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Market Cap $422,812.000
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diamond in the rough

most people don’t realize this and simply refer to it as a cone. Calling it the cone of shame was popularized by the movie UP, where it was used as a punishment. Since dogs generally hang their head when first wearing one (and typically hate wearing them), calling them the cone of shame has become even more popular.

Correct spelling for RUF

The ruff forages in wet grassland and soft mud, probing or searching by sight for edible items. It primarily feeds on insects, especially in the breeding season, but it will consume plant material, including rice and maize, on migration and in winter. Classified as "least concern" on the IUCN Red List criteria, the global conservation concerns are relatively low because of the large numbers that breed in Scandinavia and the Arctic. However, the range in much of Europe is contracting because of land drainage, increased fertiliser use, the loss of mown or grazed breeding sites, and over-hunting. This decline has seen it listed in the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA).

Queen Elizabeth the First is credited with popularizing the Elizabethan collar for humans, which was made of lace and was a stiff ruff added to clothing to keep someone’s clothing from getting dirty around their neck. The answer is that there is no universally accepted sound that humans use to represent dog barks. The only thing that seems to come close to being unanimously agreed upon about dog barks is that dogs almost always speak twice—thus a Hebrew dog says "hav-hav", a Japanese dog says "wan-wan" and a Kurdish dog says "hau-hau".

Who invented the Ruff?

Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was a rebel army that fought a failed eleven-year war in Sierra Leone, starting in 1991 and ending in 2002. It later developed into a political party, which still exists today.

Ruff description

The quality of the fabric was important and became of status symbol for the upper class. The collar was made to cover the neck, chin, shoulders and chest on women and the neck and shoulders for men. Members of the royal court and other aristocrats had their ruffs made from a plain, lightweight, closely woven cotton cloth called Lawn or Cambric.

There are non-canine species with vocalizations that are sometimes described as barking. Because the alarm call of the muntjac resembles a dog's bark, they are sometimes known as "barking deer". The purpose of an Elizabethan collar is to prevent an animal from reaching a specific part of their own body to keep them from licking or chewing, either on a wound, sore (like a hot spot) or stitches after a surgical procedure. They are usually used on dogs and cats, but I have heard of instances of them being used on birds (for feather plucking) and on horses. The small end is put around the pet’s neck so their head is within the confines of the cone and the larger circle of the cone projects out from the dog’s body away from their neck.

Ruff description

You just copyrigthed a list of dog barks?

Ruff description

If they hear a "moan", they will often respond with a single "Bark". E-Collars are still primarily made of plastic, although cloth ones are also available, and different styles exist. There is even an inflatable model now, which looks like a large doughnut that goes around the pet’s neck. While they look comfortable, I would not trust my dog with this type of E-collar; one well-placed grab with a tooth or toenail and it would be history (and believe me, Skye would be doing her best to puncture it).

Ruff description

A drawstring through the top, when pulled tight, created an incipient ruff. The ruff increased in size, becoming a symbol of the aristocracy. Women wanted to show their status in society and also wished to expose the bosom, so the ruff developed as a half circle—open in front and rising in back. It’s not clear who actually invented the style of E-collar for pets that we know today. In early 1930, a vet named Edward J. Schilling used a cone collar for dogs after surgery to prevent licking.

Why do judges still wear wigs?

Ginsburg was appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of office on August 10, 1993. She is the second female justice (after Sandra Day O'Connor) of four to be confirmed to the court (along with Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who are still serving).

Many dogs will bark at something in their environment, such as a noisy car going past, the appearance of other animals, or even the weather. A little of this is normal, but you should reassure your dog that there is nothing to be worried about. In many cases this type of barking will be short-lived, but if it becomes a habit, talk to your vet about finding a solution. Various bark collars have been both praised, and criticised, and some are considered inhumane by various people and groups. Electrical devices especially come under criticism by people who consider them torturous and akin to electrocution.

Here is a list of the sounds dogs make when they bark in more than 60 languages. Many people have a love-hate relationship with the Elizabethan collar, but by using one for your pet when you need to, you can eliminate the need for medicating your animal to keep it calmer. They may look funny, but E-collars greatly help to prevent the need for re-stitching a wound that has been opened by your pet’s excessive licking. However, this article is about the Elizabethan collar for pets, which was first patented by F.L. I couldn’t find any other information about the person who invented this device, so I can’t tell you if they were a veterinarian or just someone who wanted to help their own animal.

Medical reasons for Elizabethan collars

  • Over the years I have collected over 100 dog bark words from more than 60 different languages.
  • The controversial surgical procedure known as 'debarking' is a veterinary procedure for modifying the voice box so that a barking dog will make a significantly reduced noise.
  • Ruffs remain part of the formal attire of bishops and ministers in the Church of Denmark (including Greenland) and the Church of the Faroe Islands and are generally worn for services.
  • I can't tell you why people won't allow to post anything here.
  • You can also read about preventing excessive barking here.

For example a "Bark pause Bark pause pause Bark" means who is there? and after that sequence, other dogs will Bark also.

Ruff description

These were considered expensive fine linens and gave the ruff a silky feeling. The Elizabethan ruff became fashionable for people from all walks of life to wear during the mid 1500s in England. Today, a similar garment called the E-collar is worn by dogs and cats, primarily to prevent them from being able to reach wounds and stitches. We jokingly refer to the E-collar as the cone of shame, radar dish, pet lampshade, Buster collar or pet cone, but during the Elizabethan era this type of collar was considered to be high fashion.

Ruff description

At other times you might not know why your dog is barking, so attempting to work out what they’re trying to communicate to you will help you understand your dog better. Debarking is illegal in many European states and opposed by animal welfare organizations. The controversial surgical procedure known as 'debarking' is a veterinary procedure for modifying the voice box so that a barking dog will make a significantly reduced noise.

By the end of the 16th century, the ruff was generally replaced by other types of collars. Once again, in the early 19th century, a modified ruff became fashionable for women’s daytime wear. The famed female justice, known colloquially as the Notorious RBG (in reference to the rapper, of course), changed things up in late 2012, and began to rotate in more ostentatious collars than her usual fare. I went to this web site to find out if all Dogs have the same sequence of barks meaning the same in the USA and Europe?

Ruff description

The collars are secured through the use of Velcro or through rope. Serving the same purpose as a plastic collar but being much easier on the animal, these collars are made of soft fabric and tighten through the use of Velcro. While it may be more comfortable, these cones usually impede the vision of animals more than the plastic version. It’s actually called an Elizabethan collar, or E-collar for short. An electric shock collar is also called an e-collar as well.

How can my dog sleep with a cone on?

Ask A Vet: Why Do We Hate The Cone Of Shame? An E-collar, short for Elizabethan collar, is a device used to prevent self-mutilation in animal patients. An animal's instinct drives him to lick and rub in response to the itchy feeling associated with healing and can delay (or prevent) complete recovery.

Bark (sound)

Ruff description

Occasionally a dog might bark excessively, which can be annoying if it continues for a long period of time. If you find your dog barking excessively, the best thing to do is to try and identify the cause. If the problem can’t be solved by teaching your dog to cope with the stimulus (such as strangers passing by), or you cannot identify the problem, ask your vet for advice. You can also read about preventing excessive barking here.

Throughout Elizabeth’s rule, the collar grew in size. Some of the more extreme ruffs were 12” wide or more.

However most Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals agree[citation needed] that in a last resort even an electric collar is better than euthanasia if it comes to an ultimatum, for a stubborn dog that will not stop any other way. It is generally agreed that understanding the communication and retraining by reward is the most effective and most humane way.

Ruff description

Why do dogs hate the cone of shame?

In general, to protect your pup's neck, Hodges recommends rotating between a few different collars and regularly checking that they still fit well. She also recommends letting your dog sleep at night without a collar to give your pet's skin a chance to air out.

Ruff description

Combination and escalation devices - many sound and/or electrical collars have combination or escalation systems. A combination system is one that (for example) uses both sound and spray together.

However, unlike body signals, barking can represent different things to different dogs. The pitch or volume of the bark will increase with the dog’s level of emotion. Not Only Dogs, But Deer, Monkeys And Birds Bark To Deal With Conflict.