$ 0.000 3.70%

Crowd Machine (CMCT) Rank 2039

Market Cap $35,812.000
Volume 24H 0 CMCT
Open 24H $0.000
Low/High $0.000 - $0.000
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Mkt.Cap $ 35,812.00 Volume 24H 0.00000000CMCT
Market share 0% Total Supply 2 BCMCT
Proof type N/A Open $ 0.000017
Low $ 0.000017 High $ 0.000018

Bittrex Geofences for USA Crowd Machine Event

Different modules of an app can be used across many business functions repeatedly, saving time and cost. Companies today look to modernize their applications and adopt cloud technologies to remain ahead of the curve. However, developing code-intensive applications is not only time consuming but an expensive process. Most companies lack the resources to develop efficient applications in time to capture market opportunities.

Machine learning is an increasingly used computational tool within human-computer interaction research. While most researchers currently utilize an iterative approach to refining classifier models and performance, we propose that ensemble classification techniques may be a viable and even preferable alternative. In ensemble learning, algo- rithms combine multiple classifiers to build one that is su- perior to its components.

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Cascade is an automated workflow that allows crowd workers to spend as little at 20 seconds each while collectively making a taxonomy. We evaluate Cascade and show that on three datasets its quality is 80-90% of that of experts.

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In response, researchers have investigated hybrid crowd- and AI-powered methods that collect human labels to bootstrap automatic processes. However, deployments have been small and mostly confined to institutional settings, leaving open questions about the scalability and generality of the approach. In this work, we describe our iterative development of Zensors++, a full-stack crowd-AI camera-based sensing system that moves significantly beyond prior work in terms of scale, question diversity, accuracy, latency, and economic feasibility. We deployed Zensors++ in the wild, with real users, over many months and environments, generating 1.6 million answers for nearly 200 questions created by our participants, costing roughly 6/10ths of a cent per answer delivered. We share lessons learned, insights gleaned, and implications for future crowd-AI vision systems.

We propose to use black-box optimization instead, a family of techniques that do not require probabilistic modelling by the end user. Specifically, we adopt Bayesian Optimization to approximate the maximum of a utility function quantifying the user's (business-) objectives while minimizing search cost. Our approach is validated in a simulation and three real-world experiments. The black-box nature of our approach may enable us to reduce the entry barrier for efficiently building crowdsourcing solutions.

By applying natural language processing techniques to crowdsourced free-response labels for the resulting images, we efficiently converge on an expression's value across signal categories. Two studies returned 218 discriminable facial expressions with 51 unique labels.

Especially if they are a for-profit company (of companies), they should show more professional open transparency and explain things such as why they have 3 companies in far more detail, as well as where they are and how they can be reached. That's one difference between what is now termed "White Paper" and what was always considered a good business plan.

Gestalt allows developers to implement a classification pipeline, analyze data as it moves through that pipeline, and easily transition between implementation and analysis. An experiment shows this significantly improves the ability of developers to find and fix bugs in machine learning systems. Our discussion of Gestalt and our experimental observations provide new insight into general-purpose support for the machine learning process. We introduce an approach to define a vocabulary of attributes that is both human understandable and discriminative.

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Our evaluation also shows that local crowds can generate knowledge that is missing from online platforms and on how a local crowd perceives a certain issue. Finally, we discuss the benefits and challenges of eliciting structured knowledge from local crowds. With the increasing popularity of crowdsourcing and crowd computing, the question of how to select a well-performing crowd process for a problem at hand is growing ever more important. Prior work casted crowd process selection to an optimization problem, whose solution is the crowd process performing best for a user's problem. However, existing approaches require users to probabilistically model aspects of the problem, which may entail a substantial investment of time and may be error-prone.

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Crowd Machine

We participated as Reddit moderators for over a year, and conducted interviews with 16 moderators to understand the use of Automod in the context of the sociotechnical system of Reddit. Our findings suggest a need for audit tools to help tune the performance of automated mechanisms, a repository for sharing tools, and improving the division of labor between human and machine decision making. We offer insights that are relevant to multiple stakeholders—creators of platforms, designers of automated regulation systems, scholars of platform governance, and content moderators. One of the most critical tasks for startups is to validate their business model.

Used by companies in 73 countries, Crowd Machine’s no-code development platform brings remarkable improvements in time to market. Crowd Machine is looking for brilliant, curious, product-focused people to join our high performing team. If you’re energized by powerful, leading edge technology, live for innovation, and want to make a profound impact on how business fundamentally gets done, we’re the company for you. The basics of what's included here is that platforms, crowds (which are really just a type of platform) and algorithms (which are hosted on platforms) are taking over the spaces where human cognition dominate.

  • I think there is much more inertia in human affairs than we accept.
  • We present our experiences using Ama-zon's Mechanical Turk (AMT) sto verify over 100,000 local business listings for an online directory.
  • It employs elastic scalability ensuring that enterprise applications scale dynamically to meet load demands.
  • The authors are techno-optimists with confidence that humans can use technologies to achieve desired ends.
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Decentralization of the Crowd Computer

Novel platforms have become possible based on these machine level advancements. McAfee and Brynholfsson explore artificial intelligence and crowdsourcing with abundant examples. Artificial intelligence from businesses like IBM and Google demonstrate the superiority of computers over humans in games like Chess and Go. Thomas Friedman aligns with McAfee and Brynholfsson in their judgement that assistive intelligence has limits. Understanding and creative vision still remain as advantages for humans.

Crowd Machine Status Scores

It seems geared towards workplace staff development for companies, with questions at the end of each chapter that could be discussed in a team read of the book. It is the type of book employees often read to further their own personal development, as well.

The authors organized their book into the three categories of Machine, Platform, and Crowd because these technocrats observed a segue from hardware to software sophistication and multi-user networks. A correlation amongst improved machine capacity, computational capability, and user friendly created Watson and Deep Blue thru Uber and the blockchain. Thomas Friedman documented a similar progression in Thank You for Being Late. The number of popular crowd sourced applications increased after the required computational hardware and software emerged.

With Crowd Machine, a successful asset-based lending institution leveraged the power of no-code technology to replace its outdated legacy loan system with a sophisticated asset based lending portfolio management system that streamlines the complex abl process. Accelerate The Transformation Of Your Business With Crowd Machine.

Crowd Machine F500 enterprise customers experience significant improved business line credibility. Crowd Machine enables the quick creation of feature-rich dashboards, database apps, and workflows using supplied gadgets or data. The Crowd Machine technology is SOX Type I, II & III complaint, GDPR compliant and HIPAA compliant. Crowd Machine also takes advantage of the latest in security technology.

A Human-in-the-loop Attribute Design Framework for Classification

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The authors give the example of Airbnb which is not suitable for the business traveller, who needs meeting room, easy meals etc. Crowd-sourcing is a recent framework in which human intelligence tasks are outsourced to a crowd of unknown people (”workers”) as an open call (e.g., on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk). Crowd-sourcing has become immensely popular with hoards of employers (”requesters”), who use it to solve a wide variety of jobs, such as dictation transcription, content screening, etc. In order to achieve quality results, requesters often subdivide a large task into a chain of bite-sized subtasks that are combined into a complex, iterative workflow in which workers check and improve each other’s results. This paper raises an exciting question for AI — could an autonomous agent control these workflows without human intervention, yielding better results than today’s state of the art, a fixed control program?

This ultimately ensures a seamless deployment into production,” says James Hanley, COO, Crowd Machine. See how Crowd Machine GO can improve your #EnterpriseIT processes with better #WorkflowAutomation in a #NoCode application development platform. Crowd Machine Eliminates High Costs And Slow App Turn-Around Times. Find Your Business App Solution And Get Your App To Market Quickly With Crowd Machine. A few beta tests and not planning to be fully ready until a year or so is an even greater red flag to me.

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Interestingly, Crowd Share allows apps to be used as components of other apps as well. Apps can be built either in the cloud environment or within the client infrastructure, using internal IT resources. The company aims to enhance Crowd Share’s features to help multiple industries with new capabilities.

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no-code enterprise software development platform

The authors are techno-optimists with confidence that humans can use technologies to achieve desired ends. This approach usually views innovation as the product of unique individuals and peculiar insights rather than societal changes generated by the forces of economic competition fanned by human desire for accumulation and power. Take out the individuals and the narratives we construct, would human culture and technology not be in much the same place.

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