$ 0.024 0.04%

NeuCoin (NEU) Rank 2107

Market Cap $0.000
Volume 24H 0 NEU
Open 24H $0.024
Low/High $0.024 - $0.024
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NeuCoin is a digital currency that is easy to use, free to try and designed for micro-transactions.

NeuCoin was created by an experienced team of entrepreneurs and technologists that previously founded multiple companies with millions of users in the music, gaming and shopping sectors - hundreds of millions of users in total.

NeuCoin’s proof-of-stake design solves the mounting cost and increasing centralization problems faced by proof-of-work systems. In addition, since it doesn’t require awarding all coins to miners, it enables distribution of the cryptocurrency in any way the coin creator deems to have the highest strategic value for the growth and adoption of the coin - a true blank slate.

NeuCoin will be open, accountable and ultimately controlled by coin holders. NeuCoin’s core code development, user growth programs, and projects to increase utility will be supported by three non-profit foundations based in Isle of Man: the Code, Growth and Utility foundations. All foundations are ultimately controlled by NeuCoin holders (1 NeuCoin = 1 vote), who have the power to hire, fire and set compensation for the foundations’ Council Members, and have a right of approval on annual budgets, spending priorities and other matters. This structure makes NeuCoin more decentralized and accountable than Bitcoin, Ripple or Stellar, let alone most of the anonymous alt coins out there.

Three billion pre-mine allocation:

- 2.4 billion held by the three non-profit foundations

-  - 0.2 billion - Code foundation

-  - 1.4 billion - Growth foundation

-  - 0.8 billion - Utility foundation

- 0.2 billion retained by team for $1 million of work invested (restricted for use or sale)

- 0.1 billion sold to initial seed investors for $250,000 (restricted for use or sale)

- 0.2 billion sold to strategic angel investors for $1 million cash invested (restricted for use or sale)

- 0.1 billion pre-sold to users in the crypto-community for BTC 4,012 (unrestricted for use or sale)

NeuCoin whitepaper


A decentralized cryptocurrency designed for online microtransactions

- easy and useful for regular consumers

- free to get started with close to zero friction

- distributed to all who grow its value and utility

- developing tangible utility over traditional currencies by creating platforms for online microtransactions

- secure, efficient and decentralized in the long-run based on an innovative proof-of-stake technology 

- supported by well-funded non-profit foundations dedicated to maximizing its utility

- founded by a team who have launched multiple consumer services with millions of users

- backed by highly accomplished strategic angel investors 

- $2.25 million in initial funding

- 100 million Neucoin tokens presold to future users for 4,012 Bitcoins

- launched in September 2015


Innovative Proof-of-stake Technology

NeuCoin’s proof-of-stake design solves the mounting cost and increasing centralization problems faced by proof-of-work systems. In addition, since it doesn’t require awarding all coins to miners, it enables distribution of the cryptocurrency in any way the coin creator deems to have the highest strategic value for the growth and adoption of the coin - a true blank slate.

Strategic Coin Distribution

To make a cryptocurrency viable, consumers, the service providers that make it useful, and buyers are all critically important. To incentivize participation by all these actors, NeuCoin’s non-profit foundations will award coins to each constituency in proportion to the value they bring to NeuCoin. Besides achieving the fairest possible distribution of the cryptocurrency, this design also maximizes its long-term value. 

To optimize for growth and adoption, a large share of the foundations’ endowment will be given to consumers in exchange for engaging with, trying out, and referring friends to NeuCoin. Another large block will be awarded to companies that help NeuCoin grow its user base and become more useful: game publishers and content providers that accept microtransactions with NeuCoin tokens, exchanges, wallets, consumer mining services, payment processors, remittance services, discounted group shopping services, marketing and distribution partners and other key services to NeuCoin users. Finally, some will be sold, with proceeds used by the foundations to increase the value of NeuCoin through consumer marketing, utility development, and core coin development.

Offering Consumers Something Useful to Do 

For consumers to want a cryptocurrency, they have to be able to do something with it that they can’t do better with traditional payment methods. From the very day that the cryptocurrency launches, NeuCoin will offer more utility and consumer-friendly services than most cryptocurrencies: free NeuCoin tokens through an engaging website, an easy online wallet and a web-based mining service that lets consumers grow their coins without ever having to even see the word “mining” or any other tech jargon. To keep incentivizing third party companies to constantly develop more services and utility, the NeuCoin Utility Foundation will pay large bounties to integrate with service providers that make it more useful: game publishers and premium digital content providers (#1 priority) exchanges (#2 priority, in all geographic markets), payment processors, wallets, and international remittance providers.

Rolling Out Microtransaction Solutions

Microtransactions may be the killer app of cryptocurrency, giving consumers access to new types of commerce not viable with traditional payment methods, such as <$1 transactions for playing or leveling up a casual game, tipping, pay-per-view, ad-free content, tiny amounts of work or advice, small donations, etc. To quickly build utility in this key strategic area, NeuCoin is developing two prototype online/mobile games based on popular, generic games that will demonstrate how NeuCoin can be incorporated into game experiences - giving out free NeuCoins as a reward for playing, winning, leveling up, etc. Having a meaningful userbase of NeuCoin-holding players will be an important leverage point as we work with leading game publishers with large exisiting user bases to integrate NeuCoin. NeuCoin has also entered partnerships with leading players in the online video, music and artist promotion spaces to develop microtransaction platforms for tipping and paid premium content. These pilot partners will help optimize user experience, conversion and monetization, after which the platforms will be rolled out to additional content providers in the music, video, photo, blog, social media publishing, adult, podcast and other areas.

Freemium Marketing to Consumers

In today’s digital economy, offering a free entry-level service is key to easing consumers into a new consumer experience. After having a positive first experience some users will buy more, or find ways to earn more. This has been a critical success factor for growth and conversion for premium consumer services like Dropbox, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Spotify, Candy Crush Saga. 

NeuCoin’s distribution strategy enables it to fuel its marketing with freemium tokens (giving users a few free NeuCoin to get started). This minimal friction is key for user adoption. NeuCoin will put a heavy focus on conversion-driven marketing, with game-like tutorials and interactive onboarding that qualifies, educates and rewards users - with no tech to read or understand and no personal information or money down to get started. Finally, social referral programs will reward free NeuCoin tokens to people who help recruit other users; special programs and bounties will be available for people active in the crypto community, influential bloggers and content creators, celebrity endorsers, etc.

Rewarding Early Adopters 

People who get in early on NeuCoin - who help create the first core of users and holders - will be highly rewarded for adding this value. NeuCoin’s economic model uses very high PoS awards, starting at 100% per year in year one, 80% in year two and gradually declining to 6% by year ten, meaning that coin holdings will multiply by up to 50X over 10 years with non-stop PoS mining.

Transparency and Governance

NeuCoin will be open, accountable and ultimately controlled by coin holders. NeuCoin’s core code development, user growth programs, and projects to increase utility will be supported by three non-profit foundations based in Isle of Man: the Code, Growth and Utility foundations. All foundations are ultimately controlled by NeuCoin holders (1 NeuCoin = 1 vote), who have the power to hire, fire and set compensation for the foundations’ Council Members, and have a right of approval on annual budgets, spending priorities and other matters. This structure makes NeuCoin more decentralized and accountable than Bitcoin, Ripple or Stellar, let alone most of the anonymous alt coins out there.

Mkt.Cap $ 0.00000000 Volume 24H 0.00000000NEU
Market share 0% Total Supply 2.15 BNEU
Proof type PoS Open $ 0.02
Low $ 0.02 High $ 0.02

NeuCoin Integrated Into Music Streaming App Jango

How does rating songs (thumbs) work? Rating helps Jango create a better playlist just for you.

It also suffers from issues related to its use of coin age in block generation. Lastly, it fails to foil attempts to precompute proofs of stake due to the static nature of its stake modifier design. What artists are expected to do with their newfound NeuCoin tips isn’t immediately clear. It is unknown at this time if NeuCoin or Jango is giving them a quick way to turn the tips into Fiat, or if the artists are expected to sell them for bitcoin and then into fiat.

In this screen you can also see a list of Similar Stations to view genre stations and artist-based stations that you may also like. Song Info You can view information about the artist and the tune you are listening to by tapping on the artist picture in the Player screen.

NeuCoin description

Since Jango is an Internet radio station, we must follow certain restrictions defined in a federal law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). For example, we can't let you create a specific playlist on demand. The DMCA also constrains the number of times we can play the same artist or the same song within a given time period (as well as the number of songs from the same album, etc.).

I fail to see how neucoin and peercoin can "help eachother ". I’m not selling my peercoins for it. It’s unfortunate that you’re not putting your weight behind peercoiN - i get the feeling its a way of making moneY.

I’m sure we all want to know what he thinks. I believe we’re all in the same boat when it comes to convincing the crypto community that there are secure and more efficient alternatives to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work. NeuCoin has a model (non-profit foundations with millions of dollars) that allows it to invest heavily in consumer adoption and utility development.

Help the ones you like move up the scale by giving them a thumbs up and becoming a fan. Songs from independent artists that get many positive votes will become a permanent tune in our database. Track Info You can view information about the artist and the tune you are listening to by tapping on the artist picture in the Player screen. Here you can access links to lyrics, latest Tweets, biography and more. Not all of the songs have this information available but we are constantly updating it.

Jango boasts over 7 million unique monthly users. Daniel Kaufmann, credited as the creator of NeuCoin was previously the CEO of Jango. That connection has apparently paid dividends for NeuCoin. With Jango integration, NeuCoin is given a mainstream usecase no other digital currency has. NeuCoin was a Paris-based cryptocurrency announced in February 2015 by Daniel Kaufman.

NeuCoin description

The signature also prevents the transaction from being altered by anybody once it has been issued. All transactions are broadcast between users and usually begin to be confirmed by the network in the following 10 minutes, through a process called mining.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Updates

Join our mailing list to get regular Blockchain and Cryptocurrency updates. While the altcoin space seems to be solidifying, the ones that will survive are the ones that find a real usecase. NeuCoin’s integration into Jango is not something that the coin itself is uniquely positioned to handle.

Blockchain Platform Zilliqa Launches Smart Contracts

It would be great to listen to a debate between you and /r/nullc. He’s a we’ll meaning and friendly person i gather, but don’t think pos works.

NeuCoin description

The pump propaganda machine, that’s what it is all about four this coin. With the checkpointing mechanism currently in place in Peercoin it wouldn’t work. I don’t remember the exact frequency but they happen often enough to prevent double spends, so they make pretty much any attack on consensus history impossible. I agree that something needs to be done to convince PoW supporters, but many of them are so invested in Bitcoin that they try to twist everything you tell them. Pillow has experience with talking to PoS critics.

  • Jango is all about making online music easy and fun - a free online music streaming service that allows you to create custom radio stations.
  • Here you can view a list of some of the artists that are included in the station.
  • A copy cat of Nu must get as large business as Nu, and overtake it.
  • The rationale for our conclusion will be explained in the following section 3.2, where we review all of the changes that NeuCoin has made to Peercoin’s design.

As you type a list of similar names will start appearing below the name you are typing. If you see the artist you were looking for in the list just tap on its name and voila! You have created a station based on that artist and music will start playing. That station, which will be named after that artist, will play music based on that artist’s style.

NeuCoin description

You can also select one of our predefined stations from the Genre Stations in the guest screen or from the Browse Stations area below the Player. Selecting a Genre or Themed Station In the Explore tab you can navigate through many different categories to find a station that suits your musical taste or your mood. These stations are created by our knowledgeable deejays and many of them are updated on a weekly basis.

NeuCoin description

Supritendent of Police (SP) arrested in India arrested in Bitcoin Extortion case.

The lure is interrogation of neucoin into possibly any or all of the businesswas businesses mentioned either outright or implicit by name dropping candy crush etc. Also the time limit for big bag holders and when they can cash out, further makes it more of a longer term thing. IN the end a pos coin costs n ed xt to nothing to print (only fork and maintain). I can see myself buying this coin for btc instead of betting on bitfinex. Same risk of losing everything, but probably better reward.

It is a fork from Peercoin[1] and is thus a proof-of-stake (POS) coin that pays interest as it is staked. The unsubscribe request may take a few days to become effective. Connecting to an Airplay or Bluetooth device When an AirPort enabled device is available in your Wi-Fi network or a Bluetooth device is Paired with your mobile device you should see a Share icon next to the volume slider. Tap on that to see a list of the available devices you can stream the music to. Skipping You can skip as many times as you like.

NeuCoin description

Bitcoin is an SHA-256 POW coin with almost 21,000,000 total minable coins. See below for a full range of Bitcoin markets where you can trade US Dollars for Bitcoin, crypto to Bitcoin and many other fiat currencies too. People who get in early on NeuCoin - who help create the first core of users and holders - will be highly rewarded for adding this value.

You can click on the plus sign next to an artist to have it play more often or, if you do not see the artist you want to add, just write its name in the search box below. In the Artist Radio section you can immediately create a station by either entering the name of an artist you want to hear in the "Enter any artist" box, or by selecting an artist from the Popular Choices. Otherwise the Jango Team of knowledgeable music aficionados has prepared a wide selection of ready-made stations for you to listen to.

Here you can access lyrics, latest Tweets, biography and more. Swipe the song info screen sideways to access more information or to see what other stations feature that song. You can then tap on these stations to check them out or tune in to them. Tap on the arrow in the top left corner of the screen to return to the player. Why can't I just play my favorite songs?

NeuCoin description


Giving a song a thumbs up will make it play more often while giving it a thumbs down will ban it from any of your stations. You can rate songs as you listen to them on your station. The songs you have rated will be stored in your Favorite Songs and Banned Songs lists, accessible from the profile menu. Keep in mind that there is a limit to the number of songs you can like or ban.

NeuCoin description

These are best if you want your playlist to stick to a certain genre or theme. Many of these stations are updated on a weekly basis so they are also the best option if you want to hear the most recent titles.


You can later review and edit the lists of songs you have rated by checking out the Favorite Songs and Banned Songs lists under the Settings menu. Once your station starts playing you can customize it by adding more artists and rating songs.

NeuCoin description