$ 0.000 -1.82%
MediShares (MDS) Rank 1910
Mkt.Cap | $ 301,600.00 | Volume 24H | 82.28 MMDS |
Market share | 0% | Total Supply | 2 BMDS |
Proof type | N/A | Open | $ 0.0002 |
Low | $ 0.0001 | High | $ 0.0002 |
To get the most from sharing, Members should use PPO providers whenever possible because these providers have agreed to discount their fees to Members. Consequently, using this network generally offers significant savings, both for individual Members in the form of lower out-of-pocket expenses and also for the membership in the form of lower Monthly Share amounts.

I question Medishare’s values and mission. I took great care to find a hospital IN the Medishare network where I could go for my mammograms. While the mammograms–and ultrasounds–were covered, apparently the hospital’s physicians who read the mammograms and ultrasounds were NOT in the network, which I had no way of knowing. Therefore, I was charged $1600, twice, for the hospital’s doctors’ fees.

If you are planning on living overseas and getting routine care I would probably check with them first. We’ve had a good experience for two years with Medi-Share and have saved a lot of money. It is, of course, not technically insurance, but instead, a modeling of the early church’s example of sharing in one another’s needs. Medi-Share is simply sharing among believers. So to have the right to share, you have to be a believer and living an active Christian lifestyle.

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Replacement, repair and maintenance of prosthesis are not eligible for sharing. • Prescription drugs – Prescription medications, including maintenance medications and allergy injections, are eligible for sharing for six months per each new condition that is not pre-existing.
No court costs, experts’ fees, filing fees or other costs or expenses of a litigation nature may be deducted from CCM’s recovery for the benefit of Medi-Share Members. Otherwise, Members must not certify that Medi-Share is insurance to avoid purchasing insurance required by law, rule or regulation (for example, worker’s compensation insurance or sports activity insurance). If the maternity is eligible for sharing, the cost of treatment for complications to the mother is also eligible for sharing. The cost of treatment for child(ren) who become members at birth is eligible for sharing.

If sharing occurs, the shared medical bills are paid by the Member that incurred the bill solely from voluntary contributions of Members, not from funds of CCM itself. When a Member has Medicare, Medi-Share will be secondary. Sharing of Eligible Medical Bills incurred on or after the first day of the month a Member turns 65 is based on the difference between the Medicare-allowable charges and the actual amounts paid by Medicare. The provider must submit a copy of the Medicare Explanation of Benefits and the CMS 1500, or UB and IB form. Members who were cancelled for not sharing faithfully are welcome to reapply.

States without an exemption may want to go further and review the regulatory framework under which HCSMs operate. Some individuals may find value in HCSMs and view them as an alternative to ACA coverage. In particular, for consumers who do not receive marketplace subsidies, HCSM have lower up-front costs.
A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin MediShares (MDS)
This additional amount is calculated as 15% of the first $100,000 of Eligible Medical Bills related to a motorized vehicle or aircraft accident. This 15% is in addition to the Member’s AHP. Members agree that sex should be exclusively within Biblical Christian Marriage.

How Does Medishare Work?
As with traditional insurance, you will still pay a provider fee (like a co-pay) of $35 for doctor visits and $135 for emergency room care. Routine well patient care–such as annual physicals–and dental and vision care are not covered by Medi-Share, so you need to be prepared for those expenses throughout the year.
- Medishare is really good about talking through these potential issues and questions.
- Provider must submit case history with the recommendation for the sleep study.
- A Member can appeal bill-sharing decisions with which they disagree.
- Because Medi-Share is a faith-based organization, they have specific rules associated with membership.
- Home care services are limited to 60 calendar days from the first date of service for Home Care.
The need for medical records is determined by the nature of the illness or the circumstances of the injury. If access to requested medical records is refused, the medical bill(s) cannot be shared. As a courtesy, many PPO providers also honor their discount agreement for services ineligible for sharing (such as routine care) if Members make payment promptly after receiving the Explanation of Sharing (EOS). It’s best to identify PPO providers and facilities in your region before you seek care. To do so simply go to MyChristianCare.org/findproviders, or call the provider number on your Medi-Share ID card.

Medishare Review - Christian Group Health Care
Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing ministry program administered by Christian Care Ministry, Inc. (“Christian Care Ministry” or “CCM”). Christian Care Ministry is a Florida not for profit corporation that is recognized as tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).
My tubes are tied so maternity coverage is not needed but we are having trouble deciding what to do. My husband is a little weary of potential (unknown) risks with Christian health share accounts and is toying with reducing our tithe and sticking with an ACA. We’ve always tithed 10% and I’m struggling with that idea.
If not, the Guideline change will revert to its previous version at the close of balloting. By the Medi-Share Steering Committee – The Medi-Share Steering Committee is a group of Medi-Share Members. They are independent of CCM staff and not controlled by CCM’s Board of Directors. The Steering Committee may modify the Guidelines on the Members’ behalf if the changes do not involve major new restrictions or relaxations.
Today MediShares price in US dollars is currently 0.0040 USD, and if converted to Bitcoin is 0. A total of 319 coin's are currently circulating in the Market.
Medi-Share Coverage
The same is true for bills paid for you. The concept behind Medishare is simple. Every month you play into a pool of money that many other members pay into.

Eligible Medical Bills incurred during that time may still be submitted for sharing consideration. Christian Care Ministry understands some medical situations may cause financial hardship for Medi-Share Members. Monthly Shares may be waived for up to 3 months per 12 month period if a Member’s illness or injury causes loss of income.
Members who turn 65 and have Medicare Parts A and B can transition to Senior Assist or remain on Medi-Share if they prefer. Members who do not have Medicare Parts A and B may remain on Medi-Share. By the Board of Directors – The CCM Board of Directors aims to strengthen the Medi-Share program and/or protect its Members.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

For a full list of eligibility requirements, you can visit Medi-Share's online guidelines. Medi-Share is cost-effective because each family contributes a monthly specific dollar amount they choose based on program options. Medi-Share members are part of a preferred provider organization (PPO), which means they receive pre-negotiated rates when they use providers in that network. If a member uses a non-PPO physician or facility, there may be additional personal financial responsibility. Universal healthcare and medical marijuana.
Medi-Share members are exempt from the individual mandate clause of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which means that members are not subject to the penalty associated with not carrying insurance. As with traditional health insurance policies, there is usually a set amount that each family (or individual) has to pay prior to submitting requests to the medi-share for assistance. This amount can range from about $500 to $10,000. I’m more attracted to the Medishare way of doing things since it is more like insurance, but whenever I plug my zip code into their provider search there are none in my area. And since Samaritan’s HQ is fairly close to us hopefully the local doctors/hospitals are used to dealing with it.