$ 0.019 5.94%

True Chain (TRUE) Rank 1607

Market Cap $1.94 M
Volume 24H 1428082 TRUE
Open 24H $0.018
Low/High $0.018 - $0.019
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Mkt.Cap $ 1.94 M Volume 24H 1.43 MTRUE
Market share 0% Total Supply 100 MTRUE
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.02
Low $ 0.02 High $ 0.02

True Chain Analysis: 3.6/10

If a Sybil attacker completely surrounded a node that synced past block ~320,000 it could start feeding a false chain from that point at the cost of $322 per block. These old checkpoints enable a performance increase (skipping signature verification) when initially syncing the historical blockchain, though the introduction of libsecp256k1 has made the performance difference less significant. If it partitioned a node off the network that had synced past block 295,000 it would be able to start feeding false blocks at the cost of $73 per block, at least until it hit a difficulty readjustment. However, the further along the victim node had synced, the greater the cost would be for the attacker to create a chain with more cumulative work. Some blockchains have suffered badly enough from attacks that developers add centrally broadcasted signed checkpoints into the node software, essentially saying that “block X has been validated by the developers as being on the correct historical chain.” This is a point of extreme centralization.

On the flip side, it is possible for a peer to give a block header to an SPV client and then withhold information about transactions in that block. Thus, if a Sybil attacker completely surrounded a new node that was syncing from scratch, it could create some short blockchains at low heights at almost no cost, but only up to the various checkpointed blocks. New blocks will continue to be added and valid transactions with appropriate fees will be included in the blockchain within a reasonable amount of time. At any time, all compliant nodes agree upon a prefix of what will become the eventual “true” blockchain.

MedicalChain—The first healthcare company using blockchain technology to facilitate the storage and utilization of electronic health records in order to deliver a complete telemedicine experience. They are real practicing doctors in the UK healthcare structure and want to change the system from within. Proof of insurance—Nationwide insurance company is currently testing a blockchain solution to provide proof-of-insurance information called RiskBlock.

True Chain description

What Are the Primary Activities of Michael Porter's Value Chain?

There are numerous articles about how Starbucks incorporates the value chain into its business model. A positive difference in nominal minus real GDP signifies inflation and a negative difference signifies deflation.

Loyyal—Powered by blockchain and smart contract technology, this loyalty and rewards platform creates more customized programs that even allow for multi-branded rewards. Guts—A transparent ticketing ecosystem that uses blockchain technology to eliminate ticket fraud and the secondary ticket market. Spotify—When Spotify acquired blockchain startup Mediachain Labs it was to help develop solutions via a decentralized database to better connect artists and licensing agreements with the tracks on Spotify’s service. Their first video game “Beyond the Void” got into Ubisoft's startup program and they're the first gaming company on Steam with a crypto economy. The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies.

True Chain description

Looking at the current cumulative work performed by bitcoin miners, it would take nearly 1026 hashes to build an alternative blockchain from genesis with greater cumulative proof of work that full nodes would consider to be the “true” chain. A value chain is a business model that describes the full range of activities needed to create a product or service.

Chain letter

From their technical document, there are several real-world application scenarios that are being described which if the outcome turns out to be favorable will put True Chain on a more prestigious plane. Some of those applications include insurance by helping to provide for automatic claims on the surface through smart contracts. Thus, we see how many blockchain systems out there are actually inclined at an angle, either favoring speed at the cost of decentralization as in the case of systems using BFT protocols, or having decentralized benefits but with very low TPS.

True Chain description

Nominal GDP is also included in the BEA’s quarterly report under the name current dollar. The legality of chain letters comes into question when they attempt to funnel monetary value to a single recipient. When a chain letter suggests a game of chance or a lottery with an opportunity for financial gain it is considered fraudulent under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1302, the Postal Lottery Statute. Chain letters that ask for items of minor value such as business cards or recipes are not covered by this law.

True Chain description

Because the company is privately held, however, there are many aspects of its strategy that we don't know. However, when you enter a Trader Joe's store, you can readily observe instances of Trader Joe's business that reflect the five primary activities of the value chain. In his concept of a value chain, Porter splits a business's activities into two categories, "primary" and "support," whose sample activities we list below.

True Chain description
  • Following this kind of common-sense intuition about "or", it is sometimes argued that in many natural languages, English included, the word "or" has an "exclusive" sense.[4] The exclusive disjunction of a pair of propositions, (p, q), is supposed to mean that p is true or q is true, but not both.
  • MedicalChain—The first healthcare company using blockchain technology to facilitate the storage and utilization of electronic health records in order to deliver a complete telemedicine experience.
  • There are so many blockchain innovations out there that it was a challenge to find what to highlight (check out a previous post of mine for more blockchain examples).
  • BitProperty—Using blockchain and smart contracts, BitProperty wants to democratize opportunity and create a decentralized society by allowing anyone anywhere in the world (except the U.S. and Japan due to regulatory concerns) to invest in real estate.
  • If the initial dot com boom is anything to go by, then there will be many casualties in the short term but serious disruptions in the medium and longer term.
True Chain description

As such, when developers take a very old block and create a checkpoint out of it, it is done more so as an agreed-upon sanity check rather than as a dictation of history. Thus, with this proposed change, if a Sybil attacker completely surrounded a new node that was syncing from scratch, it would be able to start feeding false blocks starting at any block after genesis for basically no cost.

Ultimately, when this tool is fully deployed it will help law enforcement, insured and insurers verify insurance coverage in real time and accelerate claims processing. Accenture—With goals to boost efficiency and productivity within the insurance industry, Accenture builds blockchain solutions for its insurance clients. They translate key insurance industry processes into blockchain-ready procedures that embed trust into the system.

True Chain description

While Bitcoin and cryptocurrency may have been the first widely known uses of blockchain technology, today, it’s far from the only one. SPV seems to offer similar guarantees as full node security, but with an additional assumption that any block with a valid header and proof of work always contains valid transactions.

True Chain investment analysis

On a related note, every blockchain system has its genesis block hard coded into the node software. You could argue that there is a social contract to the “shared history” that is the ledger – once a block is old enough, there is an understanding amongst everyone on the network that it will never be reverted.

True Chain description

TrueChain (TRUE)

True Chain description

One of the greatest assumptions made by bitcoin’s security model is that the majority of miners are honest – that they are working to secure the blockchain rather than attempting to undermine it. In practice, this has held true throughout bitcoin’s history due to miner incentives, though some question if it will continue to hold true in the future.

True Chain description

TrueChain Web Presence

True Chain description

CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. Disclosure Read More The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. A lot of bitcoin users employ a lightweight client to access the network rather than a full node since it requires far fewer resources while still providing strong security. In short, either check for securing a node’s initial sync is relatively inexpensive to attack if an entity can gain complete control of your node’s Internet connection; if they can’t, then the node will easily dismiss the attacker’s blocks. Both Greg Maxwell and Pieter Wuille have stated that they hope to someday completely remove checkpoints.