$ 0.698 6.56%

Augur (REP) Rank 1350

Market Cap $5.61 M
Volume 24H 8531 REP
Open 24H $0.655
Low/High $0.655 - $0.711
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Prediction markets are widely considered the best forecasting tool. Augur is an open, global platform where anyone anywhere can create, monitor or trade in prediction markets about any topic. Think of it as an "Early Warning System'' with the most accurate event forecasts, a potential "Google Search", "Bloomberg Terminal" or "Reuters Terminal" for crowdsourced event forecasts.

The system plans to use the "Wisdom of Crowds'' ("collective intelligence'') via market incentives, "Long Tail'' dynamics and blockchain technology to securely generate a more accurate, robust and unfiltered array of dynamic event forecasts than any alternative can match.

Augur is decentralized, self-regulating, pseudonymous and autonomous. It offers the promise of markets without exposure to counterparty risk, principal-agent problems or central points of control, failure or censorship. No person is ever in direct control of someone else’s funds or in a position to single-handedly threaten the system’s integrity.

The software is comprised of smart contracts perpetually deployed on a blockchain network, which enables applications deployed to be immune to local outages while benefiting from the entire community's security. All interactions with markets are communicated as database transactions between unique accounts powered by immutable software instructions.

Mkt.Cap $ 5.61 M Volume 24H 8,531.00REP
Market share 0% Total Supply 11 MREP
Proof type Open $ 0.66
Low $ 0.66 High $ 0.71

What is Augur

It was a coveted position mainly for the great prestige it conferred on the holder; Julius Caesar became pontifex in 73 BC and pontifex maximus in 63 BCE. The founding of colonies, the beginning of a battle, the calling together of an army, sittings of the Senate, and decisions of peace or war frequently were occasions for taking auspices. The place where the ceremony was performed was not fixed but selected with a view to the matter in hand. A spot being selected, the official charged to make the observation pitched his tent there several days before.

However, the prevailing theory among linguists is that it derives from the Latin avis, meaning "bird," as the observation of the flight patterns and reading the entrails of birds was one of the predominant methods by which augurs foretold their prophecies. The verb form of the word arrived in English in the early 1600s. Augur can also be used as a noun to mean a person who interprets natural occurrences for indications of how the future will unfold. Though there are certainly modern-day fortune-tellers, augurs were more common in ancient societies, particularly in the Roman Empire. In those times, public officials and leaders would seek out an augur before pursuing major policies such as embarking on military campaigns or building new monuments.

In ancient Rome, the appointment and inauguration of any magistrate, decisions made within the people's assembly and the advancement of any campaign always required a positive auspicium. Unlike in Greece where oracles played the role of messenger of the gods, in Rome it was through birds that Jupiter's will was interpreted.[7][8] Auspices showed Romans what they were to do, or not to do; giving no explanation for the decision made except that it was the will of the gods.

A matter postponed through adverse signs from the gods could on the following or some future day be again brought forward for the auspices. If an error occurred in the auspices, the augurs could, of their own accord or at the request of the Senate, inform themselves of the circumstances and advise upon it. A consul could refuse to accept their advice while he remained in office, but on retiring he could be prosecuted. A magistrate was not bound to take notice of signs reported merely by a private person, but he could not overlook such a report from a brother magistrate.

Augur description

Unlike the Pontifex Maximus, they did not themselves function as priests, but they acted practically as head of the official religion, a tradition that continued with the Byzantine Emperors. In line with the theory of Moscow as the Third Rome, the Russian Tsars exercised supreme authority over the Russian Orthodox Church. In the past, when you said you would augur the future it meant you would predict it. That form of augur is rarely used today, but the sense of prediction — connected to an object or event — remains. If you skip a dress rehearsal before opening night of a show, it won’t augur well for your performance.

In post-Severan times (after 235 CE), the small number of pagan senators interested in becoming pontiffs led to a change in the pattern of office holding. In Republican and Imperial times no more than one family member of a gens was member of the College of Pontiffs, nor did one person hold more than one priesthood in this collegium. However, these rules were obviously loosened in the later part of the 3rd century A.D. Signs of the will of the gods were of two kinds, either in answer to a request (auspicia impetrativa) or incidental (auspicia oblativa).

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The Collegium Pontificum (College of Pontiffs) was the most important priesthood of ancient Rome. The foundation of this sacred college and the office of Pontifex Maximus is attributed to the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius.[22] Much of what is known about the Regal period in Roman history is semi-legendary or mythical. The Collegium presumably acted as advisers to the rex (king) in religious matters. The collegium was headed by the pontifex maximus, and all the pontifices held their office for life. But the pontifical records of early Rome were most likely destroyed when the city was sacked by the Gauls in 387 BCE, and the earliest accounts of Archaic Rome come from the literature of the Republic, most of it from the 1st century BC and later.

At the foundation of the Republic in 510BCE, the patricians held sole claim to this office; by 300 BCE, the office was open to plebeian occupation as well. Senior members of the collegium put forth nominations for any vacancies, and members voted on whom to co-opt. With the adoption of Christianity, the Roman emperors took it on themselves to issue decrees on matters regarding the Christian Church.

Why is the pope called Pontiff?

Pontifex was apparently a word in common currency in early Christianity to denote a bishop. The office was relinquished by the Emperor Gratianus in 382, and was assumed by the Christian Bishops of Rome. It thus became one of the titles of the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church who hold it to this day.

Words nearby augur well for

Among the most notable of those who did was Julius Caesar (63–44 BCE). The etymology of "pontifex" is uncertain, and has been since Roman times. The word appears to consist of the Latin word for "bridge" and the suffix for "maker". However, there is a possibility that this definition is a folk etymology for an Etruscan term,[6] since Roman religion was heavily influenced by Etruscan religion, and very little is known about the Etruscan language, which is not Indo-European.

Augur description

Augur in Games

One of the most famous auspices is the one which is connected with the founding of Rome. Once the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, arrived at the Palatine Hill, the two argued over where the exact position of the city should be.

Romulus was set on building the city upon the Palatine, but Remus wanted to build the city on the strategic and easily fortified Aventine Hill. The two agreed to settle their argument by testing their abilities as augures and by the will of the gods. Each took a seat on the ground apart from one another, and, according to Plutarch, Remus saw six vultures, while Romulus saw twelve. While the title Pontifex Maximus has for some centuries been used in inscriptions referring to the Popes, it has never been included in the official list of papal titles published in the Annuario Pontificio.

For example, if a quaestor on his entry to office observed lightning and announced it to the consul, the latter must delay the public assembly for the day. The word augur first entered English in the 1500s as a noun adapted from the Latin augur, the word for the religious oracle who read natural signs to predict favorable or unfavorable outcomes, especially at the behest of Roman statesmen and leaders. Prior to this use, however, it is unclear where the word came from. Some experts theorize that it comes from the Latin word augere, meaning "to increase," as in to predict an increase in the yield of crops at harvest.

Roman augurs typically interpreted flight paths of birds to determine heavenly will. In a looser sense, anyone who points something out to be a sign of what lies ahead can be said to be an augur. A tarot reader is certainly an augur, but so is your friend who predicted they would have a good day after their favorite song woke them up on their radio alarm. Roman augurs were part of a college (Latin collegium) of priests who shared the duties and responsibilities of the position.

Augur description

augur well for

  • Augur’s Reputation token (REP) is an Ethereum token designed for reporting and disputing the outcome of events on online prediction markets.
  • Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus (132–130 BCE) was the first to leave Italy voluntarily.
  • If you are interested in the question of how to mine the Augur coin, we have great news for you.
  • The time for observing auspices was, as a rule, between midnight and dawn of the day fixed for any proposed undertaking.
Augur description

Other sources are Cicero, Livy, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Valerius Maximus, Plutarch's Life of Numa Pompilius, Festus' summaries of Verrius Flaccus, and in later writers, including several of the Church Fathers. Some of these sources present an extensive list of everyday prohibitions for the Pontifex Maximus; it seems difficult to reconcile these lists with evidence that many Pontifices Maximi were prominent members of society who lived normal, non-restricted lives. It is not clear which of the two came first or had the most importance. In practice, particularly during the late Republic, the office of Pontifex Maximus was generally held by a member of a politically prominent family.

Augur description

Can you mine augur?

If you are interested in the question of how to mine the Augur coin, we have great news for you. Augur coin mining works on the principle of Proof-of-Work. Mining of the Augur coin is carried out by the same hardware and software, as well as of the other coins based on Ethereum.

Augur description

The Latin root stems from an ancient Roman religious official who predicted the future from omens. The official list of titles of the Pope given in the Annuario Pontificio includes "Supreme Pontiff of the whole Church" (in Latin, Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis) as the fourth title, the first being "Bishop of Rome". The office came into its own with the abolition of the monarchy, when most sacral powers previously vested in the King were transferred either to the Pontifex Maximus or to the Rex Sacrorum, though traditionally a (non-political) dictator[30] was formally mandated by the Senate for one day, to perform a specific rite. The very story or legend of the foundation of Rome is based on augury, i.e. the ascertaining of the will of gods through observation of the sky and of birds.

It would be difficult to execute any public act without consulting the auspices. The official residence of the Pontifex Maximus was the Domus Publica ("State House") which stood between the House of the Vestal Virgins and the Via Sacra, close to the Regia, in the Roman Forum. Unless the pontifex maximus was also a magistrate, he was not allowed to wear the toga praetexta, i.e. toga with the purple border. In artistic representations, he can be recognized by his holding an iron knife (secespita)[6] or the patera,[24] and the distinctive robes or toga with part of the mantle covering the head (capite velato), in keeping with Roman practice. The major Republican source on the pontiffs would have been the theological writings of Varro, which survive only in fragments preserved by later authors such as Aulus Gellius and Nonius Marcellus.

That is, people are asked to predict the outcome of any event on the principle of a casino, for which they can earn a certain amount of REP. By the way, to ask a question at the site, you also need to spend a certain amount of crypto coins. If you are interested in the question of how to mine the Augur coin, we have great news for you. Augur coin mining works on the principle of Proof-of-Work. Mining of the Augur coin is carried out by the same hardware and software, as well as of the other coins based on Ethereum. 8,800,000 REP tokens were sold at the time, with the remaining held by the founding team.


Augur description

It can be used to bet on sporting events, political outcomes, economies, and just about everything else in the prediction markets. Online gambling is a $52 billion a year industry and Augur intends to carve a tiny percentage and make the REP coin a winner.

v indicate by signs

Augur description

Numa is said to have founded Roman religion after dedicating an altar on the Aventine Hill to Jupiter Elicius and consulting the gods by means of augury.[22] Numa wrote down and sealed these religious instructions, and gave them to the first Pontifex Maximus, Numa Marcius. Augur, in ancient Rome, one of the members of a religious college whose duty it was to observe and interpret the signs (auspices) of approval or disapproval sent by the gods in reference to any proposed undertaking. The augures were originally called auspices, but, while auspex fell into disuse and was replaced by augur, auspicium was retained as the term for the observation of signs.

Augur’s Reputation token (REP) is an Ethereum token designed for reporting and disputing the outcome of events on online prediction markets. Reporters are rewarded for reporting the outcome of events correctly. Augur is a decentralized platform with a cryptocurrency of the same name (denoted as REP), based on the Ethereum blockchain. The peculiarity of this project is that users can earn a REP coin for predictions.

Such signs included thunder and lightning, the behaviour of birds (the direction of their flight, their singing, their feeding habits), other animal behaviour, and virtually any other unusual phenomena. Among the other means of discovering the will of the gods were the casting of lots, Sibylline oracles, and, more commonly, the examination of the entrails of animals slain for sacrifice. Anything abnormal found there was brought under the notice of the augurs, but usually the Etruscan Haruspices were employed for this. Augurs were consulted for the election of magistrates, their entering an office, the holding of a public assembly to pass decrees, and the setting out of an army for war. Auspices could be taken only in Rome itself; in case of a commander’s having to renew his auspices, he must either return to Rome or select a spot in the foreign country to represent the hearth of that city.

What did poor Romans eat?

Augury, prophetic divining of the future by observation of natural phenomena—particularly the behaviour of birds and animals and the examination of their entrails and other parts, but also by scrutiny of man-made objects and situations.

Plutarch described Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio (141–132 BCE) as the first to leave Italy, after being forced by the Senate to do so, and thus break the sacred taboo. Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus (132–130 BCE) was the first to leave Italy voluntarily. Afterwards it became common and no longer against the law for the Pontifex Maximus to leave Italy.

The time for observing auspices was, as a rule, between midnight and dawn of the day fixed for any proposed undertaking. Historically, augury was performed by priests of the college of augurs on behalf of senior magistrates. The practice itself likely comes from the neighboring region of Etruria, where augers were highly respected as officials. Magistrates were empowered to conduct augury as required for the performance of their official duties.

What is an auger machine?

An Auger Boring Machine (ABM) is used to bore horizontally through soil or rock with a cutting head and auger. The majority of ABMs are used to install pipe casing under railroads, highways, airport runways, creeks or any area of ground that cannot be open cut or disturbed in any way.