$ 50.000 0.00%
BitcoinDark (BTCD) Rank 2741
Bitcoin Dark (BTCD) is a PoW and PoS hybrid alternatve crypto currency based on the same algorithm as Bitcoin itself - SHA256 - the difference is in the intent behind development - where Bitcoin is moving towards regulatory approval with increased transparency, BitcoinDark tries to push further of the belief of decentralisation and anonymity. The block time is 60 seconds - there was a 1.5 premine and a total of 22 million coins are scheduled to be produced.
Following the announcement of the Komodo Platform by the SuperNet team, BitcoinDark could be swapped for KMD coins and will be so until 2018. BTCD technology will be further advanced in the KMD platform.
Mkt.Cap | $ 0.00000000 | Volume 24H | 0.00000000BTCD |
Market share | 0% | Total Supply | 22 MBTCD |
Proof type | PoW/PoS | Open | $ 50.00 |
Low | $ 49.99 | High | $ 50.05 |
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An open source bitcoin platform designed for the sole purpose of protecting users’ privacy. Dark Wallet is a digital wallet that enables data anonymization by obfuscating bitcoin transactions carried out in the online market space. To pay with BitcoinDark for a new pair of shoes, you need to send 4,85 BTCD. Your new Lamborghini will set you back 19.410,15 BTCD ir for a Tesla you need at least 6.550,93 BTCD in your hardware wallet. Following the announcement of the Komodo Platform by the SuperNet team, BitcoinDark could be swapped for KMD coins and will be so until 2018.
We need a modified version of the BTCD (Bitcoindark) qt-wallet. My friend James is working on a technology called Teleport that allows anonymous transactions that leave no trace in the blockchain. Upon release of the Iguana client, people already familiar with Bitcoin will prefer it along with any incoming new users due to its efficiency and ease of use. Furthermore, the increase in efficiency will allow Bitcoin technology to be much more accessible throughout the world, especially developing nations.

After the developers decided to move to Komodo, a year-long swap was set up enabling coin holders to transfer their BitcoinDark over at a rate of 1 BTCD to 50 KMD. The block time is 60 seconds - there was a 1.5 premine and a total of 22 million coins are scheduled to be produced. taken from CrypTrader.comBitcoinDark appears to be re-accumulating in the 0.002–0.003 BTC range after recently testing resistance at 0.004 BTC.

Currently it sits at slightly over $1.3 million total market cap (roughly 0.0023 BTC/BTCD). A greater market capitalization is required to ensure that any anonymous transaction is possible, regardless of amount.

Liquidity is another prerequisite to ensuring proper anonymous transactions. This consensus mechanism can be used by basically any cryptocurrency that wishes to better its security system. Through Komodo itself, other blockchains can plug into Bitcoin, saving costs on the transaction fees (that are cheaper on Komodo). The block data from Komodo is introduced in Bitcoin via custom transactions made by the notary nodes that are connected to both blockchains.

The Komodo Platform was forked from Zcash by the SuperNET team and it is the evolution of the BitcoinDark cryptocurrency[1]. I think we need to combine the above shotgun approach with a rifle approach and pick the big payoff target, which is corporate use of Bitcoin that is turned dark. Corporations dont use bitcoin since it is crazy to let competition know your finances in realtime. With teleport, that is not a risk anymore, so for the first time ever, there is a chance for corporations to adopt crypto. Also, let us no kid ourselves into thinking they will use BTCD.
BTCD technology will be further advanced in the KMD platform. The Komodo Platform relies on the technology developed by the Zcash team, Zero Knowledge Proofs. This technology allows the transactions within the Komodo blockchain to be 100% private or transparent according to the privacy requirements of each situation. Komodo(KMD) is a cryptocurrency project that focuses on providing anonymity through zero knowledge proofs and security through a novel Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) protocol.
Coin Mixing is also done when a user is transferring coins from one of his pockets to another. Wilson and Taaki have expressed interest in increasing the number of users whose transactions could join one of these pools; generally, expansions of coin mixing are seen as among the clearest paths to increased anonymity in cryptocurrency trading. The problem with bitcoin however, is its high level of transparency visible in transactions conducted online.
Anyone utilizing the Iguana client will be exposed to BTCD since it is included in the client. Through mere-exposure effect, I suspect that more people will begin to make use of BTCD directly or indirectly, thereby helping to increase its market capitalization. Once Iguana is released, I expect BitcoinDark to find a higher and much more proper valuation. Privacy and anonymity has been a growing concern, especially with the surveillance measures being taken today. Bitcoin’s blockchain does not allow for proper anonymity since all transactions can be tracked.

The firm surveyed vendors to determine which cryptocurrency should be adopted by vendors next. Dash and Monero, a cryptocurrency with strong privacy credentials, emerged as favorites, while bitcoin and its offshoot bitcoin cash were ranked last. At the moment 1.288.862 of 22.000.000 BitcoinDark are available, that means 5,86 % of all units are in circulation.

BitcoinDark reached 758 days ago on 08.01.2018 the all-time high of 308,500 €. The price is now lower by -287,89 € (-93,32 %), this equates to a loss of -0,38 € (-0,12 %) per day.
- In August 2017, Shone Anstey, co-founder and president of Blockchain Intelligence Group, estimateda decline of 20 percent in illegal transactions using bitcoin.
- This consensus mechanism can be used by basically any cryptocurrency that wishes to better its security system.
- BTCD technology will be further advanced in the KMD platform.
- The firm surveyed vendors to determine which cryptocurrency should be adopted by vendors next.
- Once the steps for installation are complete, a new digital wallet will be created with a wallet seed or key, i.e. a password needed to access the wallet.

BitcoinDark is currently at the #467 place in front of Lotus Token Inc (LTO).
E-commerce vendors on the dark web, a place where the cryptocurrency remains unchallenged as the medium of transaction, have begun accepting other coins. Coinjoin is an anonymization strategy that protects the privacy of Bitcoin users when they conduct transactions with each other.
What Is Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency?
In any case there isnt enough BTCD for corporate use, certainly not at our current marketcap. A digital wallet that enables data anonymization by obfuscating bitcoin transactions carried out in the online market space.
The difference between them is their consensus algorithm. Also the BitcoinDark desktop wallet includes a decentralized exchange (DEX). With development now focused on Komodo, a coin which also emphasizes privacy and anonymity, it was decided that the time was right to retire BitcoinDark. The coin swap that has been initiated will run until January 2018. The first two weeks after release will consist of a two week Proof of Work period.

I am making some BTCD core changes to solve the change issue. Once BTCD starts trading on Chinese exchange, then as long as you are outside of China, just fund the transporter acct with a direct withdraw to the transporter address. If you are in China, use a non-Chinese exchange preferably with a country not so friendly so there are problems with obtaining brokerage records. There will be two GUI, one is current BTCD qt wallet, it will have a button that opens up a web browser (automatically logs in) and you will get a reskinned NXT GUI with all the NXT features and all the NXTservices features.

At its core, Komodo is a proof-of-work cryptocurrency with regular mining. But it also has a Delayed Proof of Work system, one that is able to "recycle" Bitcoin's hashrate to ensure Komodo's immutability. The SuperNET team has also developed a hand full of individual tools that will stand together with Komodo to form a complete ecosystem with advanced functionalities like decentralized trading and mixing. Komodo is a new standard for cryptocurrency security and anonymity. Protected by Zcash Zero Knowledger proofs, users can make 100% untraceable transactions.
I expect BTCD to get back above 0.003 BTC soon and retest 0.004 BTC. If BTCD manages to consolidate above 0.004 BTC in the next move up, I expect an even bigger move to come. The timing of the moves should coincide closely with release of the iguana client.
The Iguana client addresses this problem through the use of BitcoinDark technology known as teleport and telepathy. Dark Wallet, however, only records one single transaction by joining them together. The ledger would show that bitcoins were paid from the addresses of A, C, and E to those of B, D, and F. By masking the deals made by all parties, a tracker can’t, with full certainty, determine who sent bitcoins to whom.
By encrypting online transactions, critics have raised legitimate concerns that Dark Wallet will open a major door to many illegal and heinous activities including terrorism funding, money laundering, drug trafficking, and child pornography. But legitimate businesses wary of unwelcome government surveillance and data hacks believe Dark Wallet to be a welcome tool for tackling growing issues surrounding data privacy and anonymity. BitcoinDark reached its highest price on 9 January, 2018, when it was trading at its all-time high of $ 420.37. Back in September 2014, BTCD had a market capitalization of over $8 million (USD), with each BTCD amounting to over 0.013 BTC.
What Are the Advantages of Paying With Bitcoin?

When transactions are private, no one can see the amount, sender or recipient of the transaction on the blockchain, although miners can verify that it is correct and that no double-spending has taken place. When the transactions are transparent, they behave like a normal Bitcoin transaction. Anonymous transactions are important, not only to protect user privacy but also to ensure that all the coins remain fungible, which is one of the basic requisites for any currency[2].
BitcoinDark Price Index, Historical Chart and Market Cap
BitcoinDark was swapped for Komodo (KMD) and the whole team moved on to the development of KMD, as confirmed by the BitcoinDark official twitter page. The official website bitcoindark.com is no longer available. Contrary to popular belief, BTCD was never a fork of Bitcoin and has existed since 2014.