$ 0.761 1.43%

SONM (SNM) Rank 822

Market Cap $33.78 M
Volume 24H 486710 SNM
Open 24H $0.750
Low/High $0.708 - $0.809
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SONM is a a multi-purpose decentralized supercomputer for general purpose computing, allowig users to monetize their idle hardware and providing services that range from site hosting to scientific calculations. The SONM project implements a fog computing structure instead of a costly cloud structure, reducing middlemen fees. The SNM token is required to buy and sell computational power in the SONM network.

Mkt.Cap $ 33.78 M Volume 24H 486,710.00SNM
Market share 0% Total Supply 444 MSNM
Proof type Open $ 0.75
Low $ 0.71 High $ 0.81

Sonm — Decentralized Fog Computing Platform

SONM description

Develop load-balancing and discovery software that will use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market, and deploy tasks for CDN nodes in SONM. Choose an open source object storage and make it run using SONM resources. The users should be able to use the object storage as a cloud service, using S3 or Swift interface to customers. Prepare docker image and SONM task spec for Spark slaves.

"New SONM challenge based on Kubernetes related tasks," in Q2 2019. They do this using a cryptographic method developed in the 1980’s called multi-party computation. Enigma is building out their own chain that will be able to do the storage and compute. Computing nodes may be connected by networks with different latency and throughput.

SONM description

The users should be able to use Redis, MongoDB or other well-known APIs to manage data. Choose an open source network storage and make it run using SONM resources. Choose an open-source CDN software, that is capable of serving static web files or stream audio/video.

SONM description

There will be 14 tasks to choose from, and you will work with SONM Advisors on the task you picked. The SNM token is an internal currency on the Sonm computing power marketplace. With SNM you can get access to the unlimited resources provided by Sonm.

Configure the service to use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market and deploy tasks for render nodes in SONM. It has to analyze the cryptocurrency market to evaluate mining incomes. It also has to use SONM’s public API to monitor the market, create Buy orders, start mining tasks and monitor deals.

Kubernetes Task Challenge

Create docker image and SONM task spec to run iExec node by customer. The node should be able to execute iExec tasks in iExec network and earn tokens. Create docker image and SONM task to run Provider Golem node by customer.

Decentralized Cloud Services

The node should be able to execute Golem tasks in Golem network and earn tokens. The software should be able to scale well while stored data is growing and should successfully resist node failure. One of the biggest challenges for SONM is enforcing security on running tasks. The supplier has full access to the PC with running tasks, so they can get all task data and code - and even emulate tasks, thereby providing false results to the customer. This is about development on Docker Containers and is open to all to enter.

SONM description

The users should be able to use Postgress, JDBC or other well-known API to manage data. The service should use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market and deploy tasks for slave nodes. Choose an open source KV-storage and make it run using SONM resources.

SONM description

Game engine must be capable of leveraging network effects. Develop an engine for a classic Game of Life, that will be able to work using combined power of multiple computing nodes from SONM IaaS.

The software should be able to scale to increase neural network training speed. iEx.ec is a distributed supercomputer project based on cryptocurrency.

  • The users should be able to use Redis, MongoDB or other well-known APIs to manage data.
  • The service should use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market and deploy tasks for slave nodes.
  • The successful software should provide acceptable performance using SONM distributed networking.
  • Choose an open source RDBMS and make it run using SONM resources.
SONM description

You can either rent out your hardware or use someone’s computing power for your needs.

SONM description

Sonm Status Announcement (English)

Develop a service that will provide neural network distributed training. Configure the service to use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market, and deploy tasks in SONM for render nodes. Choose a demo model and training data at least 10GB in size. Choose rendering engine software (open source or commercial) and prepare docker image and SONM task spec.

Sonm weekly update 2019-09-03

It also has to use SONM’s public API to monitor the market, check available resources, create Sell orders, manage deals. The aim of Sonm is to attract private users and data centers with free computing resources, and to form an open market based on these resources. A market where buyers, on a competitive basis, can find the resources to run their applications. SONM is offering general-purpose computing cloud-like services (IaaS, PaaS) based on fog computing as a backend. Computing power suppliers (hosts) all over the world can contribute their computing power to SONM marketplace.

SONM description

Choose rendering farm software manager (open source or commercial) and deploy a service. Configure the service to use SONM public API to buy resources on the SONM market and deploy tasks in SONM for render nodes. Choose an open source RDBMS and make it run using SONM resources.

Provide a solution description and a prototype to prevent suppliers from intruding SONM tasks. This stage is only for those who have been successful in the first challenge and have been invited to participate in the second round.

The main idea of fog computing is the use of a decentralized network formed from disparate individual computing devices, as opposed to a single data center structure. We are developing a universal IT infrastructure capable of performing CGI rendering tasks, neural network training algorithms, hosting websites and other applications. Sonm provides cloud services based on distributed customer level hardware including PCs, mining equipment, and servers.

SONM description

The successful software should provide acceptable performance using SONM distributed networking. The software should be able to scale well while task queue is growing and should successfully resist node failure.

SONM description

It’s capable of running grid computing tasks, thus generating revenues to spare resource owners. Golem is a distributed supercomputer project based on cryptocurrency. It’s capable of running grid computing tasks, thus generating revenues. The successful software will enable clients to earn more money by running cryptocurrency tasks.

Fog Computing Backend

It’s a tough challenge to keep data private; even though SONM runs all tasks in Docker containers, they also have partners that run nodes sign NDA’s. Most projects are relying on existing container runtimes like Docker to satisfy this requirement. However, there are two projects in this space that are doing something unique and are worth calling out. The software is/has to run on SONM’s supplier’s side 24x7.