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Po.et (POE) Rank 2055

Market Cap $21,193.000
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Po.et is an  Ethereum-based decentralized ledger built to track ownership and attribution for digital creative assets. It allows users to generate immutable and timestamped titles for creative works and register their assets to the Po.et network. Po.et also gives both publishers and content creators the tools to automate the licensing process without relying on any third parties, making the process cheaper and smple.

POE is an ERC20 Ethereum-based token that represents a proportional share of the the fees and revenue generated from the commercial applications built on top of the Po.et protocol, including generating content licenses and processing license payments among others.

Mkt.Cap $ 21,193.00 Volume 24H 0.00000000POE
Market share 0% Total Supply 2.15 BPOE
Proof type Open $ 0.000007
Low $ 0.000007 High $ 0.000007

About the Position of Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry

All we have are texts, the four poems bound together in one small, unimpressively illustrated vellum manuscript. The poet Clare Shaw called his book “universally relevant”, while fellow poet Linton Kwesi Johnson described it as “the most engaging collection of poems we have read in a long time”. And the Rev Canon Mark Oakley said Antrobus was “passionate but speaking from his scars not his wounds – this is a poet you sense very deeply that you can trust”. After fiercely challenging Ted Hughes’s description of deaf children as “alert and simple” in a poem in his first collection, the deaf spoken-word poet Raymond Antrobus has won the Ted Hughes award for poetry. To suggest that the surgeons and students at the adjacent institutions, including Keats, resolved to take matters into their own hands by procuring bodies themselves is speculation at best.

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The same year that The Borough Gang unleashed its menace on St Thomas’s School, threatening students and staff at knife-point, Keats impressively aced an arduous qualifying exam that many of his contemporaries, including his flatmates, failed to pass. With everything going his way, professionally, it seems especially strange and unexpected that in December of this very year Keats should decide to abandon medicine altogether in favour of writing poetry. John Keats was born in Moorgate, London, on Halloween in 1795, the eldest of three sons and a daughter. TB, the ‘family disease’, would go on to claim the lives of both of Keats’s brothers, Tom and George, in 1818 and 1841, respectively. After five years of training with Hammond, Keats matriculated as a medical student at Guy’s Hospital, where he was quickly promoted to the prestigious position of ‘dresser’ (akin to a junior doctor in the UK’s NHS) – a role that would give him a unique vantage inside operating rooms, where he trained at the shoulder of experienced surgeons.

If this assumption is accepted, then Homer must assuredly be one of the greatest of the world’s literary artists. Antrobus was presented with his award at a ceremony on Wednesday evening, alongside the poet Wayne Holloway-Smith, who was chosen from 14,000 entries to win the £5,000 national poetry competition for his poem The Posh Mums are Boxing in the Square. Born in 1986 in London to British and Jamaican parents, Antrobus is a deaf poet whose debut collection, The Perseverance, was a Poetry Book Society choice last year. The work of a poet is essentially one of communication, either expressing ideas in a literal sense, such as writing about a specific event or place, or metaphorically.

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It is almost as if the poet is cryptically confessing to something dark, dangerous, and deeply disquieting. Such was the power of Sappho’s poem that it went on to inspire various intellectuals and poets who followed her. The Roman poet, Catullus was so enamoured of Sappho’s work that he reworked Fragment 31, which he would have known in its complete form, into his own version that even rendered the original Sapphic hendecasyllabic metre into Latin [Poem 51]. Her estimated birth date places her sometime after the composition and transmission of the works of the Homeric poets, which told the stories of the Trojan War and are preserved in the epics known as the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Translations of poet

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In a world dominated by male voices whose view of life, the universe and everything was the loudest and most respected, Sappho’s songs were regarded as extraordinary. So revered was she that the ancients called her the Tenth Muse, and her songs were passed down over centuries, inspiring generations of poets, none of whom managed to replicate her command of metre and sensual artistry. Homeric epics had a profound impact on the Renaissance culture of Italy. Since then the proliferation of translations has helped to make them the most important poems of the Classical European tradition.

“Now more than ever,” Keats concludes, “seems it rich to die,/To cease upon the midnight with no pain”. The piece is also important because it further develops the image of the poet as an artist whose themes extended beyond the sensual and romantic. While previously extant fragments and details in works such as the Suda reference Sappho’s brothers, the poem provides more insight into Sappho’s familial world. While the first three stanzas are missing, there are five complete ones, the subject of which is a speaker’s concerns for the safe return of her two brothers, Charaxos and Larichos from a maritime trading venture. But despite the hurdles and the intellectual heartache, there are rewards in recent discoveries that continue to add more words, more lines, more stanzas and sometimes even new poems to the canon.

About the Position of Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry The Poetry and Literature Center at the Library of Congress

Theaim is tofuel the nation'senthusiasm for verse and to provide aplatform for poets and poetry. Write different types of poetry verse, including odes, haikus, limericks, free verse, blank verse, tankas, narratives, doggerel, enjambment, epitaphs, allegory and cacophony. Poets held an important position in pre-Islamic Arabic society with the poet or sha'ir filling the role of historian, soothsayer and propagandist. Words in praise of the tribe (qit'ah) and lampoons denigrating other tribes (hija') seem to have been some of the most popular forms of early poetry. The sha'ir represented an individual tribe's prestige and importance in the Arabian peninsula, and mock battles in poetry or zajal would stand in lieu of real wars.

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– reference guides and hands-on practices to help cultivate skills for writing image descriptions. The module is available from a drop-down menu in Poet and provides guidance for common types of complex images such as flow charts and Venn diagrams, following an expanded list of NCAM guidelines. For each one, you will see an example, description guidelines, and even a template (if it applies). Developed by The DIAGRAM Center, the Poet image description tool is an open-source, web-based tool for creating and providing guidelines to writing image descriptions for images in existing DAISY and EPUB books.

What is a 10 line poem called?

In one form or another, poetry has been around for thousands of years. However, we might think of the epic poem as the first instance of poetry, appearing as early as the 20th century B.C. Jumping hundreds of years ahead, we might turn, then, to the sonnet form and its early appearance in the 13th century.

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  • With a mere two complete poems extant from nine books of verse, much is left to the imagination in the reconstruction of the output (and life) of this most mysterious of ancient poets.
  • If this assumption is accepted, then Homer must assuredly be one of the greatest of the world’s literary artists.
  • The same year that The Borough Gang unleashed its menace on St Thomas’s School, threatening students and staff at knife-point, Keats impressively aced an arduous qualifying exam that many of his contemporaries, including his flatmates, failed to pass.
  • Some consultants have organized and chaired literary festivals and conferences; others have filled their calendars with speaking engagements at schools and universities or by receiving the worldwide literary public in the Poetry Room.

Definition of 'poet'

How do you introduce a poem in an essay?

The purpose of haiku is to share a brief moment or event so that the reader can bring to life in his or her mind (and thus experience the same feelings) without having to physically experience what the author is expressing in the poem.

The Library of Congress keeps to a modest minimum the specific official duties it requires of the Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to afford each incumbent maximum freedom to work on his or her own projects while at the Library. Some consultants have organized and chaired literary festivals and conferences; others have filled their calendars with speaking engagements at schools and universities or by receiving the worldwide literary public in the Poetry Room. Since 1991, following the lead of Joseph Brodsky, the Poets Laureate have frequently designed programs with a national reach.

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Electronic Poet

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When he moved to Great Britain, he ceased to write poetry in Polish, but started writing novel in English.[8] He also translated poetry from English and into English. MIDDLE ENGLISH POETRY probably offers no more impressively fictional persona than theGawain-poet. Not only have scholars attempted to establish a geographical locus, a time, and a cultural milieu for the writer of the poems in British Library Cotton Nero A.x., but they have also created a single author out of what could possibly be four separate poets.

Once sensationalism became a public concern during the 1860s, critics commented repeatedly on the resemblance between the "fleshly" poets' sensuous, avant-garde poetry and sensation fiction. His recent electronic work explores the use of voice as a sound source and often involves collaboration with poets and visual artists.

Po.et description

What is a simple definition of a poem?

There are three main kinds of poetry: narrative, dramatic and lyrical. It is not always possible to make distinction between them. For example, an epic poem can contain lyrical passages, or lyrical poem can contain narrative parts.

What is a haiku poem?

○ a decastich, a poem in 10 lines.

The abstract piece is made of bronze and an LED light board which displays poems programmed in a loop. Poets of earlier times were often well read and highly educated people while others were to a large extent self-educated. A few poets such as John Gower and John Milton were able to write poetry in more than one language. Some Portuguese poets, as Francisco de Sá de Miranda, wrote not only in Portuguese but also in Spanish.[5] Jan Kochanowski wrote in Polish and in Latin,[6] France Prešeren and Karel Hynek Mácha[7] wrote some poems in German, although they were poets of Slovenian and Czech respectively. Adam Mickiewicz, the greatest poet of Polish language, wrote a Latin ode for emperor Napoleon III. Another example is Jerzy Pietrkiewicz, a Polish poet.

Homer is the presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two hugely influential epic poems of ancient Greece. If Homer did in fact compose the works, he is one of the greatest literary artists in the world, and, through these poems, he affected Western standards and ideas. The 33-year-old British Jamaican, who has performed at Glastonbury and also works as a teacher, has received the £5,000 prize for his debut The Perseverance. Described as “compelling” in the Guardian, the collection touches on family life, particularly the death of Antrobus’s father, his diagnosis with deafness as a small child, and his biracial heritage.

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The involvement of medical students themselves in assisting more seasoned body snatchers is a phenomenon that dates back to the very earliest recorded incidents of graverobbing, as the prosecution in 1319 in Bologna of four young medics, caught exhuming and dissecting an executed criminal, demonstrates. There is little doubt that there was a cosiness, if not camaraderie, between surgeon and body snatcher in Keats’s day. It is no secret that Keats was intensely fascinated with dying and that, for him, death was a soulful state towards which his spirit tended. He memorably admits in his Ode to a Nightingale that “for many a time” he has been “half in love with easeful death”, to whom he sweetly whispers “soft names in many a mused rhyme”.

What is incontestable, however, is the gruesome and gritty turn that Keats’s imagination takes when describing a grave the following year in his narrative poem Isabella, or the Pot of Basil – an adaptation of a tale from 14th-Century Italian poet Boccaccio’s collection of novellas, The Decameron. Recurring references in his poetry, moreover, to the materiality of human burial (tombs, plots, and funerary vases appear frequently in his writings) are typically appreciated as poignantly prescient of the poet’s own untimely demise at the age of 25.