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They are very widespread in architectural decoration, woodcarving, painted ceramics, mosaic, and illuminated manuscripts (mostly for borders). The ink used in writing scrolls had to adhere to a surface that was rolled and unrolled, so special inks were developed.

In art, the scroll is an element of ornament and graphic design featuring spirals and rolling incomplete circle motifs, some of which resemble the edge-on view of a book or document in scroll form. Others are “plant” scrolls, which loosely represent plants, such as vines with leaves or flowers attached. Scrollwork is a term for some forms of decoration dominated by spiraling scrolls, today used in popular language for two-dimensional decorative flourishes and arabesques of all kinds, especially those with circular or spiraling shapes.

Early books were typically sewn over raised cords, resulting in the bumps seen on many spines. By the 17th century, binders were recessing cords by carving notches into the spine.

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What is natural scrolling?

One of the first things that new users of OS X Lion are apt to either completely love or hate with a passion is the change to "natural scrolling." This is like scrolling on an iPad or iPhone -- when you use two fingers to swipe down on a trackpad, whatever you're scrolling moves in a downward direction as well.

Rather than the "profile" view displaying the spiral, the forms are often shown front on with the width of the strip seen. It begins in the Renaissance, and becomes increasingly popular in Mannerist and Baroque ornament.

Scroll description

Rather than the “profile” view displaying the spiral, the forms are often shown front on with the width of the strip seen. It began in the Renaissance, and became increasingly popular in Mannerist and Baroque ornament. The Romans eventually found the scroll too cumbersome for lengthy works and developed the codex, which is the formal name for the modern style of book, with individual pages bound together. Following Jewish tradition, since that time scrolls, which are very durable with examples known to be hundreds of years old such as the 800-year-old Sephardic Sefer Torah from Spain, are copied from one to another.

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Who owns scroll in?

Scroll.in is an independent Indian English-language news website started in 2014 by ACK Media founder Samir Patil and journalist Naresh Fernandes.

How to pronounce scroll?

The secondary effect is to bind us more closely to the Apple way of computing. The trackpad is rapidly developing its own complicated sign language; I’m addicted to the two-finger swipe to flip between web pages. Using a Windows machine with a mouse suddenly feels very 1997.

Scroll description

Which way scroll down?

Synonyms: curl, curlicue, bankroll, pealing, cast, helix, coil, paradiddle, rolling wave, drum roll, peal, ringlet butterfly, axial rotation, roll, volute, spiral, ringlet, roster, bowl, squiggle, lock, axial motion, whorl, gyre, rolling, roller, bun. scroll, roll(verb) a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)

Scroll description

The term codex technically refers only to manuscript books-those that, at one time, were handwritten. More specifically, a codex is the term used primarily for a bound manuscript from Roman times up through the Middle Ages. Shorter pieces of parchment or paper are called rolls or rotuli, although usage of the term by modern historians varies with periods. Historians of the classical period tend to use roll instead of scroll.

Scroll description

Parchment scrolls were used by several early civilizations before the codex or bound book with pages and was invented by the Romans in the 1st century AD[citation needed]. Nevertheless, scrolls were more highly regarded than codices until well into Roman times where they were usually written in single latitudinal column. The Romans invented the codex form of the book, folding the scroll into pages which made reading and handling the document much easier. Legend has it that Julius Caesar was the first to fold scrolls, concertina-fashion, for dispatches to his forces campaigning in Gaul. Scrolls were awkward to read if a reader wished to consult material at opposite ends of the document.

At the same time, binders increasingly added coloring to augment leather’s beauty. This was an affordable, fast means of decorating. Once all the sheets of a printed book were folded, the binder sewed the signatures into a text block. Sewing structures evolved over time and can be helpful in dating early books.

  • Hopefully, you are left more informed about all the different aspects of the papyrus scroll.
  • Archives, in the sense here considered, are documents or records, often legal records, preserved in a public or official depository; the word archives is also applied to the place where such documents are regularly deposited and preserved.
  • The Jewish communities in these countries used the same techniques to manufacture scrolls, but using deer skins.
  • The secondary effect is to bind us more closely to the Apple way of computing.
  • Continuous scroll decoration has a very long history, and such patterns were an essential element of classical and medieval decoration.

Books were bound typically for an owner or, potentially, a bookseller, but not a printer. Skilled craftsmen, practicing in workshops, crafted each binding by hand, employing simple tools and finishing the work in the fashion of the day, which was constantly evolving. Bookplates are valuable tools in studying the provenance of books but have also been avidly collected as their own objects of interest since the mid-19th century. In this scrapbook of collected bookplates a variety of styles are on view, including a bookplate designed by artist Rockwell Kent. A label, usually made from paper, pasted into a book identifying the book’s owner.

By about 1,000 CE, sheet-based formats were introduced, although scrolls continued to have a place. Traditional painting and calligraphy in East Asia is often still performed on relatively short latitudinal paper scrolls displayed vertically as a hanging scroll on a wall or horizontally and flat as a handscroll. The Chinese invented and perfected 'Indian Ink' for use in writing, including scrolls. Originally designed for blacking the surfaces of raised stone-carved hieroglyphics, the ink was a mixture of soot from pine smoke and lamp oil mixed with the gelatin of donkey skin and musk. The ink invented by the Chinese philosopher, Tien-Lcheu (2697 B.C.)[citation needed], became common by the year 1200 B.C.

Scroll description

Apple’s Mousetrap

Is Papyrus a paper?

Papyrus (/pəˈpaɪrəs/ pə-PYE-rəs) is a material similar to thick paper that was used in ancient times as a writing surface. Papyrus (plural: papyri) can also refer to a document written on sheets of such material, joined together side by side and rolled up into a scroll, an early form of a book.

A scroll (from the Old French escroe or escroue), is a roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper containing writing.[1] The history of scrolls dates back to ancient Egypt. In most ancient literate cultures scrolls were the earliest format for longer documents written in ink or paint on a flexible background, preceding bound books; rigid media such as clay tablets were also used but had many disadvantages in comparison. For most purposes scrolls have long been superseded by the codex book format, but they are still produced for some ceremonial or religious purposes, notably for the Jewish Torah scroll for use in synagogues. Scrolls were the first form of editable record keeping texts, used in Eastern Mediterranean ancient Egyptian civilizations.

Scroll description

I was still focused on symmetry and using scrollwork as a larger medallion in a room. The space I’ve been using to film my articles is not big enough to show the true potential of this technique. Regardless, for this article, I brought back the basic tile pattern as a background and then added scrollwork throughout the pattern. To conclude, much of what we know about literary works from papyrus scrolls are in fragments, no longer bound in scroll form, but nevertheless the discoveries give us a glimpse of the ancient world.

Scroll description

Hopefully, you are left more informed about all the different aspects of the papyrus scroll. Paper was introduced as a binding material in Europe by the late 16th century.

Torah Scrolls are still used today in Jewish religious observance with almost insignificant changes despite the thousands of years in practice. Whenever you’re reading a long webpage, you have to scroll on your mouse or keyboard to keep reading. At first, it can be annoying – but while it’s never going to be as simple as turning a page in a book, the more you practice scrolling down, the easier it gets – especially if you try some alternate methods and pick the one that’s the easiest for you.

Words nearby scroll

This form is also encountered at the Treasury in Damascus, having a pair of volutes turned inwards towards the bowl. The form is generally used alone and does not sprout further volutes as generally does the core heart-shaped form. In one common spreading type for wide areas, the basic form of the arabesque is a heart shape formed from two confronted volutes on stems, shown highlighted in green in the illustration. To this core are added any number of further volutes, above, below or to the sides.

Endcaps, bands at the top and bottom of a book’s spine, were structural in the early days of bookbinding. Until the introduction of mechanization to book production in the early 19th century, bookbinding was a discrete and separate process from printing. The style and look of early bindings may or may not tell us anything about the date and place of a book’s publication.

Scroll description

A memorial is any object, whether a writing, a monument, or other permanent thing that is designed or adapted to keep something in remembrance. A register is a formal or official written record, especially a series of entries made for preservation or reference; as, a register of births and deaths.

What is Scroll Lock?

The scroll lock key was meant to lock all scrolling techniques, and is a remnant from the original IBM PC keyboard, though it is not used by most modern-day software. When the scroll lock mode was on, the arrow keys would scroll the contents of a text window instead of moving the cursor.

Scrolls continued in use longer in the Islamic world, often elaborately decorated in calligraphic writing that included use of gold embossing and pigments when used for the writing of the Qur'an. The Jewish communities in these countries used the same techniques to manufacture scrolls, but using deer skins. The scrolls from these areas were known for their quality and durability, and were later imported into European and Indian communities. I find the scroll bar to be of very limited value, and I despair (refuse, sometimes) of having to use it for more than a very short distance. It reminded me that I have those little arrows on my keyboard and that my mouse has a scroll wheel.

Visual Synonyms of scroll

Scroll decoration has been used for the decoration of a vast range of objects, in all Eurasian cultures, and most beyond. A lengthy evolution over the last two millennia has taken forms of plant-based scroll decoration from Greco-Roman architecture to Chinese pottery, and then back across Eurasia to Europe.