$ 0.006 2.44%

Storm (STORM) Rank 2174

Market Cap $0.000
Volume 24H 0 STORM
Open 24H $0.006
Low/High $0.006 - $0.006
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STORM is an ERC20 compliant token operating on the Ethereum blockchain.

Storm will use the blockchain to expand their platform to create StorMarket, a decentralized micro-task marketplace economy. StorMarket will be a place where people can go to utilize their skills and talents to complete various tasks. In addition, automation via blockchain technology will allow for all of the project management and marketing aspect of a micro-task to be integrated into the platform.

Mkt.Cap $ 0.00000000 Volume 24H 0.00000000STORM
Market share 0% Total Supply 2.15 BSTORM
Proof type Open $ 0.0062
Low $ 0.0062 High $ 0.0064

The Temperature in English

Words used to describe unpleasant weather - thesaurus

A hurricane or typhoon or a cyclone is a large cyclonic weather system with continuing winds of at least 33 m/s (64 kt, 74 mph, or 118 km/h). A tropical cyclone with this wind speed usually develops an eye, which is an area of calm conditions at the center of its circulation. The eye is often seen from space as a small, round, cloud-free spot. Around the eye is the eyewall, an area where the strongest thunderstorms and winds spin around the storm's center.

Storm description

While some tropical cyclones stay out in the sea, others pass over land. They can be dangerous because of flooding and because the winds pick up objects, including things as big as small boats. Tropical cyclones can throw these things at high speeds.

Two of the most important ingredients for thunderstorm formation are instability (unstable air) and moisture. Thunder and lightning occur at roughly the same time although you see the flash of lightning before you hear the thunder. This is because light travels much faster than sound. Because opposites attract, the negative charge at the bottom of the storm cloud wants to link up with the ground’s positive charge.

This can allow the storm to persist for many hours. In a supercell, a moist, unstable body of warm air may be forced to rise by an approaching cold front.

The biggest contributors to damaged property are likely hail and wind, which can cause many types of exterior property damage. Learn more about thunderstorms here. In the past these storms sank many ships.

Derived forms of stormy

Storm description

They die when they spend a long time over land or cool ocean water. A Hurricane is the most powerful classification given to a tropical cyclone. Characterized by low barometric pressure systems, extremely high winds, heavy rainfall and storm surges and swells – hurricanes that make landfall can be extremely destructive. Click here to learn more about hurricanes. Thunderstorms can produce many types of damaging weather such as lightning, hail, tornadoes, straight-line winds, flooding and more.

Storm description

What are some descriptive words?

noun. moisture; humidity; moist air: damp that goes through your warmest clothes. a noxious or stifling vapor or gas, especially in a mine. depression of spirits; dejection.

The word stormy describes weather conditions like thunder, lightening, dark clouds, wind, and pelting rain. Blizzards are severe winter storms that combine heavy snowfall, with high winds and freezing temperatures. The combination of cold, wind and snow damages homes, businesses and automobiles. Heavy snow can produce dangerous conditions, including roof collapse.

Once the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud gets large enough, a flow of negative charge called a stepped leader rushes toward the Earth. The positive charges at the ground are attracted to the stepped leader, so positive charge flows upward from the ground. When the stepped leader and the positive charge meet, a strong electric current carries positive charge up into the cloud.

It has no eye and does not usually have the spiral shape that more powerful storms have. Only the Philippines are known to name tropical depressions. For specific types of storms, see thunderstorm; tornado; tropical cyclone.

Storm description

Tropical cyclone

The resultant outward-moving pulse is a shock wave,[9]similar in principle to the shock wave formed by an explosion, or at the front of a supersonic aircraft. Thunder is the sound caused by lightning.[1][2][3] Depending on the distance from and nature of the lightning, it can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide). The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air within and surrounding the path of a lightning strike.

Storm description

Learn more about thunderstorms and lightning here. Tropical cyclones are classified into different categories by their strength and location. The National Hurricane Center, which observes hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean, classifies them using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

Mainly cloudy with a little drizzle. Northeastern wind at 5 to 10 mph. Temperature below normal in the north and central regions. Near normal for southern regions. At some point, condensation high in the cloud (now in the form of water droplets and ice) falls to the ground as rain.

Storm description

Rain expected at night, with 40 percent chance of showers. Strong wind expected Monday, with temperature in low 50s. Supercell thunderstorms occur when very strong updrafts are balanced by downdrafts.


  • The action of warm air rising and cold air sinking (convection) plays a key role in the formation of severe thunderstorms.
  • Ice storms produce freezing rain that coats everything in its path with a layer of glaze ice.
  • The Coriolis effect made by the Earth's rotation causes the winds to rotate.
  • The connection is made and the protons rush up to meet the electrons.
  • Blizzards are severe winter storms that combine heavy snowfall, with high winds and freezing temperatures.

A tropical storm is an organized system of strong thunderstorms with a very clear surface circulation and continuing winds between 17 and 32 m/s (34–63 kt, 39–73 mph, or 62–117 km/h). At this point, the cyclonic shape starts to form, although an eye does not usually appear in tropical storms. Most tropical cyclone agencies start naming cyclonic storms at this level, except for the Philippines which have their own way of naming cyclones.

Thunder is made up of the rumbles and cracks accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm. You can also use this word for other loud noises, like the thunder of a loud rock band or your uncle's booming voice. A powerful singer can be said to thunder, singing in a way that's as noisy and impressive as a thunderstorm. Thunder can also be used for big, fast movements, like a tank thundering across a field or a truck thundering down the highway.

A bolt of lightning heats the air along its path causing it to expand rapidly. Thunder is the sound caused by rapidly expanding air. As ice crystals high within a thunderstorm cloud flow up and down in the turbulent air, they crash into each other. Small negatively charged particles called electrons are knocked off some ice and added to other ice as they crash past each other. This separates the positive (+) and negative (-) charges of the cloud.

More rarely, Tornadoes can occur in storms. Storm, violent atmospheric disturbance, characterized by low barometric pressure, cloud cover, precipitation, strong winds, and possibly lightning and thunder. A derecho is a large, violent, fast-moving, complex of thunderstorms that follow one another along a path of at least 240 miles, with wind gusts of at least 58 mph.

Think of how loud wind sounds when you are driving down the highway with your car window down, except multiply that by several hundred times. Very Informative and I’m familiar with the the green sky and the continuous lightning. I didn’t know about the calm after the storm part. Tornadoes often come after a thunderstorm. A common occurrence is for a storm to take place and then the sky appears calm and clear.

Storm description

Tropical cyclones, hurricanes or typhoons form when convection causes warm, moist air above the ocean to rise. They begin as a group of storms when the water gets as hot as 80 °F (27 °C) or hotter.

This electric current is known as the return stroke. We see it as the bright flash of a lightning bolt.

British Dictionary definitions for lightning

How does a tornado sound?

Rumbles, Roars, and Whirs While the most common tornado sound is a continuous rumble or roar, a tornado can also make other sounds. In addition to a constant rumble or low roar, tornadoes can also sound like: A waterfall or whooshing of air.

The term "tropical cyclone" is a summary term. The heat generated by the lightning causes the air to expand, in turn creating very large sound waves, or thunder.

Storm description Storm description

Is storm an adjective?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance from and nature of the lightning, it can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide).

A flash of light in the sky caused by an electrical discharge between clouds or between a cloud and the Earth's surface. The flash heats the air and usually causes thunder. Lightning may appear as a jagged streak, as a bright sheet, or in rare cases, as a glowing red ball. Cold and dry in the morning, warmer later. Windy and increasingly cloudy with sunny periods.

The action of warm air rising and cold air sinking (convection) plays a key role in the formation of severe thunderstorms. If the warm surface air is forced to rise, it will continue to rise, because it is less dense than the surrounding air. In addition, it will transfer heat from the land surface to upper levels of the atmosphere through the process of convection. A storm is a violent meteorological phenomena in which there is heavy rain, and wind due to moisture in the air. Hail and Lightning are also common in storms.

Storm description

How would you describe fog?

Most tornadoes form from thunderstorms. You need warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and cool, dry air from Canada. When these two air masses meet, they create instability in the atmosphere. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation.

With a DTA, you will get a detailed alert of when lightning is forming in full force. In addition to tornadoes, lightning can signal other types of dangerous weather are on the horizon. Windy and cloudy with occasional rain. Cold westerly wind at 25 mph (40 km/h) gusting to 40 mph (64 km/h) is expected tomorrow.

How would you describe stormy weather?

A storm is a violent meteorological phenomena in which there is heavy rain, and wind due to moisture in the air. A storm is associated with severe weather and may be marked by strong wind, thunder, lightning and heavy precipitation such as ice. Therefore, the knowledge of the weather condition is extremely important.

This type of accumulation can cause broken tree branches, power outages and other hazardous conditions. A violent snowstorm with winds blowing at a minimum speed of 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and visibility of less than one-quarter mile (400 meters) for three hours. The rain that comes with any of these winds or wind systems. Precipitation in the form of spherical or irregular pellets of ice larger than 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) in diameter, usually associated with thunderstorms. A tornado's vortex is made up of air that's rotating very rapidly.

Storm description