmed for milk, meat, and their hides. Reindeer are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Can you eat reindeer?

There are two varieties, or ecotypes: tundra reindeer and forest (or woodland) reindeer.

Reindeer Lodge at Nutti Sámi Siida contains five cottages available for overnight stays. It’s not uncommon for reindeer to roam freely throughout the camp, which is run by a Sami couple who have been herding and taming reindeer for the past 30 years. Each stay includes a traditional Sami meal as well as a ride in a reindeer-pulled sleigh. In the wintertime, the camp is located far enough north to see the northern lights.

Reindeer description


They live in groups of reindeer, which are herds of only females or herds of only males. Reindeer go on long journeys between the warm and cold seasons. For this journeys the smaller groups form big herds of up to several 100,000 animals. Reindeer mate in October, and the males mate with as many females as possible. The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is an even-toed ungulate mammal of the deer family.

Single reindeer

Reindeer description

It was first domesticated in Siberia and Scandinavia. Since then, reindeer have also been used for transport, for example for pulling sleds. Because reindeer can live in very cold climates, domesticated reindeer are used in most northern parts of the world. Reindeer are the only deer where both sexes have antlers. The antlers of female reindeer are smaller than the antlers of males.

How long have reindeer been around?

In traditional lore, Santa Claus's sleigh is led by eight reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder (variously spelled Donder and Donner) and Blixem (variously spelled Blixen and Blitzen), with Rudolph being a 20th-century inclusion.

In North America, it was found in Canada, Alaska, and the northern conterminous USA from Washington to Maine. In the 19th century, it was apparently still present in southern Idaho.[2] Even in historical times, it probably occurred naturally in Ireland. Large populations of wild reindeer are still found in Norway, Finland, Siberia, Greenland, Alaska and Canada. Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park, home of the last remaining reindeer herds that are direct descendants of the original mountain reindeer in Europe. It's only open from spring through fall, with the 2018 season running from June to October.

Santa Claus's reindeer

Their neck swells, their stomach draws in, they grow a mane of hair under their neck, and they start to fight with each other, sometimes resulting in death. The winner chooses 5 to 15 females to be in his harem.

But unfortunately, Rudolph will not have much use for this haul, as reindeer only have a bottom row of teeth and, contrary to popular belief, are unable to eat carrots. According to the survey, the average value of snacks left out for Santa Claus and his reindeer was £1.58, meaning St Nick and Rudolph will enjoy a small fortune's worth of treats, vegetables and beverages. Festive Britons will leave out more than £98m worth of snacks for Santa and his reindeer this Christmas Eve - including beers, crisps and avocados, a poll has found. Using hand-held vital video microscopy for imaging the human nasal microcirculation in health, interventions, and disease, we were able to solve an age old mystery.

Reindeer description