$ 0.147 6.08%

UniBright (UBT) Rank 949

Market Cap $22.1 M
Volume 24H 233217 UBT
Open 24H $0.139
Low/High $0.128 - $0.150
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Mkt.Cap $ 22.1 M Volume 24H 233,217.00UBT
Market share 0% Total Supply 150 MUBT
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.14
Low $ 0.13 High $ 0.15

OhHeyMatty AMA With Unibright The Unified Framework For Blockchain Based Business Integration

Unibright (UBT)

UniBright description

The Hackathon team from Microsoft, Zuehlke and of course UnibrightWe are very excited how blockchain adaption evolves. So for us it will be very interesting to do some kind of a follow-up hackathon within the next months. We also have a wide range of topics that could not be targeted in a two day event, for example when it comes to visually defining smart contracts, or to integrate them with ERP systems.

UniBright description

ERP objects getting mapped to smart contract automatically, monitoring of state changes in real time. In addition to paying for smart contracts, our tokens may also be used to purchase workflow templates and smart adapters developed by Unibright.

UniBright description

The Smart Contract can automatically send the invitation or a refusal to each applicant based on the defined logic. Smart Contracts now complete the work Grace and her colleagues had to do manually before. Now, they can monitor their automated hiring process within the Unibright Explorer.

Nowadays most companies have a strong interest in Blockchain technology, but struggle to use it. Unibright makes it easy to integrate Blockchain technology into existing business. After that, Stefan did an introduction on business use cases for blockchain, and showcased the benefit the Unibright framework brings to enterprises. The Hackathon (which was completely booked out with 54 participants) kicked off with a welcome note by Marten, followed by an overview on the current state of blockchain (and business use) by Patric Boscolo, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. He also mentioned the great use of Unibright as an enabler framework, making use of existing technical integration, for example provided by Microsoft Azure Blockchain Services.

UniBright description

The Unibright Explorer monitors the ongoing business process across all smart contracts and related systems. It helps to present on- and off-chain data to a useful, easy to understand dashboard. The Unibright Connector connects existing IT landscape with different blockchains and smart contracts, using the set of predefined Smart Adapters.

Contract Source Code Verified (Exact Match)

UniBright description

Unibright tokens are required each time a unibright conformant smart contract is connecting to another contract or existing it system via the Unibright Connector. Unibright tokens are required to register every smart contract deployed on our platform. This mandatory process will help standardize the highest quality smart contracts throughout our entire platform. The Unibright conformant smart contract continuously checks defined milestone conditions for payments that should be made.

UniBright description
  • UBT is an ERC20 token required to register every smart contract deployed on the UniBright platform.
  • Sarah visually designs a Blockchain integration to handle this process automatically without writing a single line of code.
  • We turn ideas into businesses, and improve processes with the help of blockchain technology.

Blockchain Guides

UniBright description

You just need to choose the right template, everything else will be generated automatically. Definition of the Unibright Contract Interface, and the Unibright Smart Contract Lifecycle. Prototypes of Workflow Designer, Lifecycle Manager, Explorer and Connector for Ethereum and SAP. Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. We turn ideas into businesses, and improve processes with the help of blockchain technology.

This enables all parties involved in each project to agree upon a payment plan based on terms that are executed reliably by the Unibright conformant smart contract. The Unibright conformant smart contract performs error checking, initiates approval workflows and calculates payouts based on the claim, the underlying policy, and the event occurring. Using this integrated solution, a smart contract uses defined rules to choose which checks to perform on candidates and requests any necessary additional data.

It generates Smart Contracts for the most appropriate blockchain automatically. Using the “Asset Lifecycle” Template, such a workflow may be visually designed with no coding knowledge required. Necessary smart contracts are then generated automatically, published on a public blockchain, and connected to individual IT systems. The current state of the process may then be monitored and presented to the public in real time. Unibright offers a unified framework bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage.

Shipping Process Monitoring

Within this integrated solution, a smart contract can define the rules used to request any needed approvals or additional actions automatically. Bill, Elena and Frank are able to monitor every invoice in real-time using the Unibright Explorer and integrate corresponding data into their existing IT systems. The smart contract Peter generated automatically communicates with his suppliers and negotiates quotes.

UniBright description

Sarah visually designs a Blockchain integration to handle this process automatically without writing a single line of code. She then instantly generates Smart Contracts that control the flow of production, integrating them into the existing ERP by automatically generating Smart Adapters. Blockchain developers are rare and expensive; smart contracts are complex and any bug is critical. Unibright is a team of developers with 20+ years of experience in business integration.

The main goal of the Hackathon was to create understanding on how smart contracts work and how hard it still is these days to code a contract manually. UBT is an ERC20 token required to register every smart contract deployed on the UniBright platform. UniBright offers a framework that auto-generates blockchain compliant code which translates into minimal developer skills required for businesses to integrate a blockchain in their systems. Allow customers form the food sector to visually design a workflow to trace business operations from supplier to end-consumer with generated smart contracts.

UniBright description

The Unibright Visual Workflow Designer gives anyone the ability to craft powerful Blockchain-based solutions with no coding skills or expensive developers required! The Unibright Contract Lifecycle Manager transforms visually designed workflows into platform-dependent code at the push of a button!