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A Six-Step Data Protocol for Instructional Planning

Developing teachers – changing classroom practice

Atlas Protocol description

What is a tuning protocol?

Atlas-Learning From Student Work Protocol. Learning from Student Work is a tool to guide groups of teachers discovering what students understand and how they are thinking.

For example, “workshopping” a piece of writing with classmates is one common form of peer assessment, particularly if students follow a rubric or guidelines provided by a teacher. These feats were the building blocks of much larger change towards student-centered learning, collaborative teaching, and transparent school initiatives – all of which are examples of using data effectively in schools with student data protocols.

Atlas Protocol description

Throughout their day, they are collecting data in the classroom to make assessments. Standardized assessmentsare designed, administered, and scored in a standard, or consistent, manner.

When students know what they do well and what they need to work harder on, it can help them take greater responsibility over their own learning and academic progress. Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course.

Screening assessmentsare used to determine whether students may need specialized assistance or services, or whether they are ready to begin a course, grade level, or academic program. Screening assessments may take a wide variety of forms in educational settings, and they may be developmental, physical, cognitive, or academic.

Because grades and test scores only provide a general impression of academic achievement, usually at the completion of an instructional period, formative feedback can help to clarify and calibrate learning expectations for both students and parents. Students gain a clearer understanding of what is expected of them, and parents have more detailed information they can use to more effectively support their child’s education.

While there is relatively little disagreement in the education community about the utility of formative assessment, debates or disagreements may stem from differing interpretations of the term. For example, some educators believe the term is loosely applied to forms of assessment that are not “truly” formative, while others believe that formative assessment is rarely used appropriately or effectively in the classroom. Help students become more aware of their learning needs, strengths, and interests so they can take greater responsibility over their own educational growth. For example, students may learn how to self-assess their own progress and self-regulate their behaviors. Peer assessments that allow students to use one another as learning resources.

Assessment for Learning. What you need to know

Performance assessmentstypically require students to complete a complex task, such as a writing assignment, science experiment, speech, presentation, performance, or long-term project, for example. Educators will often use collaboratively developed common assessments, scoring guides, rubrics, and other methods to evaluate whether the work produced by students shows that they have learned what they were expected to learn. Performance assessments may also be called “authentic assessments,” since they are considered by some educators to be more accurate and meaningful evaluations of learning achievement than traditional tests. For more detailed discussions, see authentic learning,demonstration of learning, andexhibition. Summativeassessmentsare used to evaluate student learning at the conclusion of a specific instructional period—typically at the end of a unit, course, semester, program, or school year.

What should a protocol include?

[Teacher Tools] [Case Studies] A good classroom test is valid and reliable. Validity is the quality of a test which measures what it is supposed to measure. It is the degree to which evidence, common sense, or theory supports any interpretations or conclusions about a student based on his/her test performance.

Self-assessments that ask students to think about their own learning process, to reflect on what they do well or struggle with, and to articulate what they have learned or still need to learn to meet course expectations or learning standards. They look at how well the material being used is accepted by the students. They are interested in how they’re teaching style works in the classroom.

Atlas Protocol description

These institutional goals are implemented at the program and course levels. Assessment at these levels provides information that enables the College to determine the extent to which its goals for student learning are being met. Assessment data also guides revision at the program and course levels designed to enhance student learning. This is an invitation to be critical, even brutal on others’ ideas, asking challenging questions and picking at possible issues or questionable decisions.

Advocates of protocols argue that their use helps groups of educators stay on task, avoid unhelpful or unproductive behaviors, and remain focused on goals and results. But to those recently introduced to protocol-guided conversations and activities, the process may feel artificial, stilted, or overly prescriptive. Protocols are specifically designed to generate professional conversations and interactions that would not naturally occur without a protocol, and some educators may argue that they stifle the kind creative thinking or lucky accidents that can result from the free, unobstructed exchange of ideas.

How do you do a good Sri test?

The protocol should outline the rationale for the study, its objective, the methodology used and how the data will be managed and analysed. It should highlight how ethical issues have been considered, and, where appropriate, how gender issues are being addressed.

In addition, Dr. Beam’s team created data notebooks for students. In them, students set goals and reviewed the Big 20, which are the top 20 math skills. As a corollary, the school also initiated student-led conferences, where students reviewed the data notebook with parents and shared with them their goals.

nging classroom practice', deputy head Robin Newman describes how establishing a ‘Teaching and Learning community’ within his school enabled them to embed a culture of formative assessment over a period of two years. School leaders must not expect the benefits of formative assessment to materialise within a matter of months. In the work of King’s College with a set of six schools, it took two years before changes became embedded in the teachers’ classroom practices – there was little sign of change after only one year. Yet this was in a project where all the teachers had a whole-day meeting together at King’s once every five weeks, research staff visited each individually to observe lessons and give feedback, and they were keen to adopt the innovations. tice, these rewards depend much upon the individual teacher and their implementation of formative assessment.

Formative assessment is an essential component of classroom work and its development can raise standards of achievement, Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam reveal. They should understand the process of learning, being able to recognise how their learning is going and being prepared – and able to identify and overcome difficulties when they occur. A lot of the work around ‘successful learners’ discusses the need for students to develop the language for talking about and evaluating learning. All too often, teachers do not give students time to think during a class discussion. The one word answers the pupils inevitably give are rewarded if correct and brushed aside if not.

  • For more detailed discussions, seemeasurement error andtest bias.
  • Discussing and Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning - using the results to improve individual student performance.
  • Questions that teachers pose to individual students and groups of students during the learning process to determine what specific concepts or skills they may be having trouble with.
  • As a result, teachers become much more secure in trusting their judgement – they are able to better understand the child, and tailoring their teaching to meet the child’s specific needs becomes much easier.
  • “Admit slips” are a similar strategy used at the beginning of a class or lesson to determine what students have retained from previous learning experiences.

This can be especially useful for a teacher who is very busy during an instruction or in a class that loves to participate. Observe behaviors while interacting with the student, when they are working on assignments by themselves or on a group assignment.

Atlas Protocol description

Common assessments are used to encourage greater consistency in teaching and assessment among teachers who are responsible for teaching the same content, e.g. within a grade level, department, orcontent area. They allow educators to compare performance results across multiple classrooms, courses, schools, and/or learning experiences (which is not possible when educators teach different material and individually develop their own distinct assessments).


For this reason, placement assessments are administered before a course or program begins, and the basic intent is to match students with appropriate learning experiences that address their distinct learning needs. This step is often not included in traditional student data protocols, but we’d be remiss to ignore it. There was an increase in the use of tools in the math classrooms and reasoning shifted to problem-solving and hands-on learning. The diversity of assessments also increased as teachers implemented more oral questions, exit tickets, and projects.

Why is it important to do assessment?

Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment. Through formative assessment, teachers check student understanding, get valuable data on student learning, and then use that data to modify instruction. When teachers know what students know (or don't know), they can adjust to meet students right at their level.

Middle School SRI Scores

Atlas Protocol description

Another common debate is whether formative assessments can or should be graded. Many educators contend that formative assessments can only be considered truly formative when they are ungraded and used exclusively to improve student learning. Portfolio-basedassessmentsare collections of academic work—for example, assignments, lab results, writing samples, speeches, student-created films, or art projects—that are compiled by students and assessed by teachers in consistent ways. Portfolio-based assessments are often used to evaluate a “body of knowledge”—i.e., the acquisition of diverse knowledge and skills over a period of time. Portfolio materials can be collected in physical or digital formats, and they are often evaluated to determine whether students have met required learning standards.

Atlas Protocol description

Teachers use the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) test to assess students' levels of reading comprehension. The SRI test is a computer-adaptive test based on the Lexile Framework, a reading measure that matches students to text, taken in a low-pressure setting with no time constraints. Teachers can use their students' scholastic reading inventory scores to monitor progress and set goals. Assessment data dating back to the first grade showed that, since then, 15% of students had not met grade-level standards. And, in fourth grade the number of students who didn’t meet grade-level standards doubled.

A wide variety of intentional questioning strategies may be employed, such as phrasing questions in specific ways to elicit more useful responses. Are standardized assessments trulyobjectivemeasures of academic achievement?

Atlas Protocol description

A protocolis a set of step-by-step guidelines—usually in the form of a simple one- or two-page document—that is used by educators to structure professional conversations or learning experiences to ensure that meeting, planning, or group-collaboration time is used efficiently, purposefully, and productively. The National School Reform Faculty and the School Reform Initiative are the two primary sources of protocols in the United States, and hundreds of protocols can be downloaded from their websites. Dr. Beam joined the staff as Assistant Principal at a low performing urban public school with the goal of improving school performance.

What is a data chat?

A Lexile reader measure represents a person's reading ability on the Lexile scale. A Lexile text measure represents a text's difficulty level on the Lexile scale. The reader's score on the test is reported as a Lexile measure from a low of 0L to a high of 2000L.

If teaching the Common Core curriculum, create bar charts that students can color in to indicate their own level of understanding of the material. Students can be engaged in various ways to produce a lot of helpful information.

Atlas Protocol description

Set Up Your Tuning Protocol Norms

Teachers should be supported by a commitment sustained within their whole school over several years, a commitment which arranges that they have time to share experiences and advice with colleagues, and that they can risk, and be helped to overcome and learn from, failures. Black further suggests that school leaders should not commit their staff to other innovations until this one is well established. A frequent misunderstanding is that any assessment by teachers, and in particular the use of a weekly test to produce a record of marks, constitutes formative assessment. Unless some learning action follows from the outcome, such practice is merely frequent summative assessment.

Atlas Protocol description

Dr. Beam, faculty at the University of North Georgia as well as a former principal and assistant principal, shared with us her process for using data effectively in schools to initiate change, create a shared vision among faculty, and guide an improvement project, specifically focusing on mathematics. Discussing and Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning - using the results to improve individual student performance. Developing or Selecting Assessment Measures - designing or selecting data gathering measures to assess whether or not our intended learning outcomes have been achieved.

Atlas Protocol description