$ 0.012 3.93%
IOCoin (IOC) Rank 2804
IOCoin has a strong development team backing it. The coin is X11 with proof of work and proof of stake. The proof of stake has an annualised rate of 2%.
Mkt.Cap | $ 0.00000000 | Volume 24H | 5,181.00IOC |
Market share | 0% | Total Supply | 16 MIOC |
Proof type | PoW/PoS | Open | $ 0.01 |
Low | $ 0.01 | High | $ 0.01 |
Messaging- Users can instant message directly with one another directly through the blockchain using AES 256 encryption for small fee.

With DIONS you could have address such as your_name or your_company_name. I believe this is critical when mass adoption of blockchain technology finally happens, and company will definitely like this feature.
At the moment 17.074.635 of 17.074.635 IOCoin are available, that means 100,00 % of all units are in circulation. IOCoin reached 744 days ago on 22.01.2018 the all-time high of 5,033 €. The price is now lower by -4,97 € (-98,67 %), this equates to a loss of -0,01 € (-0,13 %) per day.

IOCoin IOC Coin Overview
To begin staking simply unlock wallet and enable staking. Make sure when you encrypt wallet for first time you write down password or you may lose access to coins.
InsertCoin() Use this to let the player pay before play. You can check payment in the same way as the function. SendToAddress() Send an amount of I/O Coin to an I/O Coin wallet address. Send an amount of I/O Coin to an I/O Coin wallet address (set by the prepare payment function). The coin is X11 with proof of work and proof of stake.
Transactions - private keys A transaction is a transfer of value between Bitcoin wallets that gets included in the block chain. The signature also prevents the transaction from being altered by anybody once it has been issued. All transactions are broadcast between users and usually begin to be confirmed by the network in the following 10 minutes, through a process called mining. Choose your own fees There is no fee to receive bitcoins, and many wallets let you control how large a fee to pay when spending.
Features of the blockchain

Staking independently, with full control of your keys/wallet is the safest way to stake coins and earn interest. IOCOIN is its own blockchain and not an erc20 token. Processing - mining Mining is a distributed consensus system that is used to confirm waiting transactions by including them in the block chain. It enforces a chronological order in the block chain, protects the neutrality of the network, and allows different computers to agree on the state of the system. To be confirmed, transactions must be packed in a block that fits very strict cryptographic rules that will be verified by the network.
See below for a full range of Bitcoin markets where you can trade US Dollars for Bitcoin, crypto to Bitcoin and many other fiat currencies too. ioc.wallet.PreparePayment("ifURRvG6asxQJauo9G8gGEfqnbYKzq3UYK", 10); // Prepare payment for 10 I/O Coin to the address.

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This report should be leaned to get most info about heading trends. It means that IOCoin price can be leaded by other, more mighty cryptocurrency, or maybe some market trend have affect on it.
As far as I know, no other coin had this feature. Messaging — Users can instant message directly with one another directly through the blockchain using AES 256 encryption for small fee. The new HTML wallet allows for easy access and interface to the messaging capabilities. The Digital Crypto-Currency was first released to the market in July 2014.
Most wallets have reasonable default fees, and higher fees can encourage faster confirmation of your transactions. Fees are unrelated to the amount transferred, so it's possible to send 100,000 bitcoins for the same fee it costs to send 1 bitcoin. Security and control over your money Bitcoin transactions are secured by military grade cryptography. Nobody can charge you money or make a payment on your behalf. So long as you take the required steps to protect your wallet, Bitcoin can give you control over your money and a strong level of protection against many types of fraud.
IOCoin Wallet Apk

- IOCoin is currently at the 717th place in front of carVertical (CV).
- The Digital Crypto-Currency was first released to the market in July 2014.
- IOCoin reached 744 days ago on 22.01.2018 the all-time high of 5,033 €.
- This is a 0,0005 % market share (dominance) of the entire crypto currency market, 0,001 % from Bitcoin (BTC) and 99,62 % from SkullBuzz (SKB).
These rules prevent previous blocks from being modified because doing so would invalidate all following blocks. Mining also creates the equivalent of a competitive lottery that prevents any individual from easily adding new blocks consecutively in the block chain. This way, no individuals can control what is included in the block chain or replace parts of the block chain to roll back their own spends. Fast international payments Sending bitcoins across borders is as easy as sending them across the street. Bitcoin is an SHA-256 POW coin with almost 21,000,000 total minable coins.
You need a local I/O Coin wallet, with some balance, installed on your computer. With the I/O Coin package for Unity 3D you get the power of a stable, reliable and working blockchain in your games. IOCoin has a market capitalization of 1.140.775 €.

The price is as unstable as always and it can go up or down by 10%-20% in a single day. Learn all about IOC, from background to social media, similar coins, founders and more. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.

I/O coin is launched in 2014 and still in development by a group of experts on blockchain security and cryptocurrency. IOC had a fair launch, which means that there was no Initial Public Coin Offering (IPCO), giveaway, or pre-mining done for IOC. Thus, the coin distribution for I/O Coin is much more transparent and fair than many other altcoins. This means there is no danger of the developer, or any single user, secretly hoarding a significant number of coins. Text changes, default wallet is now 'iocoin-games' and replaced an obsolete WWW function.
During its initial mining period or “Proof Of Work” period, over 16 million I/O coin was mined. Just like any other currency such as Dollar and Euro, I/O coin has a real world value, which is based on the latest exchange rate of the cryptocurrency. You can also earn interest from your I/O coins by putting them into your wallet and allow them to ‘Stake’ to help them secure network. I/O Coin is a highly innovative and secure cryptocurrency.

It’s critical that the team behind it are not anonymous to give it more credibility if you want it to be adopted globally. Protect your identity With Bitcoin, there is no credit card number that some malicious actor can collect in order to impersonate you. In fact, it is even possible to send a payment without revealing your identity, almost just like with physical money. You should however take note that some effort can be required to protect your privacy.

About I/O Coin

With the largest variety of markets and the biggest value - having reached a peak of 318 billion USD - Bitcoin is here to stay. It is also the most traded cryptocurrency and one of the main entry points for all the other cryptocurrencies.

IOCoin is currently at the 717th place in front of carVertical (CV). So instead of random string of number and letter such as a6qrmFiwjxxX9ouo7pQUe7AUZ2BhdGGVB8.

It works perfectly with PoS Systems using less power making them friendlier to the environment as compared to the Bitcoin. This article features basic info about the I/O coin. In Proof-Of-Stake system the stakers secure the network by staking their coins, in return receive rewards. These rewards are generated from transaction fees, registration fees, data storage, transfers, and messaging fees.
In order to overtake the predecessor SkullBuzz (SKB), the price would have to rise to 0,067 € (+0,39 %). For IOCoin to become the number one global cryptocurrency and defeat Bitcoin (BTC), a minimum price of at least 8.901,045 € (+13.322.606,04 %) is necessary. I/O Coin aims to be used as enterprise blockchain, where companies can build their DAPPS on top of it (Similar to Ethereum concept).