$ 0.283 2.82%
Komodo (KMD) Rank 768
Komodo is a privacy-centric cryptocurrency that combines the anonymity of ZCash with the security of Bitcoin. Using a new consensus mechanism developed by the Komodo team, delayed Proof of Work, Komodo blocks can be notarized using the Bitcoin blockchain. KMD is issued through an Equihash-based PoWÂ protocol, and the new block information is sent to pre-voted notary nodes. These nodes insert the Komodo block information on the BTC blockchain by creating a custom transaction. This system ensures that in order to "hack" komodo, one would have to rewrite both chains.
Komodo uses Zero Knowledge Proofs to provide 100% anonymous transactions, that are now secured with Bitcoin's hash rate.
Mkt.Cap | $ 39.7 M | Volume 24H | 1.37 MKMD |
Market share | 0% | Total Supply | 200 MKMD |
Proof type | dPoW/PoW | Open | $ 0.28 |
Low | $ 0.27 | High | $ 0.28 |
Komodo Dragon Facts and Information
Komodo dragons can reproduce through both sexual and asexual reproduction. The average size of a male Komodo dragon is 8 to 9 feet and about 200 lbs., according to theSmithsonian National Zoological Park, but they can reach a whopping 10 feet (3 meters) in length.
Komodo Dragon Description
Indonesia’s four islands within Komodo National Park (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, Gili Dasami), and the island of Flores. The islands are volcanic in origin, rugged and hilly, and covered with both forest and savanna grassland. Komodo dragons have the smallest home range of any large predator in the world!
Animal Anatomy
However, if it is able to bite its prey, bacteria and venom in its saliva will kill the prey within a few days. After the animal dies, which can take up to four days, the Komodo uses its powerful sense of smell to locate the body. Komodo dragons are limited to a few Indonesian islands of the Lesser Sunda group, including Rintja, Padar and Flores, and of course the island of Komodo, the largest at 22 miles (35 kilometers) long.

How do you draw a zebra?
“Dragons are intelligentThey have affection for their friends and fury for their enemies.

2. Komodos are excellent swimmers.
By flicking its tongue out of its mouth, the Komodo Dragon is able to "taste" scent particles in the air to locate both live and dead prey up to 8km away. Most of the modern day Komodo dragon’s diet consists of animals that are not native to the area. The Lesser Sunda islands, of which Flores and the other islands are part, were never connected to mainland Asia. Up until the Late Pleistocene, the only large herbivores present on the islands were dwarf elephants. Deer and pigs were introduced to the islands by modern humans some 4-5,000 years ago (van den Bergh et al., 2009).
Instead they tear bits off the carcass and throw it backwards into their mouths, able to swallow it whole aided by their flexible neck muscles. Although the Komodo Dragon would have once been widespread across many Indonesian islands, they are today confined to just five which all lie in the Komodo National Park.

Although not strictly venomous, the bite of a Komodo Dragon is not just dangerous for the physical damage the Komodo is capable of causing, it is also heavily dosed with dangerous bacteria. If a victim is lucky enough to escape being eaten, because of the bacteria, it is likely to die eventually. A komodo dragon will follow its escapee until this happens (usually within a week), and then consume it.
Can you survive a bite from a Komodo dragon?
In a report by CBS News, when smugglers offer a komodo dragon for sale the price to buy the animal is reported to be $30,000. Buyers can also purchase a Madagascar tortoises for $30,000 as well.

Moreover, the Australian material indicates that Komodo dragons attained large size early on in their evolution. © Vulkanisator/FotoliaThe largest living lizard in the world is the Komodo dragon. Hunted almost to extinction after Western scientists discovered the reptile on Komodo Island, Indonesia, in 1912, this species is currently protected under Indonesian law. The Komodo dragon is a monitor lizard of the family Varanidae and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Komodo monitor. The scientific name of the Komodo dragon is Varanus komodoensis.

Although attacks are very rare, Komodo dragons have been known to kill humans. Komodo dragons inhabit volcanic islands with rugged, hilly terrain. The islands they live on have a range of different ecosystems, from grasslands and savannas, to dense forests. In their native range, these interesting animals remain at lower elevations, avoiding the higher, mountainous cloud forests on the Indonesian islands they inhabit.
1. Komodo dragons are also known as oras.
How do you draw a Komodo dragon?
It's not legal to keep a Komodo dragon as a pet, so it depends on what you mean by 'possible.' They are a CITES I protected endangered species, internationally. Only zoos and educational institutions are allowed to have these animals, and they are very closely monitored.
- Over the years we have been able to provide answers to some of these questions.
- Eggs are incubated for 7 – 8 months, hatching in April the following year when insects are abundant.
- In the wild their range has contracted due to human activities.
- This led some scientists to suggest that Komodo dragons had evolved from a small-sized ancestor, and only evolved larger body sizes after their arrival to the Flores archipelago.

Young Komodo Dragons however, prey on smaller animals in the trees such as Snakes, Lizards and Birds. The teeth of the Komodo Dragon are sharp and serrated but they mean that this animal cannot chew.

As part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Species Survival Plan for Komodo dragons, the animals are often moved from zoo to zoo, based on breeding needs. There are two juvenile dragons who take turns being on exhibit in the corner of our Reptile House, as they are not compatible. Nacho, a male, and Mezcal, a female, hatched from the same clutch at the Los Angeles Zoo in August 2010 and moved here in April 2011.
The venom acts as a blood thinner, and will cause death by heart failure and massive internal bleeding in as little as 30 minutes. The Komodo dragon mating season spans the months of July and August. In September, the females dig egg chambers, in which they lay clutches of up to 30 eggs.

6. Komodos can consume 80 percent of their body weight in one sitting.
After being exposed to air, the tongue gets retracted and its prongs are inserted into the animal’s Jacobson’s organ (located on the roof of its mouth). This enables the reptile to identify whatever flavors it’s just picked up, which allows Komodo dragons to start tasting a scrumptious carrion dinner from more than two miles away. island endemic animals that live only on an island or set of islands.
However, until they grow to a larger size, young Komodo Dragons will venture up into the trees where they will spend most of their time until they are big enough to look after themselves on the ground. Komodo Dragons tend to live for an average of 30 years in the wild. Fossil evidence from Timor and Sumba indicate that as varanids spread westwards from Australia into Asia during the beginning of the Pleistocene, they radiated into several species. Varanids may even have crossed the Wallace’s line and reached Java, as evidenced by a fossil varanid from the island with affinities to Komodo dragons (Hocknull et al., 2009).
Do Komodo dragons make good pets?
Komodo dragons live on only five islands in southeastern Indonesia: Indonesia's four islands within Komodo National Park (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang, Gili Dasami), and the island of Flores. The islands are volcanic in origin, rugged and hilly, and covered with both forest and savanna grassland.
Komodo Dragon and Human Interaction
We can have some very causing strong currents around full and new moon. The conservation office also tried to capture the crocodile by setting traps and luring it with chicken and other meat, but the animal wasn’t interested. Smaller Komodo dragons roll around in feces to avoid getting cannibalized.
What does a Komodo dragon look like?
Reaching 10 feet in length and more than 300 pounds, Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on Earth. They have long, flat heads with rounded snouts, scaly skin, bowed legs, and huge, muscular tails.
The orange-footed scrub fowl builds nests made of leaves and debris, forming a natural incubator from the heat produced from the decomposing leaves. It is easy to distinguish the source of nest-building activities, as the scrub fowl nests from January to April while the female Komodo dragons’ nest digging occurs in August and September.